Gustavus Loomis
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Gustavus Loomis (1789-1872) was an American soldier, born at Thetford, Vt. He graduated at West Point in 1811, entered the army as second lieutenant of artillerists, and, after doing garrison duty in the harbor of New York in 1812-13, was ordered in the latter year to the Niagara frontier. He assisted in the capture of Fort George (May 27, 1813) and was made prisoner at Fort Niagara on December 19 following. In 1832-33, during the Black Hawk War, he was in garrison at Fort Crawford, Wis., in 1837, in 1856-58 served against the Seminole Indians, and in 1857-58 commanded the Department of Florida. During the Civil War he was superintendent of the general recruiting services, and in 1863 was retired from active service with rank of colonel of infantry. In 1865 he was brevetted brigadier general for long and faithful service in the army.
- This article incorporates text from an edition of the New International Encyclopedia that is in the public domain.