Discussioni Wikipedia:Ambasciata/Zenone Benini
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Guten Tag! Ich hätte gerne nähere Informationen zu diesem italienischen Politiker. Wer waren seine Eltern / Vorfahren, wo hat er gewohnt, hatte er Kinder, Nachkommen? Wo hat er gelebt? War er Faschist? Welchen Beruf hat er nach dem 2. Weltkrieg ausgeübt? Es wäre schön, wenn Sie mir Antworten geben könnten. Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen,
Alexander Dreier E-Mail alexander[punto]dreier[presso]aon[punto]at
- Hi Alexander, hope you speak English: since I don't speak German I've to use it. From what I could find on our encyclopedia I only can tell you that the politician you are asking for was actually a member of the Partito Nazionale Fascista and, from 1941 (December 26th) to 1943 (July 25th, when the govern falled) he also was the "Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici" (Minister for Public Works) in the Mussolini's govern. For all other questions (who where its parents/ancestors, whether he had any descendand, where was he born and spent his childhood) I suggest you to search the internet using Google or other search engines or to ask for a biography in a bookstore. Hope this helps. Regards -- Pap3rinik (..chiedi ad Archimede) 12:42, 15 ago 2006 (CEST)
- P.S. I've also edited your email and address for security and privacy reasons.