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/* jsDOMenu Version 1.3 Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Toh Zhiqiang Released on 16 January 2005 jsDOMenu is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL license Refer to license.txt for more informatiom */ /* Determine whether the browser is IE5.0. */ function isIE50() { // Private method return isIE5() && !isIE55(); } /* Determine whether the browser is IE5.5. */ function isIE55() { // Private method return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 5.5") > -1; } /* Determine whether the browser is IE5.0 or IE5.5. */ function isIE5() { // Private method return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 5") > -1; } /* Determine whether the browser is IE6. */ function isIE6() { // Private method return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6") > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") == -1; } /* Determine whether the browser is IE. */ function isIE() { // Private method return isIE5() || isIE6(); } /* Determine whether the browser is Opera. */ function isOpera() { // Private method return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") > -1; } /* Determine whether the browser is Safari. */ function isSafari() { // Private method return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") > -1; } /* Determine the page render mode. 0: Quirks mode. 1: Strict mode. */ function getPageMode() { // Private method if (document.compatMode) { switch (document.compatMode) { case "BackCompat": return 0; case "CSS1Compat": return 1; case "QuirksMode": return 0; } } else { if (ie5) { return 0; } if (safari) { return 1; } } return 0; } /* Alias for document.getElementById(). */ function getElmId(id) { // Private method return document.getElementById(id); } /* Alias for document.createElement(). */ function createElm(tagName) { // Private method return document.createElement(tagName); } /* Get the x-coordinate of the cursor position relative to the window. */ function getX(e) { // Private method if (!e) { var e = window.event; } if (safari) { return e.clientX - getScrollLeft(); } else { return e.clientX; } } /* Get the y-coordinate of the cursor position relative to the window. */ function getY(e) { // Private method if (!e) { var e = window.event; } if (safari) { return e.clientY - getScrollTop(); } else { return e.clientY; } } /* Get the scrollLeft property. */ function getScrollLeft() { // Private method switch (pageMode) { case 0: return document.body.scrollLeft; case 1: if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft > 0) { return document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } else { return document.body.scrollLeft; } } } /* Get the scrollTop property. */ function getScrollTop() { // Private method switch (pageMode) { case 0: return document.body.scrollTop; case 1: if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop > 0) { return document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else { return document.body.scrollTop; } } } /* Get the clientHeight property. */ function getClientHeight() { // Private method switch (pageMode) { case 0: return document.body.clientHeight; case 1: if (safari) { return self.innerHeight; } else { if (!opera && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight > 0) { return document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { return document.body.clientHeight; } } } } /* Get the clientWidth property. */ function getClientWidth() { // Private method switch (pageMode) { case 0: return document.body.clientWidth; case 1: if (safari) { return self.innerWidth; } else { if (!opera && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth > 0) { return document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else { return document.body.clientWidth; } } } } /* Convert the string into lower camel case. */ function toCamelCase(input) { // Private method var inputArray = input.split("-"); if (inputArray.length == 1) { return inputArray[0]; } else { var camelCase = inputArray[0]; for (var i = 1, len = inputArray.length; i < len; i++) { camelCase += inputArray[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + