House of Yahweh
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The House of Yahweh is a religious organization based in Abilene, Texas. Its "Pastor and Overseer" is Yisrayl (Israel) Hawkins (formerly "Buffalo" Bill Hawkins). The group claims membership of all races from nations all over the globe welcoming all "who will repent of sin and follow Yahweh's Law."
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[edit] Beliefs
The House of Yahweh are a group who believe it is the one true faith as revealed by the Creator from the beginning and reestablished again in what they believe are the prophesied end times.
Along with other sacred name groups, the HoY recognizes Yahweh as the name of the Creator and Heavenly Father. They recognize Yahshua as the name of Yahweh's Son and Messiah. Unlike other sacred name groups however, the HoY uses the names of Yahweh and Yahshua exclusively. The HoY teaches that all other titles, such as God (El, Elohim, Theos, Deus, etc.), Lord (Ba'al, Adonai, Kyrios, Dominus, etc.), Jesus and Christ are names and/or titles of pagan beings that were forced onto the true "Mighty One." (Hawkins refuses to even call Yahweh a god, teaching that Scripture refers to Satan, not Yahweh, as "the god of this world", [1])
The use of the names "Yahweh" and "Yahshua" are believed to be essential to salvation. The name "Jehovah" (and its variants) is shunned as an error dating from the middle ages. See the article Jehovah for more information.
To the casual observer The HoY appear to be either a form of Messianic Judaism or some combination of Judaism and Christianity. The organization makes no claim to be associated with any of these faiths (or for that matter, any other faith) and asserts that all of them (Christianity especially) are corrupt and false.
[edit] Similarities to Judaism
Like Judaism, The HoY teaches the keeping of the Torah (consisting of the body of 613 laws and rules found in the Pentateuch). Members adhere to a kosher diet, free of pork, shellfish and blood. They also wear garments similar to the Jewish yarmulke and tallit (but only in worship services and private prayer). Members regularly perform ritual ablutions and are baptized and blessed when they become a member (Christian baptism is seen as an Old Testament concept stemming from these ablutions). The keeping of these laws, they claim, is the answer to all the world's problems (sickness, poverty, war, hatred, crime etc.). HoY members attain to a high standard of ethical and moral conduct defined by the 613 Laws and claim they cover every aspect of life. These laws, they say, promote true peace and define and teach true love for Yahweh and one's fellow man and woman.
[edit] Festivals
Like Judaism (and some para-Christian groups), The HoY keeps the seventh day Sabbath as opposed to the Sunday "Lord's Day". Christmas, Easter, and birthdays are not celebrated, but the House of Yahweh keeps the annual festivals of the Old Testament instead (Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost (Shavuot or Shavous), The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana), The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot or Sukkus)).
In addition to these, once a year on the evening before Passover, members hold a solemn observance they call Yahshua's Memorial, referring to the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. This is their version of Communion or "The Lord's Supper" and they partake of unleavened bread and wine as symbols of the body and blood of Jesus. It is not to be confused with the joyous Passover celebration on the following evening, but is observed on the night before when Jesus was betrayed and is a time of quiet introspection. Members also wash one another's feet and Miriam (Mary) Magdalene is remembered on this night as well.
HoY members believe that The House of Yahweh Sanctuary, located in Clyde, Texas (though, their main headquarters is located in nearby Abilene), is the place established by prophecy as the only place on earth where Yahweh's Feasts are to be observed at this time and three times a year they make a pilgrimage from all over the world to Abilene to celebrate Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.
Like Judaism and Christianity, HoY teaches tithing as found in the Bible. Even though it is considered one of the 613 Laws, it is reported that tithing and all other offerings/donations are strictly voluntary.
[edit] Similarities to Christianity
Like Christianity, members believe in Jesus Christ as the messiah, whom they refer to as Yahshua (Hebrew for "Yahweh is salvation"). They teach that Yahshua Messiah is the Son of Yahweh but was begotten in the flesh, being born a man. He became the son of Yahweh at the time he was baptized by Yahchanan the Immerser (John the Baptist). Yahweh confirmed this when He spoke from Heaven. He lived a perfect life as our example by keeping Yahweh's 613 Laws (sin is defined as the breaking of any of these laws and by keeping them Yahshua was without sin).
