Star Wars: Battlefront
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Star Wars: Battlefront | |
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Developer(s) | Pandemic Studios |
Publisher(s) | LucasArts |
Release date(s) | September 21, 2004 |
Genre(s) | First-person shooter/ Third-person shooter |
Mode(s) | Single player, Multiplayer |
Rating(s) | ESRB: Teen |
Platform(s) | Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Macintosh, Mobile Phone |
Star Wars: Battlefront is a first-person shooter/third-person shooter (interchangeable) video game based around battles featured in the Star Wars films. It was developed by Pandemic Studios and LucasArts, and released on September 21, 2004 for Xbox, PlayStation 2, and Microsoft Windows, the same day as the release of the Star Wars Trilogy DVD set. Aspyr released a Mac port in July 2005. People can either play Battlefront online with up to 50 players on PC (contrary to the stated 32 player limit), Mac or Xbox, and 16 players on PS2, or offline with up to 2 players. The Xbox version is compatible with the Xbox 360.
A sequel, Star Wars: Battlefront II, was released on November 1, 2005 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable. In late 2004, LucasArts released the Star Wars Battlefront BFBuilder, an unsupported mod that allowed fans to create new battlefields for Battlefront.
Contents |
[edit] Gameplay
Battlefront encompasses battles between four main factions from both the "original" and "new" trilogies. They are the following: the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS aka Separatists) of the prequel era, and the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire of the classic trilogy. However, factions can only play their historical adversary; there can't be any Rebel vs. Separatist fights, for example. Within each unit, five different classes of characters become available. Four of the classes are fairly similar for each faction: a basic infantry soldier (a Super battle droid for the Separatists), a heavy weapons soldier, a pilot, and a sniper. Each faction also has a special fifth unit with unique abilities and weapons.
Jedi heroes are featured in the game: Luke Skywalker for the Rebellion, Darth Vader for the Empire, Mace Windu for the Republic, and Count Dooku for the CIS. Jedi characters appear but are not playable; they may only be allies in battle, under certain circumstances. Certain modded maps or files availble for download, which were created by players, can result in the heros being playable, but Lucas Arts does not support these files, althought they are not illegal. Jedi cannot be killed with direct fire, but can be knocked off of ledges or crushed by vehicles. When the reinforcement meter reaches 10% of its original number the Jedi hero dies and does not return.
There are also non-player characters (NPCs): Tusken Raiders in the Dune Sea of Tatooine, Jawas on the streets of Mos Eisley. Ewoks aid the Rebellion on the forest moon of Endor, Gungans aid the Republic on the Naboo Plains, Geonosians help the CIS in battle at Geonosis, and Wookiees aid the Rebellion and Republic on Kashyyyk. As with the Jedi, certain files created by players can be downloaded and result in the normally npcs to be playable. But again Lucas Arts does not support these types of changes, and it takes a person knowledgeable in basic programming to use these, let alone make them with the battlefront editor.
[edit] Playable classes
Every class, unless otherwise noted, uses a pistol as their alternate primary weapon and thermal detonators as their secondary weapon.
Soldiers are the standard infantry armed with "sticky" concussion grenades, standard thermal detonators; in the case of the Separatist's Super battle droid, rockets (in place of grenades) and a triple-shot attack. The Republic's soldier has EMP Grenades for use against droids. All types of soldiers feature some sort of rapid firing weapon with different ammunition clips.
Heavy Weapons are troopers that use thermal detonators, blaster pistols, sticky mines, and lock-on missile launchers. The Rebel's "Vanguard" (the Rebellion's variation on Heavy Weapons) fires two missiles at once and must then reload, while the Republic's "ARC trooper" can fire two rockets sequentially before reloading. The Imperial and Separatist's anti-vehicles must reload after every shot.

Snipers have sniper rifles with adjustable zoom settings which differ by faction. Clone sharpshooters and Imperial scout troopers may only zoom once, while CIS Assassin droids and Rebel snipers may zoom twice, but suffer a smaller Clip size. They also have a reconnaissance droid which can navigate most level regions, but cannot jump. These reconnaissance droids are armed with weak blasters and as their secondary weapon, radio uplinks, which when activated call in airstrikes on their current location. However, this droid slowly loses health as its time on the field increases.
Pilots have a health/ammunition dispenser as well as a fusion cutter which can repair damaged droids and vehicles, but do not have grenades. Imperial Pilots carry mortar launchers, while CIS pilot droids carry radiation launchers, both of which fire in an arc. Rebel Pilots have a Blast cannon which fires multiple lasers at a time, akin to a shotgun. The Republic pilot has a DN Boltcaster lightning gun which can be charged for an instant-kill at close range.
