Template talk:Infobox VA route
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[edit] Usage
{{Infobox VA route | route = | length_mi = | direction_a = | direction_b = | starting_terminus = | ending_terminus = | junction = | counties = | cities = | established = | prev_route = | next_route = }}
Provide the following parameters. Emphasized parameters are optional. References are allowed and encouraged
Parameter | Type | Description |
route | Number | The number of the route associated with this article. |
length_mi | Number | Length of the route in miles. Kilometers was formerly a parameter, is now automatically calculated; see ParserFunctions. |
direction_a direction_b |
String | Signed (not general) direction of the route. If the route is signed east-west, you may put East for direction_a and West for direction_b or vice versa; the same applies to North and South. |
starting_terminus ending_terminus |
String | Start and end points of the article route. Your starting_terminus is for the direction specified in direction_a and your ending_terminus is for the direction specified in direction_b. Recommend use:
<<route shield>> <<Route Name (wikilinked)>> in <<City>>Looks like this: ![]()
junction | String | Semicolon-separated (or semicolon) list of major junctions with the article route, starting in the south or west. Practical limit of seven to ten junctions; otherwise this information belongs in the "Route description" section or something. Wikify so that thre are shield pictures for the major roads and the cities where they intersect; state names not needed here. |
counties | String | Comma-separated list of counties the route travels through, starting in the south or west. Practical limit of seven to ten counties; otherwise this information belongs in the "Route description" section. Wikify so that the state name doesn't show; we know all major counties the state route serves are in Virginia. |
cities | String | Comma-separated list of major cities (subjective, but be reasonable; see below) the route travels through, starting in the south or west. Practical limit of seven to ten cities; otherwise this information belongs in the "Route description" section. Wikify so that the state name doesn't show; we know all major cities the state route serves are in Virginia. As a general rule, do not include termini cities in this list. |
established | Wikified Number and reference | Year route was established. If a route has been pulled back or extended, consider the original establishment date of that route. If it has been moved entirely, use the date it was last moved. Provide a reference and wikify the year. |
prev_route next_route |
Number | Route number that is next or previous. This field is essentially required; only the topmost and bottommost routes don't need next_route and prev_route. |
[edit] What is a major city?
- Notable commercial center for region (important cities, towns, villages)
- Large cities with a population over 20,000.
- Less than seven cities total on route, but route serves as main street as opposed to just touching city limits.
- County seats should always, always, always be included.
- Minor towns, cities and villages if the route is short (less than 3 counties long)
- Unincorporated communities only if the route is extremely short.
A mix of cities, towns, villages, and unincorporated communities can be found on the North Carolina State Highway 12 article. There, all the major municipalties along the north section of the route are listed along with the distant unincorporated "commercial center" communities in the southern Outer Banks.