inputArray[i].substring(1); } return camelCase; } } /* Get the value of the property of the object. */ function getPropVal(obj, propertyName) { // Private method var propertyValue =[toCamelCase(propertyName)]; if (propertyValue) { return propertyValue; } else { if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj, null).getPropertyValue(propertyName); } else { if (obj.currentStyle) { return obj.currentStyle[toCamelCase(propertyName)]; } else { return null; } } } } /* Get the integer value of the property of the object. */ function getPropIntVal(obj, propertyName) { // Private method return parseInt(getPropVal(obj, propertyName)); } /* Get the left position of the pop-up menu. */ function getMainMenuLeftPos(menuObj, x) { // Private method if (x + menuObj.offsetWidth <= getClientWidth()) { return x; } else { return x - menuObj.offsetWidth; } } /* Get the top position of the pop-up menu. */ function getMainMenuTopPos(menuObj, y) { // Private method if (y + menuObj.offsetHeight <= getClientHeight()) { return y; } else { return y - menuObj.offsetHeight; } } /* Get the left position of the submenu. */ function getSubMenuLeftPos(menuObj, x, offset) { // Private method if (x + menuObj.offsetWidth - 2 <= getClientWidth()) { return x - 2; } else { return x - menuObj.offsetWidth - offset; } } /* Get the top position of the submenu. */ function getSubMenuTopPos(menuObj, y, offset) { // Private method var top = getPropIntVal(menuObj, btw); var bottom = getPropIntVal(menuObj, bbw); if (y + menuObj.offsetHeight <= getClientHeight()) { if (safari) { return y - top; } else { return y; } } else { if (safari) { return y - menuObj.offsetHeight + offset + bottom; } else { return y - menuObj.offsetHeight + offset + top + bottom; } } } /* Pop up the submenu. */ function popUpSubMenu(menuItemObj) { // Private method var parentMenuObj = menuItemObj.parent.menuObj; var menuObj = menuItemObj.subMenu.menuObj; var x; var y; if ( == "fixed") { x = parentMenuObj.offsetLeft + parentMenuObj.offsetWidth - getPropIntVal(parentMenuObj, brw); y = parentMenuObj.offsetTop + menuItemObj.offsetTop + getPropIntVal(parentMenuObj, btw) - getPropIntVal(menuObj, btw); = "absolute"; = getSubMenuLeftPos(menuObj, x, menuItemObj.offsetWidth) + px; = getSubMenuTopPos(menuObj, y, menuItemObj.offsetHeight) + px; = "fixed"; } else { if (parentMenuObj.mode == "static" && !ie50) { x = menuItemObj.offsetLeft + parentMenuObj.offsetWidth - getPropIntVal(parentMenuObj, blw) - getPropIntVal(parentMenuObj, brw) - getScrollLeft(); y = menuItemObj.offsetTop - getPropIntVal(menuObj, btw) - getScrollTop(); if (ie55 || ie6) { x += getPropIntVal(parentMenuObj, blw); y += getPropIntVal(parentMenuObj, btw); } if (safari) { x += 8; y += getPropIntVal(menuObj, btw) + 13; } = (getSubMenuLeftPos(menuObj, x, menuItemObj.offsetWidth) + getScrollLeft()) + px; = (getSubMenuTopPos(menuObj, y, menuItemObj.offsetHeight) + getScrollTop()) + px; } else { x = parentMenuObj.offsetLeft + parentMenuObj.offsetWidth - getPropIntVal(parentMenuObj, brw) - getScrollLeft(); y = parentMenuObj.offsetTop + menuItemObj.offsetTop + getPropIntVal(parentMenuObj, btw) - getPropIntVal(menuObj, btw) - getScrollTop(); = (getSubMenuLeftPos(menuObj, x, menuItemObj.offsetWidth) + getScrollLeft()) + px; = (getSubMenuTopPos(menuObj, y, menuItemObj.offsetHeight) + getScrollTop()) + px; } } if (ie && menuObj.mode == "fixed") { menuObj.initialLeft = parseInt( - getScrollLeft(); menuObj.initialTop = parseInt( - getScrollTop(); } = "visible"; } /* Pop up the main menu. */ function popUpMainMenu(menuObj, e) { // Private method = (getMainMenuLeftPos(menuObj, getX(e)) + getScrollLeft()) + px; = (getMainMenuTopPos(menuObj, getY(e)) + getScrollTop()) + px; var display =; = "none"; = "visible"; = display; } /* Refresh the menu items. */ function refreshMenuItems(menuObj) { // Private method for (var i = 0, len = menuObj.