[edit] Special units
Each faction has a different special unit class. Each unit has differing primary and secondary weapons, as well as special abilities. First, Wookiee Smugglers, available only to the Rebels, have extra health and a bowcaster which can be charged to fire a spread of bolts. They are also equipped with a grenade launcher and a time bomb which explodes after five seconds. The Republic Jet Trooper has an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) rocket launcher which does not deviate from its course, unlike the ARC Trooper's rockets. The Jet trooper also features an upgraded Commando pistol with a faster rate of fire. Jet troopers have the ability to fly using a jetpack that sacrifices speed for height and distance, unlike the Dark Trooper's pack.
Imperial Dark Troopers feature a jump pack which can be used to jump long distances in a single direction. This model of jump pack is far less accurate than the Republic pack and spews dark smoke. Dark troopers also feature a Blast Cannon which generally kills instantly at close range. Dark Troopers are useful for reaching high places and jumping over obstacles in short periods of time. CIS Droidekas have the least health of all units. In battle mode, however, they can raise a shield which can block twenty ordinary blaster bolts or two direct EMP blasts (from an EMP launcher). In wheel form, they are the fastest unit available, but cannot return fire. Their only weapon is a pair of automatic blaster cannons. Droidekas cannot issue orders or operate vehicles, and they explode if submerged in water.
[edit] Vehicles
[edit] Ground vehicles
- AATs (Armored Assault Tanks) — Armored Assault Tanks, or AATs, are powerful vehicles that, unlike the AT-ST, can strafe. The main pilot can fire several blasts of yellow lasers from the sides while the main gunner can fire a single powerful blast from the turret. This vehicle belongs to the CIS.
- AT-STs (All Terrain-Scout Transport) — The All Terrain Scout Transport is the main Imperial ground vehicle. It can be operated with a single driver (who operates the controls and the main blasters) and a second occupant, who operates the side mounted blasters. The walker is neither fast nor slow, and can rotate its "head" to target Rebels. It is incapable of strafing like its Rebel counterpart, the landspeeder, and in a straight fight between the two, the AT-ST is at a disadvantage unless it is crewed by two drivers. This vehicle belongs to the Galactic Empire.
- AT-ATs (All Terrain-Armored Transport) — The All Terrain Armored Transport is one of the two known command walkers in the world of Star Wars. AT-ATs are practically invulnerable to blaster fire and serve as mobile command posts. The AT-AT is part of the Empire's force. The AT-AT can be operated by one driver, who operates the extremely powerful (but slow-charging) heavy blasters, and a second occupant who controls the medium blasters on the sides of the vehicle's "head". The AT-AT is slow and ponderous, and is generally incapable of shooting down snowspeeders (unless under the control of an excellent marksman.)
- AT-TEs (All Terrain-Tactical Enforcer) — The All Terrain Tactical Enforcer is the precursor of the AT-AT and fills the same role for Republic forces, a heavily armed mobile command post. The AT-TE can be crewed by three Clones - a pilot who operates the main quad blasters, a rear gunner, and a turret gunner. The turret is a heavy blaster capable of dealing heavy damage, and has the ability to traverse a full 360 degree field of fire, though the recharge time and rotation time is very lengthy. The AT-TE is every bit as slow as the AT-AT, but slightly more maneuverable.They are great to use on the Geonosis level.
- Skiffs — A lightweight but not very nimble floating craft that is primarily intended for use as a troop transport, not a combat vehicle. One pilot controls the craft, and three gunners may man the side blasters. It appears at the Sandcrawler in the Tatooine: Dune Sea map.
- Naboo Gian Speeders — Gian Speeders are less-powerful versions of the Rebel Combat Landspeeder. It has an open cockpit that leaves the two occupants (a driver and a main gunner) open to hostile fire. They are only available in the campaign mode.
- Separatist Hailfire droids — Hailfire droids are large but swift missile platforms. The purple missiles home in on the target at the center of the targeting reticle. It is possible to get a weak target lock by positioning the reticle over a vehicle when firing. Its secondary fire is a small but powerful laser that fires from underneath.
- Imperial IFT-T Hover Tanks/Republic IFT-X Hover Tanks — Imperial Hover Tanks, or IFT-Ts, are powerful hovertanks that are more akin to Combat Landspeeders than the AT-ST. The Republic version is known as the IFT-X and features identical weaponry to the Imperial version save the colour of the lasers. The pilot position features two blaster cannons which fire singularly as well as two missile launchers which also fire singularly. The second gunner position is an open-cockpit beam attack similar to that of the Republic Gunships.
- Rebel Combat Landspeeders — A powerful and swift vehicle which is lethal to even an AT-AT if maneuvered properly. It features a driver seat with side cannons and a hood-mounted cannon which fires in bursts of three. The pilot's secondary fire unleashes twin rockets.
