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アーレンド・レイプハルト(Arend Lijphart, 1936年-)は、アメリカの政治学者。オランダ生まれ。
レイプハルトの業績は、(1)分裂社会における多極共存型民主主義モデル、(2)比較選挙制度論、(3)比較憲法制度論に大別できる。二大政党制、小選挙区制度によって特徴づけられる多数決型民主主義(majoritarian democracy)もしくはウェストミンスター型民主主義のモデルに対して、コンセンサス型、多極共存型民主主義モデルを提唱。
目次 |
[編集] 著書
[編集] 単著
- The Trauma of Decolonization: the Dutch and West New Guinea, (Yale University Press, 1966).
- The Politics of Accommodation: Pluralism and Democracy in the Netherlands, (University of California Press, 1968).
- Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Exploration, (Yale University Press, 1977).(内山秀夫訳『多元社会のデモクラシー』三一書房, 1979年)
- Democracies: Patterns of Majoritarian and Consensus Government in Twenty-one Countries, (Yale University Press, 1984).
- Power-sharing in South Africa, (Institute of International Studies, University of California, 1985).
- Electoral Systems and Party Systems: A Study of Twenty-seven Democracies, 1945-1990, (Oxford University Press, 1994).
- Patterns of Democracy: Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-six Countries, (Yale University Press, 1999).(粕谷祐子訳『民主主義対民主主義――多数決型とコンセンサス型の36ヶ国比較研究』勁草書房, 2005年)
[編集] 編著
- World Politics: the Writings of Theorists and Practitioners, Classical and Modern, (Allyn & Bacon, 1966).
- Conflict and Coexistence in Belgium: the Dynamics of a Culturally Divided Society, (Institute of International Studies, University of California , 1981).
- Parliamentary versus Presidential Government, (Oxford University Press, 1992).
[編集] 共編著
- Choosing an Electoral System: Issues and Alternatives, co-edited with Bernard Grofman, (Praeger, 1984).
- Electoral Laws and their Political Consequences, co-edited with Bernard Grofman, (Agathon Press, 1986).
- Institutional Design in New Democracies: Eastern Europe and Latin America, co-edited with Carlos H. Waisman, (Westview Press, 1996).
- Liberalization and Leninist Legacies: Comparative Perspectives on Democratic Transitions, co-edited with Beverly Crawford, (University of California, Berkeley, 1997).
- The Evolution of Electoral and Party Systems in the Nordic Countries, co-edited with Bernard Grofman, (Agathon Publishers, 2002).