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { if (menuObj.childNodes[i].enabled) { menuObj.childNodes[i].className = menuObj.childNodes[i].itemClassName; if (menuObj.childNodes[i].subMenu) { menuObj.childNodes[i].arrowObj.className = menuObj.childNodes[i].arrowClassName; } if (menuObj.childNodes[i].iconObj) { menuObj.childNodes[i].iconObj.className = menuObj.childNodes[i].iconClassName; } } } } /* Event handler that handles onmouseover event of the menu item. */ function menuItemOver(e) { // Private method var previousItem = this.parent.previousItem; if (previousItem) { if (previousItem.className == previousItem.itemClassNameOver) { previousItem.className = previousItem.itemClassName; } if (previousItem.subMenu) { previousItem.className = previousItem.itemClassName; previousItem.arrowObj.className = previousItem.arrowClassName; if (previousItem.iconObj) { previousItem.iconObj.className = previousItem.iconClassName; } } var menuObj = getElmId(; for (var i = 0, len = menuObj.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { if (menuObj.childNodes[i].enabled && menuObj.childNodes[i].subMenu) { hideMenus(menuObj.childNodes[i].subMenu.menuObj); } } } if (this.enabled) { this.className = this.itemClassNameOver; if (this.subMenu) { this.arrowObj.className = this.arrowClassNameOver; popUpSubMenu(this); } if (this.iconObj && this.iconClassNameOver) { this.iconObj.className = this.iconClassNameOver; } } this.parent.previousItem = this; } /* Event handler that handles onclick event of the menu item. */ function menuItemClick(e) { // Private method if (this.enabled && this.actionOnClick) { var action = this.actionOnClick; if (action.indexOf("link:") == 0) { location.href = action.substr(5); } else { if (action.indexOf("code:") == 0) { eval(action.substr(5)); } else { location.href = action; } } } if (!e) { var e = window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; } if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } if (this.parent.menuObj.mode == "cursor") { hideCursorMenus(); } if (this.parent.menuObj.mode == "absolute" || this.parent.menuObj.mode == "fixed") { hideVisibleMenus(); if (typeof(hideMenuBarMenus) == "function") { hideMenuBarMenus(); } } } /* Event handler that handles onmouseout event of the menu item. */ function menuItemOut() { // Private method if (this.enabled) { if (!(this.subMenu && == "visible")) { this.className = this.itemClassName; } if (this.subMenu) { if ( == "visible") { this.arrowObj.className = this.arrowClassNameOver; if (this.iconObj) { this.iconObj.className = this.iconClassNameOver; } } } else { if (this.iconObj) { this.iconObj.className = this.iconClassName; } } } } /* Determine whether any of the tag name/tag id pair in the filter matches the tagName/tagId pair. */ function findMatch(tagName, tagId, filter) { // Private method for (var i = 0, len = filter.length; i < len; i++) { var filterArray = filter[i].toLowerCase().split("."); if ((filterArray[0] == "*" && filterArray[1] == "*") || (filterArray[0] == "*" && filterArray[1] == tagId) || (filterArray[0] == tagName && filterArray[1] == "*") || (filterArray[0] == tagName && filterArray[1] == tagId)) { return true; } } return false; } /* Determine whether to show or hide the menu. */ function canShowMenu(tagName, tagId, allExcept, noneExcept) { // Private method if (allExcept.length > 0) { return (!findMatch(tagName.toLowerCase(), tagId.toLowerCase(), allExcept)); } else { if (noneExcept.length > 0) { return findMatch(tagName.toLowerCase(), tagId.toLowerCase(), noneExcept); } else { return true; } } } /* Shows/Hides the pop-up menu. */ function activatePopUpMenu(e) { // Private method if (!popUpMenuObj) { return; } var state =; if (state == "visible") { for (var i = 1; i <= menuCount; i++) { var menuObj = getElmId("DOMenu" + i); if (menuObj.mode == "cursor") { = "hidden"; = "0px"; = "0px"; menuObj.initialLeft = 0; menuObj.initialTop = 0; refreshMenuItems(menuObj); } } } else { if (!e) { var e = window.event; } var targetElm = ( ? : e.srcElement; if (targetElm.nodeType == 3) { targetElm = targetElm.parentNode; } if (canShowMenu(targetElm.tagName,, popUpMenuObj.menuObj.allExceptFilter, popUpMenuObj.menuObj.noneExceptFilter)) { popUpMainMenu(popUpMenuObj.menuObj, e); } } } /* Event handler that handles left click event. */ function leftClickHandler(e) { // Private method if (getX(e) > getClientWidth() || getY(e) > getClientHeight()) { return; } if (!e) { var e = window.event; } if (e.button && e.button == 2) { return; } hideVisibleMenus(); if (typeof(hideMenuBarMenus) == "function") { hideMenuBarMenus(); } if (popUpMenuObj) { var state =; if (state == "visible" && (hideValue == 0 || hideValue == 2)) { activatePopUpMenu(e); } if ((state == "hidden" || state == "") && (showValue == 0 || showValue == 2)) { activatePopUpMenu(e); } } } /* Event handler that handles right click event. */ function rightClickHandler(e) { // Private method if (getX(e) > getClientWidth() || getY(e) > getClientHeight()) { return; } hideVisibleMenus(); if (typeof(hideMenuBarMenus) == "function") { hideMenuBarMenus(); } if (popUpMenuObj) { var state =; if (state == "visible" && (hideValue == 1 || hideValue == 2)) { activatePopUpMenu(e); return false; } if ((state == "hidden" || state == "") && (showValue == 1 || showValue == 2)) { activatePopUpMenu(e); return false; } } } /* Event handler that handles scroll event. */ function scrollHandler() { // Private method for (var i = 1; i <= menuCount; i++) { var menuObj = getElmId("DOMenu" + i); if (ie && menuObj.mode == "fixed") { = (menuObj.initialLeft + getScrollLeft()) + px; = (menuObj.initialTop + getScrollTop()) + px; } } if (typeof(menuBarScrollHandler) == "function") { menuBarScrollHandler(); } } /* Show the icon before the display text. Arguments: className : Required. String that specifies the CSS class selector for the icon. classNameOver : Optional. String that specifies the CSS class selector for the icon when the cursor is over the menu item. */ function showMenuItemIcon() { // Public method var iconElm = createElm("span"); = + "Icon"; iconElm.className = arguments[0]; this.insertBefore(iconElm, this.firstChild); var height; if (ie) { height = getPropIntVal(iconElm, "height"); } else { height = iconElm.offsetHeight; } = Math.floor((this.offsetHeight - height) / 2) + px; if (ie) { var left = getPropIntVal(iconElm, "left"); if (ie55 || ie6) { = (left - getPropIntVal(this, "padding-left")) + px; } else { = left + px; } } this.iconClassName = iconElm.className; if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1].length > 0) { this.iconClassNameOver = arguments[1]; } this.iconObj = iconElm; this.setIconClassName = function(className) { // Public method this.iconClassName = className; this.iconObj.className = this.iconClassName; }; this.setIconClassNameOver = function(classNameOver) { // Public method this.iconClassNameOver = classNameOver; }; } /* Set the menu object that will show up when the cursor is over the menu item object. Argument: menuObj : Required. Menu object that will show up when the cursor is over the menu item object. */ function setSubMenu(menuObj) { // Public method var arrowElm = createElm("div"); = + "Arrow"; arrowElm.className = this.arrowClassName; this.appendChild(arrowElm); var height; if (ie) { height = getPropIntVal(arrowElm, "height"); } else { height = arrowElm.offsetHeight; } = Math.floor((this.offsetHeight - height) / 2) + px; this.subMenu = menuObj; this.arrowObj = arrowElm; this.setArrowClassName = function(className) { // Public method this.arrowClassName = className; this.arrowObj.className = this.arrowClassName; }; this.setArrowClassNameOver = function(classNameOver) { // Public method this.arrowClassNameOver = classNameOver; }; = this.parent.menuObj.level + 1; menuObj.menuObj.level = this.parent.menuObj.level + 1; } /* Add a new menu item to the menu. Argument: menuItemObj : Required. Menu item object that is going to be added to the menu object. */ function addMenuItem(menuItemObj) { // Public method if (menuItemObj.displayText == "-") { var hrElm = createElm("hr"); var itemElm = createElm("div"); itemElm.appendChild(hrElm); =; if (menuItemObj.className.length > 0) { itemElm.sepClassName = menuItemObj.className; } else { itemElm.sepClassName = menuItemObj.sepClassName; } itemElm.className = itemElm.sepClassName; this.menuObj.appendChild(itemElm); itemElm.parent = this; itemElm.setClassName = function(className) { // Public method this.sepClassName = className; this.className = this.sepClassName; }; itemElm.onclick = function(e) { // Private method if (!e) { var e = window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; } if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } }; itemElm.onmouseover = menuItemOver; if (menuItemObj.itemName.length > 0) { this.items[menuItemObj.itemName] = itemElm; } else { this.items[this.items.length] = itemElm; } } else { var itemElm = createElm("div"); =; itemElm.actionOnClick = menuItemObj.actionOnClick; itemElm.enabled = menuItemObj.enabled; itemElm.itemClassName = menuItemObj.className; itemElm.itemClassNameOver = menuItemObj.classNameOver; itemElm.className = itemElm.itemClassName; itemElm.subMenu = null; itemElm.arrowClassName = arrowClassName; itemElm.arrowClassNameOver = arrowClassNameOver; var textNode = document.createTextNode(menuItemObj.displayText); itemElm.appendChild(textNode); this.menuObj.appendChild(itemElm); itemElm.parent = this; itemElm.setClassName = function(className) { // Public method this.itemClassName = className; this.className = this.itemClassName; }; itemElm.setClassNameOver = function(classNameOver) { // Public method this.itemClassNameOver = classNameOver; }; itemElm.setDisplayText = function(text) { // Public method if (this.childNodes[0].nodeType == 3) { this.childNodes[0].nodeValue = text; } else { this.childNodes[1].nodeValue = text; } }; itemElm.setSubMenu = setSubMenu; itemElm.showIcon = showMenuItemIcon; itemElm.onmouseover = menuItemOver; itemElm.onclick = menuItemClick; itemElm.onmouseout = menuItemOut; if (menuItemObj.itemName.length > 0) { this.items[menuItemObj.itemName] = itemElm; } else { this.items[this.items.length] = itemElm; } } } /* Create a new menu item object. Arguments: displayText : Required. String that specifies the text to be displayed on the menu item. If displayText = "-", a menu separator will be created instead. itemName : Optional. String that specifies the name of the menu item. Defaults to "" (no name). actionOnClick : Optional. String that specifies the action to be done when the menu item is being clicked. Defaults to "" (no action). enabled : Optional. Boolean that specifies whether the menu item is enabled/disabled. Defaults to true. className : Optional. String that specifies the CSS class selector for the menu item. Defaults to "jsdomenuitem". classNameOver : Optional. String that specifies the CSS class selector for the menu item when the cursor is over it. Defaults to "jsdomenuitemover". */ function menuItem() { // Public method this.displayText = arguments[0]; if (this.displayText == "-") { = "menuSep" + (++sepCount); this.className = sepClassName; } else { = "menuItem" + (++menuItemCount); this.className = menuItemClassName; } this.itemName = ""; this.actionOnClick = ""; this.enabled = true; this.classNameOver = menuItemClassNameOver; this.sepClassName = sepClassName; var len = arguments.length; if (len > 1 && arguments[1].length > 0) { this.itemName = arguments[1]; } if (len > 2 && arguments[2].length > 0) { this.actionOnClick = arguments[2]; } if (len > 3 && typeof(arguments[3]) == "boolean") { this.enabled = arguments[3]; } if (len > 4 && arguments[4].length > 0) { if (arguments[4] == "-") { this.className = arguments[4]; this.sepClassName = arguments[4]; } else { this.className = arguments[4]; } } if (len > 5 && arguments[5].length > 0) { this.classNameOver = arguments[5]; } } /* Create a new menu object. Arguments: width : Required. Integer that specifies the width of the menu. mode : Optional. String that specifies the mode of the menu. Defaults to "cursor". id : Optional, except when mode = "static". String that specifies the id of the element that will contain the menu. This argument is required when mode = "static". alwaysVisible : Optional. Boolean that specifies whether the menu is always visible. Defaults to false. className : Optional. String that specifies the CSS class selector for the menu. Defaults to "jsdomenudiv". */ function jsDOMenu() { // Public method this.items = new Array(); var menuElm; var len = arguments.length; if (len > 2 && arguments[2].length > 0 && arguments[1] == "static") { menuElm = getElmId(arguments[2]); if (!menuElm) { return; } staticMenuId[staticMenuId.length] = arguments[2]; } else { menuElm = createElm("div"); = "DOMenu" + (++menuCount); } menuElm.level = 10; menuElm.previousItem = null; menuElm.allExceptFilter = allExceptFilter; menuElm.noneExceptFilter = noneExceptFilter; menuElm.className = menuClassName; menuElm.mode = menuMode; menuElm.alwaysVisible = false; menuElm.initialLeft = 0; menuElm.initialTop = 0; if (len > 1 && arguments[1].length > 0) { switch (arguments[1]) { case "cursor": = "absolute"; menuMode.mode = "cursor"; break; case "absolute": = "absolute"; menuElm.mode = "absolute"; break; case "fixed": if (ie) { = "absolute"; } else { = "fixed"; } menuElm.mode = "fixed"; break; case "static": = "static"; menuElm.mode = "static"; break; } } if (len > 3 && typeof(arguments[3]) == "boolean") { menuElm.alwaysVisible = arguments[3]; } if (len > 4 && arguments[4].length > 0) { menuElm.className = arguments[4]; } = arguments[0] + px; = "0px"; = "0px"; if (menuElm.mode != "static") { // document.body.appendChild(menuElm); // XXXX Nyenyec big Wikipedia hack: var bodyContent = document.getElementById("bodyContent"); if (bodyContent == null) { document.body.appendChild(menuElm); } else { bodyContent.appendChild(menuElm); } } if (!getPropVal(menuElm, blw)) { = menuBorderWidth + px; } this.menuObj = menuElm; this.addMenuItem = addMenuItem; this.setClassName = function(className) { // Public method this.menuObj.className = className; }; this.setMode = function(mode) { // Public method switch (mode) { case "cursor": = "absolute"; this.menuObj.mode = "cursor"; break; case "absolute": = "absolute"; this.menuObj.mode = "absolute"; this.menuObj.initialLeft = parseInt(; this.menuObj.initialTop = parseInt(; break; case "fixed": if (ie) { = "absolute"; this.menuObj.initialLeft = parseInt(; this.menuObj.initialTop = parseInt(; } else { = "fixed"; } this.menuObj.mode = "fixed"; break; } }; this.setAlwaysVisible = function(alwaysVisible) { // Public method if (typeof(alwaysVisible) == "boolean") { this.menuObj.alwaysVisible = alwaysVisible; } }; = function() { // Public method = "visible"; }; this.hide = function() { // Public method = "hidden"; if (this.menuObj.mode == "cursor") { = "0px"; = "0px"; this.menuObj.initialLeft = 0; this.menuObj.initialTop = 0; } }; this.setX = function(x) { // Public method this.menuObj.initialLeft = x; = x + px; }; this.setY = function(y) { // Public method this.menuObj.initialTop = y; = y + px; }; this.moveTo = function(x, y) { // Public method this.menuObj.initialLeft = x; this.menuObj.initialTop = y; = x + px; = y + px; }; this.moveBy = function(x, y) { // Public method var left = parseInt(; var top = parseInt(; this.menuObj.initialLeft = left + x; this.menuObj.initialTop = top + y; = (left + x) + px; = (top + y) + px; }; this.setAllExceptFilter = function(filter) { // Public method this.menuObj.allExceptFilter = filter; this.menuObj.noneExceptFilter = new Array(); }; this.setNoneExceptFilter = function(filter) { // Public method this.menuObj.noneExceptFilter = filter; this.menuObj.allExceptFilter = new Array(); }; this.setBorderWidth = function(width) { // Public method = width + px; }; } /* Specifies how the pop-up menu shows/hide. Arguments: showValue : Required. Integer that specifies how the menu shows. hideValue : Optional. Integer that specifies how the menu hides. If not specified, the menu shows/hides in the same manner. 0: Shows/Hides the menu by left click only. 1: Shows/Hides the menu by right click only. 2: Shows/Hides the menu by left or right click. */ function activatePopUpMenuBy() { // Public method showValue = typeof(arguments[0]) == "number" && arguments[0] > -1 ? arguments[0] : 0; if (arguments.length > 1) { hideValue = typeof(arguments[1]) == "number" && arguments[1] > -1 ? arguments[1] : 0; } else { hideValue = showValue; } if (showValue == 1 || showValue == 2 || hideValue == 1 || hideValue == 2) { document.oncontextmenu = rightClickHandler; } } /* Hide all menus, except those with alwaysVisible = true. */ function hideAllMenus() { // Public method for (var i = 1; i <= menuCount; i++) { var menuObj = getElmId("DOMenu" + i); if (!menuObj.alwaysVisible) { if ( == "fixed") { == "absolute"; = "hidden"; == "fixed"; } else { = "hidden"; if (menuObj.mode == "cursor") { = "0px"; = "0px"; menuObj.initialLeft = 0; menuObj.initialTop = 0; } } } refreshMenuItems(menuObj); } for (var i = 0, len = staticMenuId.length; i < len; i++) { refreshMenuItems(getElmId(staticMenuId[i])); } } /* Hide all menus with mode = "cursor", except those with alwaysVisible = true. */ function hideCursorMenus() { // Public method for (var i = 1; i <= menuCount; i++) { var menuObj = getElmId("DOMenu" + i); if (menuObj.mode == "cursor" && !menuObj.alwaysVisible) { = "hidden"; = "0px"; = "0px"; menuObj.initialLeft = 0; menuObj.initialTop = 0; } if (menuObj.mode == "cursor") { refreshMenuItems(menuObj); } } } /* Hide all menus with mode = "absolute" or mode = "fixed" or mode = "static", except those with alwaysVisible = true. */ function hideVisibleMenus() { // Public method for (var i = 1; i <= menuCount; i++) { var menuObj = getElmId("DOMenu" + i); if ((menuObj.mode == "absolute" || menuObj.mode == "fixed") && !menuObj.alwaysVisible) { if ( == "fixed") { = "absolute"; = "hidden"; = "fixed"; } else { = "hidden"; = "0px"; = "0px"; menuObj.initialLeft = 0; menuObj.initialTop = 0; } } if (menuObj.mode == "absolute" || menuObj.mode == "fixed") { refreshMenuItems(menuObj); } } for (var i = 0, len = staticMenuId.length; i < len; i++) { refreshMenuItems(getElmId(staticMenuId[i])); } if (typeof(staticMenuBarId) == "object") { for (var i = 0, len = staticMenuBarId.length; i < len; i++) { refreshMenuBarItems(getElmId(staticMenuBarId[i])); } } } /* Hide the menu and all its submenus. Argument: menuObj : Required. Menu object that specifies the menu and all its submenus to be hidden. */ function hideMenus(menuObj) { // Public method refreshMenuItems(menuObj); for (var i = 0, len = menuObj.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { if (menuObj.childNodes[i].enabled && menuObj.childNodes[i].subMenu) { hideMenus(menuObj.childNodes[i].subMenu.menuObj); } } if ( == "fixed") { = "absolute"; = "hidden"; = "fixed"; } else { = "hidden"; = "0px"; = "0px"; menuObj.initialLeft = 0; menuObj.initialTop = 0; } } /* Set the menu object to be the pop-up menu. Argument: menuObj : Required. Menu object that specifies the pop-up menu. */ function setPopUpMenu(menuObj) { // Public method popUpMenuObj = menuObj; } /* Check browser compatibility and create the menus. */ function initjsDOMenu() { // Public method if (document.createElement && document.getElementById) { createjsDOMenu(); } } if (typeof(allExceptFilter) == "undefined") { var allExceptFilter = new Array("A.*", "BUTTON.*", "IMG.*", "INPUT.*", "OBJECT.*", "OPTION.*", "SELECT.*", "TEXTAREA.*"); // Public field } if (typeof(noneExceptFilter) == "undefined") { var noneExceptFilter = new Array(); // Public field } if (typeof(menuClassName) == "undefined") { var menuClassName = "jsdomenudiv"; // Public field } if (typeof(menuItemClassName) == "undefined") { var menuItemClassName = "jsdomenuitem"; // Public field } if (typeof(menuItemClassNameOver) == "undefined") { var menuItemClassNameOver = "jsdomenuitemover"; // Public field } if (typeof(sepClassName) == "undefined") { var sepClassName = "jsdomenusep"; // Public field } if (typeof(arrowClassName) == "undefined") { var arrowClassName = "jsdomenuarrow"; // Public field } if (typeof(arrowClassNameOver) == "undefined") { var arrowClassNameOver = "jsdomenuarrowover"; // Public field } if (typeof(menuMode == "undefined")) { var menuMode = "cursor"; // Public field } if (typeof(menuBorderWidth) == "undefined") { var menuBorderWidth = 2; // Public field } var ie50 = isIE50(); // Private field var ie55 = isIE55(); // Private field var ie5 = isIE5(); // Private field var ie6 = isIE6(); // Private field var ie = isIE(); // Private field var opera = isOpera(); // Private field var safari = isSafari(); // Private field var pageMode = getPageMode(); // Private field var px = "px"; // Private field var btw = "border-top-width"; // Private field var bbw = "border-bottom-width"; // Private field var blw = "border-left-width"; // Private field var brw = "border-right-width"; // Private field var menuCount = 0; // Private field var menuItemCount = 0; // Private field var sepCount = 0; // Private field var popUpMenuObj = null; // Private field var showValue = 0; // Private field var hideValue = 0; // Private field var staticMenuId = new Array(); // Private field document.onclick = leftClickHandler; window.onscroll = scrollHandler;