- Separatist "Spider Walker" — Homing Spider Droids are large four-legged walkers armed with a beam that fires from a large dish. Primary fire fires a long highly-damaging beam attack which causes considerable damage to the target. Secondary fire fires a smaller laser in pulses, which is effective against infantry. The Homing Spider Droid is also possibly the slowest vehicle in the game, rivaling the much larger AT-AT in terms of its lack of speed.
- Speeder bikes — Speeder bikes are light and the fastest non-aerial vehicle in the game. The light armor makes it easy to kill. It has a single laser cannon. Because of their light armor, they are easily damaged by obstacles and rough terrain. The Republic version features a fast-firing machine-gun like attack. The Rebel version has a moderate firing rate that is capable of killing infantry in a single shot. Also, if used carefully, speeder bikes are fairly effective at killing footsoldiers or Jedi by ramming.
- STAPs — STAPs are slower and less maneuverable than speeder bikes, but their attacking power is much greater. They are operated by a single pilot. Additionally, they do not take damage if they collide with obstacles, but are still relatively vulnerable to enemy fire. STAPs have an open cockpit, allowing infantry to shoot off the pilot.
[edit] Aerial vehicles
- Bespin Cloud Car — The Cloud Car is a small, nimble aircraft found only on Bespin. As in the movies, the Cloud Car features a pilot and a gunner position. The pilot operates the craft's lasers, which are similar to the TIE fighters, while the gunner may launch rockets.
- Droid starfighters — Similar to the TIE fighter in many respects, the Droid starfighter fires a volley of twin lasers from its wings. It can fire much faster than the Jedi starfighter but lacks missiles.
- Geonosian starfighters — The Geonosian starfighter, found only on Geonosis, features one of the most rapid-firing lasers in the game, but the strength of the lasers is weak, and the recharge time is long.
- Jedi starfighters — Similar to the X-wing in many respects, the Jedi starfighter can fire less before its lasers overheat but features dual lock-on missiles. They have the fastest turning and acceleration response and they are very durable and strong for something so maneuverable.
- LAAT (Low Altitude Assault Transport) Republic Gunships — The Republic LAAT/i Gunship features the highest carrying capacities (5)and has the most powerful weaponry. The main pilot can fire guided missiles and front lasers. The guided missiles have less of a lock-on time than most other missiles. The Co-pilot can fire two beams from the wings while the two ball gunners can fire from the sides. The final position is the passenger and features no weaponry.
- Rebel Snowspeeders — Snow speeders, featured on Hoth, have two seats - a pilot and a rear gunner. The pilot has two standard cannons while the rear gunner has a tow-cable and a blaster at their disposal. If the tow-cable connects with the AT-AT's legs, as seen in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, the pilot can loop around the walker's legs, tripping the AT-AT and causing it to crash to its "knees", destroying it.
- Separatist Gunships — The disc-shaped MAF gunship has three positions - the pilot, who, like the Jedi starfighter, has dual lasers and lock-on missiles, the Copilot has lasers similar to those of the LAAT Republic Gunship and the Spider walker, and the main gunner has a 360 degree view of the battlefield and fires on enemy positions with standard lasers.
- TIE fighters — The TIE fighter is the Imperial equivalent to the X-wing. It can fire more shots per volley and is faster, but is more fragile and does not feature lock-on missiles.
- TIE Bombers — The TIE Bomber is the Imperial equivalent to the Y-wing. The pilot has control of cannons and lock-on missiles, making it much better at targeting X-Wings, but bombs are controlled only by the second position.
- X-Wings — Armed with four rapid-firing laser cannons, X-wings are among the best fighters. It can also fire a pair of proton torpedoes with secondary fire upon lock-on.
- Y-Wings — The Y-wing has 2 seats - a gunner and the pilot. Secondary fire unleashes a series of bombs. The gunner controls a turret. The main defense weapon is the chain gun that is situated on top of the craft.
One of the only ways to kill a Jedi or Sith is to land an aerial vehicle on top of one, or one can try using a IFT-T and drive over. However, the player will not get the credit for the kill.
[edit] Organic "vehicles"
- Kaadus — Kaadus are reptilian animals which players use to traverse large distances on the Naboo: Plains map. No weapons can be used while on the back of a Kaadu. A player will die if the Kaadu is shot out from beneath them.
- Tauntauns — Tauntauns are large creatures that can be used to traverse distances on the Hoth map quickly. Weapons cannot be used while riding one. Although Tauntauns seem content to stand around for long periods of time, by hopping on a Tauntaun, a timer is set off that decreases the beast's health the longer a player rides it (reflecting the death of Han Solo's Tauntaun in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back from exposure). If a Tauntaun is shot out from under a player, the player will be killed.
