Jerry Yanover
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Jerry Yanover is a political advisor in Canada.
For several decades, Yanover has been the leading advisor to the Liberal Party of Canada House Leader. He is considered to be one of Canada's foremost experts on parliamentary procedure. While not a public figure, he has played a central role in Canadian politics for many years. Maclean's magazine once stated that "Yanover is to Liberalism what Yoda is to the Jedi Council." [1]
He first came to Parliament Hill as a tour guide at age eighteen. After obtaining a political science degree from Queen's University, he returned to Parliament Hill in 1969 as assistant to Liberal House Leader Donald Macdonald.
He has continued to serve as an advisor to the House Leader to this day. He planned to retire after the 2004 election, but chose to remain to help the minority government. One of his greatest successes was arranging the votes on the 2005 federal budget, and preventing the defeat of the government on numerous votes of non-confidence. As a result of Yanover's efforts, the Liberal government survived the turbulent spring of 2005.
[edit] References
- Taber, Jane. "Liberals Rely on their Tactical Seer in Their Age of Minority Rule." The Globe and Mail, Monday May 16, 2005. pg. A4.