Jimmy Hastell
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[edit] Podcaster
Jimmy Hastell is a British podcaster who often appears as a guest on the Richard Vobes Radio Show, Britain's most prolific podcast (over 600 daily episodes from January 2005 through October 2006). The duo have known one another for 18 years, and recently (May 2006) completed a listener-sponsored tour across the United States.
After a brief hiatus in October 2005, Hastell has appeared regularly on the Vobes podcast, especially on the Friday beer show! He is also the principal photographer and videographer for the web site.
Hastell was one of several guest speakers at the Pocastcon UK podcasters convention in September 2005.
[edit] Podcast User Magazine
Jimmy Hastell was the main inspiration behind the creation of Podcast User Magazine[1], a free monthly online newsletter for podcasters and podcast listeners with a circulation of over 100,000 readers by the end of 2006, Jimmy is a regular contributor to it.