In addition to the above, various blaster turrets and emplaced guns are available on various maps. No matter who owns them, any vehicle can be used by any player except for command post vehicles AT-AT and AT-TE.
[edit] Planet battlefields
- Bespin: Cloud City and Platforms
- Endor: Bunker
- Geonosis: Spire
- Hoth: Echo Base
- Kamino: Tipoca City
- Kashyyyk: Islands and Docks
- Naboo: Theed and Plains
- Rhen Var: Citadel and Harbor
- Tatooine: Mos Eisley, Dune Sea, and Jabba's Palace (Update 1.02) [1]
- Yavin 4: Arena and Temple
[edit] Critical response
Publication | Score | Comment |
Although receiving very good reviews, there were some criticisms for the game
[edit] Factions
Some players were disappointed that the factions from different time periods couldn't play each other (E.G: CIS Vs. Rebels). Although this is understandable from a chronological point of view, many players thought that the enjoyment of having such battles would balance out the historical inaccuracy.
[edit] Maps
Many players complained that the maps were biased, i.e. designed for one side to win. Even on the easy setting, some players couldn't complete various missions. The infantry orientated maps (I.E maps with no vehicles) were also criticized for being unimaginitively designed, and containing obvious choke points, which were confining and prevent many players from enjoying those particular maps.
[edit] Vehicles
Many of the vehicles in Star Wars Battlefront were deemed to be overpowered. This is because it would usually take infantry from many different classes to bring down one vehicle, something which the AI were criticized for not being able to do. This was particularly evident with the AT-AT vehicle, on which infantry weapons did negligible damage. As the AT-AT acts as a mobile command point, this made maps with AT-ATs very hard to win as the Rebel forces.
[edit] Infantry
The infantry in the game were criticized for their blandness, I.E every faction had a blanket infantry selection (Basic Trooper, Rocket Trooper, Pilot & Sniper), though this was balanced out a little by the addition of special units (Jetpack Troopers for The Republic, Dark Troopers for the Imperial Forces, Wookie Smugglers for the Rebels and Droideka for the Federation). Also, many players complained that the Federation special unit (The Droideka) was overpowered compared to the other factions' special units. There is also a bug that occurs when jumping, that gets the player stuck in mid-air and only allows for firing upwards.
[edit] PS2 Version
The PlayStation 2 Version was criticized as the weakest version of Battlefront. It had limited multiplayer support, the textures were blurrier and the models had no shading whatsoever. The multiplayer was the most criticized part of the PS2 experience. The PS2 version could only support 16 players, but that was via a PC using special software. If such software wasn't used, then the PS2 could only have 4 human players with 6 AI-controlled bots, which on larger maps, proved to be inadequate and unsatisfactory to many players.
In addition, the PS2 version had several bugs. The game had difficulties with sorting servers and connecting as well as communicating over the headset.[1]
[edit] Demo
There was a playable game demo in the original Star Wars Trilogy bonus DVD. If put into an Xbox, an early version of the Battle of Endor mission is playable. Differences in the graphics and sound are slight, but those in gameplay are significant. Each side has only three classes to choose from (Imperials have the Stormtrooper, Scout Trooper, and Imperial Pilot, while the Rebels have their standard soldier, the Vanguard trooper, and Wookiees, who have arc welders). Instead of turrets, there are blasters mounted on walls, and walls without blasters can be built. The shield bunker cannot be entered. There are no medical or ammo droids, only health and ammo stations that must be "built" with arc welders to use. Finally, a feature was dropped from the final game that gave the main infantry weapons (the blaster rifles and thermal detonators) alternate functions. For example, the rebel soldier's rifle can be fired in semi-automatic mode or "charged" to release a more powerful shot.
[edit] Cast
[edit] Voice cast
- G.W. Childs as Imperial Infantry
- Chris Cox as Alliance Infantry, CIS Infantry, CIS Officer, Gungan Infantry
- Nick Jameson as Alliance Officer, Darth Sidious, Emperor Palpatine
- Tom Kane as Admiral Ackbar, Yoda
- Temuera Morrison as Republic Infantry, Republic Officer
- David Robb as Imperial Officer
[edit] Archive footage appearances
- Kenny Baker as R2-D2
- Silas Carson as Nute Gunray
- Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin
- Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
- Harrison Ford as Han Solo
- Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker
- Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu
- Christopher Lee as Count Dooku
- Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca
- David Prowse as Darth Vader
- Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
All scenes are taken from Episodes I, II, IV, V, and VI.
[edit] References
- ^ (January 2005) "Bug Alert". GamePro (196): 18.
[edit] External links
- Official site
- Star Wars: Battlefront at MobyGames
- Star Wars: Battlefront at IMDB
- Official SWBF PS2 Ladder
- Gametoast: Get More From Your Game
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