HoY members believe that He was said to be framed for insurrection but His true "crime" was the "heresy" of openly using Yahweh's Name (which by this time was considered too holy to say) and keeping the old Laws while rejecting new customs. After an illegal trial where He was flogged and tormented, He was nailed to a pole (not a cross) and executed by the civil authorities. He died for our sins as a spotless sin/atonement offering, becoming a Passover Lamb (his execution said to take place on the preparation day for Passover when the lambs were being slaughtered and prepared for the Passover Seder commencing after sunset). He was buried in the late afternoon on a Wednesday just prior to sunset. Three days and three nights later just prior to sunset on Saturday evening, he was resurrected from the dead. Subsequently, some 40 days later, he ascended into Heaven to sit as High Priest over the House of Yahweh. He is waiting until the prophesied "end-time" to return as King of Kings, establishing Yahweh's Kingdom on Earth and preventing humankind from ultimately destroying themselves.
[edit] Yahweh's exclusivity
In HoY theology, Yahweh is the only one who deserves worship or adoration, and is the sovereign and only creator and ruler of the universe. Yahshua Messiah gave all glory, honor and obedience to Yahweh Who is not a trinity, but one individual being with no equal or partners. (The trinity doctrine is seen as a horrible blasphemy with its origins not found in scripture, but in ancient pagan religions.) Yahshua is not seen as a divine being, nor did he preexist before his conception by Miriam (Mary). The Holy Spirit is Yahweh's creative force, not a personal being.
Unlike either Judaism or Christianity, they make no distinction between the "Old" and "New" Testaments, claiming the "New Testament" (or covenant) is not new but is a continuation and "renewal" of the Old Testament, reaffirming and reestablishing it, interpreting Yahshua's teaching that "I have not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it" in this way. In addition, The HoY rejects religious customs and traditions that conflict with their interpretation of the Torah.
In the attempt to purify true religion from pagan elements, all "pagan" names, words, and concepts are eschewed. They also publish an edition of the Bible (The Book of Yahweh), which removes any and all words or concepts which are thought to be pagan corruptions, including removal of God/Elohim in favor of "Yahweh", as well as changing names to remove these influences (e.g. Yliyah for Elijah, Yechetzqyah for Ezekiel, Riyyah for Ruth, Yahchanan for John).
[edit] Current events
In their February 2006 Newsletter, Yisrayl Hawkins announced that the world should prepare for a nuclear war which will start 12 September 2006
. Despite the fact that the prophesied nuclear war did not start on the predicted date, the website of the "House of Yahweh" continues to insist on the accuracy of its prophecy.Kenyan followers of the House of Yahweh believe in a prophecy that the end of the world will begin on or before September 12, 2006. Members of the sect expect to survive what is considered will take the form of a nuclear catastrophe by converting their homes into nuclear shelters. The specific prophecy appears on the front page of the House of Yahweh website. It is also addressed in the publication "The End" by Yisrayl (Israel) Hawkins. The sect was introduced to Kenya in 1997. (BBC)
Recently, the leaders of the sect in Kenya were arrested, and subsequently released on bail after giving assurances that they would refrain from inciting fear in the local population. Following the predicted "doomsday" date predicted by the Kenyan sect, leaders of the group have reportedly fled Kenya. [2]
[edit] External links
- House of Yahweh Homepage
- Yisrayl Hawkin's Home Page
- February 2006 Newsletter
- The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program
- BBC News article
- Short bio of Hawkins
- The Cult of the House of Yahweh — A critical bio of Hawkins
- Yisrayl Hawkins of Abilene, TX — An evangelical Christian critique of Hawkins and his group
- BBC News article
- Sacred Name Groups
[edit] References
- ^ February 2006 Newsletter The House Of Yahweh Newsletter: February 2006.