Discussioni utente:Quistnix
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Ciao Quistnix, un saluto di benvenuto su Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia a contenuto libero!
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Ciao Quistnix,
ben arrivato in it.wiki!
- Frieda (dillo a Ubi) 22:32, Dic 19, 2004 (UTC)
[modifica] uèlcam
- Grazie! Quistnix 17:48, Dic 21, 2004 (UTC)
[modifica] Interwikis
Hi, Quistnix, sorry for the misunderstanding but you were really quick in making changes ;-). If you could provide a list of articles which should be changed we can have a "real" bot making the boring job :-D Wouldn't that be better? Ciao and let me know, thank you :-) --Civvì (T) 10:01, 6 gen 2006 (CET)
- Hi! I wanted to make the changes fast, so my bot on other wikipedias could continue. It was continuously stopping on links to centuries at bg: on decade pages at it: -- Quistnix 10:06, 6 gen 2006 (CET)
- Ok, understood - you were really fast! :-) - I'm making a list for the bot an will have it running in the afternoon on all decades. Hope it helps ;-P --Civvì (T) 10:12, 6 gen 2006 (CET)
- Allright! Next time, I won't edit when I'm in hyperactive mode :-) -- Quistnix 10:21, 6 gen 2006 (CET)
Sorry for the mistake Quistnix, but you where too fast to be human :-) Ciao, Gac 10:28, 6 gen 2006 (CET)
- No problem. Sometimes, I'm too fast to keep up with myself! :-) -- Quistnix 10:35, 6 gen 2006 (CET)
PLease insert it-0 in your userpage if you can't speak italian. ΗΣLIΦS89 10:35, 7 gen 2006 (CET)