Talk:Islamic republic
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Please just state the main pionts, ya add in a lot of bull that aren't really needed.
What's that supposed to mean? David.Monniaux 06:39, 28 May 2004 (UTC)
- Moved from the article, since it belongs on the talk page Nik42 05:59, 2 January 2006 (UTC)
There are some factual inaccuracies in description of Islamic Republic of Pakistan (IRP):- 1. IRP is neither democratic nor secular. Constitution explicitly states that sovreignity exclusively belongs to "Allah", and Islamic laws override the legislation done by Parliament. There is a mechanism through "Fedral Shariat Court" which can strike down any law found against Islam. As for democracy, it is more or less as much democratic as Islamic Republic of Iran is. The role of "shoora-i-nighaban" is carried by a council of military commanders. Though military commanders do it in blatant violation of constitution, whereas "shoora-i-nighaban" in Iran works through constitutional mechanism.
{My comment: The fact that Military rulers, when they interfere with civilian rule, are violating the constitution... is in of itself defeats your argument. Pakistani constitution envisages a democracy and does not provide for any subversion of the civilian authority. There is no council. General Musharraf had come to power through a coup and has since then tried to legitimise his position through constitutional amendments empowering him to keep two offices. However this again does not constitutionally establish the military's role... though in actual reality military plays a huge role.
We are concerned about what the constitutional concept of the state is and not the mess Pakistanis have made of the constitution. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is defined in the constitution as a federal democratic republic to be known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The fundamental rights chapter establishes freedom of religion and equality of citizenship. Islamic Laws themselves are to be discussed and debated by an elected parliament on the basis of universal adult franchise. The head of the government i.e. the Prime Minister of Pakistan can be a Non-Muslim... though that is seemingly impossible. Personally I think the use of the prefix Islamic is superfluous.}
2. It is not true that governement documents are prepared under the name "Federation of Pakistan". "Islamic republic of Pakistan" is only acknowledged name of the country. Official documents, though also additionaly refer to "Federal Governement" of "Islamic Republic of Pakistan".
You obviously know very little. Pakistan has an elected government and a constitution that is mostly secular. Sure Islam is the state religion and the Head of State is supposed to be muslim, but the UK also has a state religion and the Queen must be a protestent.
The most influential jurist and judge in Pakistan's legal history was a christian, A. R. Cornelius. The present senior judge is a Hindu, Rana Bhagwandas.
The Federal Shariah Court is the Supreme Court sitting in a another capacity, all memebers of the Supreme Court, the only difference is that retired judges are also eligable to sit on it as well. Its judistriction is limited only to religious matters, and it can be overruled by the Supreme Court,as it was in the "Interest Cases." Sure the Supreme Court can overrule Parliamnetry Legislation if it is unconstitutional, as can the US Supreme Court.
As for the Federation and Islamic Republic issues, well both are used in the constitution and both are correct.The reason the Ferderation is used more often is simply because in most matters it is the Ferderation of the Provinces that is acting. So the a court case for example, "Federation of Pakistan v XYZ". It is just a convention nothing else.
[edit] Islamic republic -- A name with Contradiction
A state is Islamic (laws of Allah by Quran/Sunnah) and Republic ("In a broad definition a republic is a state or country that is led by people who do not base their political power on any principle beyond the control of the people of that state or country"). It is a big joke and nothing else. Secondly By changing name a state does not become Islamic. There is NO Islamic State exist, except Iran (may be) for Shias only. --- Faisal 22:37, 30 April 2006 (UTC)
- Nevertheless, "Islamic Republic" is still the name given in English to certain Muslim republics. That's just the way it is. According to the Afghanistan article, it too is an Islamic republic, and there are probably others. - THE GREAT GAVINI {T-C} 11:37, 5 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Citations and/or references
The article seems fine, but I'm a bit worried about WP:OR creeping in because it doesn't cite it's sources. <<-armon->> 21:56, 5 December 2006 (UTC)