Help without Frontiers
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Help without Frontiers (Aiutare senza Confini , Helfen ohne Grenzen) is an aid organization with its main office in Bolzano, South Tyrol/Italy and two branch offices in Germany and Austria, respectively. The organization which is based on voluntary service assists the ethnic minorities of Burma (renamed Myanmar) threatened and forced to flee from the persecutions and repressions of one of the most cruel military governments, the SPDC. The territory in which the association operates is located along both sides of the Thai-Burma border.
Help without Frontiers invests 100% of the donations received(approx. 300.000 Euro/380.000 USD in 2005) into its projects. The expenses for administration, travels and communication are covered by the members of the association themselves, by public grants and grants from companies thanks to a specific sponsoring program.
The goals of Help without Frontiers are:
• to carry out long-term projects in cooperation with the refugees of the various ethnic groups, in first place Karen people and Shan people seeking refuge in Thailand and in the IDP hiding spots in the remote jungle areas inside Burma.
• to invest the money received in an effective and entrepreneurial way
• to allow volunteers to cooperate on the spot
• to keep people at home informed about the actual extent of the human tragedy in Burma, particularly about he genocide taking place hidden to the eyes of the world
• To spread regularly (on our site and through newsletters) the news reported in the international press on the situation in Burma and on the condition of the refugees.
Projects (April 2006)
• Up to now Help without Frontiers started 42 schools for more than 4.000 children, 22 of them are IDP schools in the remote jungle aereas inside Burma.
• Help without Frontiers, together with the District Government od the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/ Italy, funds a prosthetic workshop with connected Trauma Department. Every year more than 200 prosthesis are produced for minevictimes and more than 500 people are treated for different accidents and traumas.
• Help without Frontiers runs a Mobile Health Service, which takes care of around 7.000 refugees in their ghettos.
• Help without Frontiers supports 2 orphan houses, 7 student dormitories and 2 nursery schools for refugee children.
• Help without Frontiers printed 50.000 textbook and dispatched them to IDP schools inside Burma
• In addition to the above, Help without Frontiers fundsart classes, teachers trainings,computer classes with the supply of the necessary equipment, sports events for boys and girls, and many other small forms of assistance.