Talk:Japanese Canadian
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Sorry, I meant "advise of not correct" - adno is an old airline acronym, the phrase should read of the islands of Honshu and Kyushu? I just realised this doesn't appear anywhere in any dictionaries. Strange that, because when I was in airlines, it was airline usage. Dieter Simon 23:54, 13 May 2004 (UTC)
I'm not sure whether this should be in Category:Canadian people, since I think that category is intended for individual Canadians. The same goes for Chinese Canadian. Any arguments either way? --Saforrest 05:13, Sep 2, 2004 (UTC)
[edit] Ryan O'Marra
This is a tricky one, I think. Did his being born in Japan confer Japanese citizenship, as being born in Canada would confer Canadian citizenship? Both his parents are Irish-Canadian....but is he officially Japanese-Canadian, which is to say, a Japanese-ethnic-inheritance Canadian? Does being born in Japan and having Japanese citizenship make one Japanese in the sense that "Japanese Canadian" is meant here? In Canadian multicultural terms it does, I'd gather, since being born in Canada means you're "ethnically Canadian" no matter what else you also are; but what's the Japanese viewpoint on this (I don't mean the Japanese-Canadian viewpoint so much)?Skookum1 03:07, 14 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Prominent Japanese Canadians
what is the criteria for this? achievement in their respective field? public notoriety? There are an awful lot of Japanese Canadians with a wealth of achievements out there. For example, nominees or recipients of the Order of Canada (or their provinces), the first Japanese Canadians lawyers, people prominent in the media, etc... I'm just wondering what the criteria is. --nobuyuki 16:03, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Japanese Canadian vs Cdn of Japanese descent
Just commenting on the section change, and I haven't looked to see who's listed. This issue has come up on a merge discussion or is it a cat merge discussion about Canadian of English descent and English Canadian, although there the context is blurred because of the non-ethnic associations of English Canadian. But there's Irish Canadian/Canadians or Irish descent, Metis people/people of Metis descent etc (in categories anyway). Still not sure why but it would seem that someone that could/would be labelled Japanese Canadian is someone who identifies that way, e.g. David Suzuki, Joy Kogawa, and also including guys like that hockey player with the Irish name who plays Tsukuba (or Japan?) etc. But then there's somebody who's just" got a Japanese ancestor but otherwise identifies as a Canadian, or another "hyphenated Canadian". So maybe in the case of the hockey player, "japanese Canadian" and "CAnadians of Irish descent" (since he still has his p-port, otherwise he's, um, "Japanese of Irish descent". It's all very confusing, this hyphenation/descent business. And I a Norwegian Canadian, or a Canadian of Noregian, Irish, French and English descent? Or am I "just" a Canadian?Skookum1 17:43, 27 March 2007 (UTC)