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[edit] Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
“Magnetorheology of Submicron Diameter Iron Microwires Dispersed in Silicon Oil” R. C. Bell, J. O. Karli, A. N. Vavreck, D. T. Zimmerman. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Currently under peer review.
“Influence of Particle Shape on the Properties of Magnetorheological Fluids.” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions. Eds. F. Gordaninejad, O. A. Graeve and A. Fuchs. World Scientific, 2007.
[edit] Conference Presentations
“Magnetorheology of submicron diameter iron microwires dispersed in silicone oil” (with R. C. Bell, A. N. Vavreck and D. T. Zimmerman, G. T. Ngatu and N. M. Wereley), 10th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference, Baltimore MD, January 2007.
“Influence of Particle Shape on the Shear Strength of Magnetorheological Fluids.” (with R. C. Bell, E. Miller, A. N. Vavreck and D. T. Zimmerman), The 10th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions. Hosted by University of Reno, NV. June 2006.
“A Study of Particle Shape Dependence of Magnetorheological Fluids.”, Penn State University Materials Day 2006. Hosted by Pennsylvania State University. April 2006.
[edit] Research Interests
- Photovoltaics
- Alternative fuels for hydrogen fuel cells
- Quantum wires and quantum rods
- Smart fluids
- Magnetorheological fluids
- The intersections between Gender, Gender Roles, Sexual Orientation, Race, Nationality, Age, Class, and Religion, and the systems of oppression within these social constructs.