Jabba's Palace
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Jabba's Palace is a geographical location from the Star Wars fictional universe. The palace, made of stone and metal, is located in the desert known as the Dune Sea on the planet of Tatooine and was home to the gangster Jabba the Hutt. It is introduced as the main setting of the beginning of Return of the Jedi when Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, R2D2, and C3PO rescue Han Solo from Jabba. Jabba's palace also figures as the main setting in a compilation of intertwined short stories Tales from Jabba's Palace edited by Kevin J. Anderson.
The palace was originally a monastery built by the mysterious B'omarr monks who still live in its depths, but over the years parts of it were taken over by groups of bandits with each new tenant rebuilding and expanding it until it eventually became the centre of Jabba's criminal empire. Jabba equipped the palace with a number of security devices, including a semi-intelligent droid gatewatcher built into the main entrance. This droid, little more than an electronic eye on a stick embedded in the gate itself would interrogate visitors before deciding whether to allow them to enter. Jabba's chief aide Bib Fortuna would usually also interrogate visitors who got this far before allowing them an audience with Jabba himself. Jabba also employed Gamorrean guards to act as his bodyguards and security force.
[edit] Jabba's Throne Room
Jabba would recline on a huge dais in his throne room, surrounded by a motley crew of bounty hunters (including Boba Fett) and other criminals seeking his favor. His every whim was catered for with live animals known as gorks to eat and entertainment from musicians, dancing girls (often Twi'leks) and Salacious Crumb his court jester.
A corner alcove of the throne room housed Jabba's trophies. These included the form of Han Solo, frozen in carbonite and the head of a Tauntaun.
In a pit beneath the throne room itself, Jabba kept a Rancor. With the press of a button, Jabba could activate a trapdoor, sending an unsuspecting victim into the pit to be eaten.
[edit] Trivia
- Jabba's Palace is a playable map in Star Wars: Battlefront, although it must be downloaded. In the game's sequel, Star Wars: Battlefront II, the map is available without download.