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[編集] クレイトン大学日本事務所からのコメントか寄せられました。
★★ クレイトン大学が学位製造工場ではないかとの疑惑に関する日本事務局の対応 ★★
[編集] 日本事務局から米国クレイトン大学に送られたメール
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 16:07:44 +0900 To: claytonuniversity@yahoo.com, queststone@msn.com From: クレイトン大学日本事務局 <clayton-admin@umin.ac.jp> Subject: [Urgent] We are now confronted with collapse of Japan office
Ms. Gene Stone President, Clayton University
Mr. Dwight Stone Vice President, Clayton University
Dear Ms. & Mr. Stones:
We have to inform both of you regarding our serious problem. We are now on the verge of a crisis!
As you know, we have been suspected that Clayton University should be the axis of Degree mill since 2004. We have been introduce Japanese students to Clayton University according to your information and guideline with sincerity over the years. Japanese enthusiastic applicants trusted Clayton University because of your application guidebook mentioned authorities such as Clayton University has been officially accreditated by Missouri state government since 1972, affiliated with another some universities world wide one another, and certificated by England with Chartered In Transport (CIT) and International Childbirth Education (ICEA). Of course Japan office absolutely have been trusted your description on the application guidebook with no doubt.
However, in 2004, a Japanese professor Mr. Kojima investigated the facts regarding all those description on your application guidebook. He flatly denied your description with official letters from all organizations you mentioned on the application guidebook. He showed everything was falsehood in public. We could not objected to what he said, because he had evidences heard from each organization. We have been severely criticized since then. Japan office completely has been lost confidence even by alumni of Clayton University. Especially, Mr. Jiro Yoshida has been violently attacked, although he is not to blame.
Now, some official organization in the United States are investigating the truth and actual situations of degree mill. We do not grasp what it is, despite some mass media, including Fuji television network, have been coming to Japan office recently based on our official argument records with Professor Kojima in 2004. Nevertheless, Mr. Yoshida has no real information about present Clayton University, even now and then. Mr. Yoshida had just tried to fight and protect Clayton University from suspicion of degree mill, as he completely trusted your description. He has been believing in President Stone and Clayton University until now.
What is now happening in the United States? Why also Japanese media are investigating regarding Clayton University? What is the truth? Why don't you give explanations to public investment? All the people in Japan office have no truly information other than you officially published in the application guidebook.
IF Clayton University is officially recognized as one of degree mills, Japan office should definitely collapse due to public opinion. Furthermore, many alumni should be exposed criticizing as if they were lying about false statement about their educational background. Some professors and researchers might be lost their academic positions. Of course, we should take serious responsibility about such terrible situations.
What is the truth? How we will be able to save our alumni from the worst scenario? Japan office cannot make refutation any more, because we know nothing about the truth. We just have been acted as an Japanese agent for Clayton University.
We ardently need both of you to solve this serious problem. Please dissuade from their misunderstanding as the representatives of American headquarter of Clayton University. Only both of you know the truth. We really need your help NOW.
Your thoughtful negotiation with official investigating organization and mass media would be ardently appreciated. With our best regards.
Very truly yours,
All staffs with sincerely yours Japan office, Clayton University E-mail: clayton-admin@umin.ac.jp
[編集] 米国クレイトン大学からの返事
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 10:01:50 -0800 (PST) From: Gene Stone <claytonuniversity@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: [Urgent] We are now confronted with collapse of Japan office To: クレイトン大学日本事務局 <clayton-admin@umin.ac.jp>
Dear Jiro-san & All Staff,
When that brochure was printed all those things were true in it. The website has been used in place of the brochure for many years now.
The one who wrote the letter from Brunei University is no longer there and the records are not there anymore or unavailable to those who are there now and who respond in ignorance.
Clayton University started with having classes in Missouri , it sought accreditation and found the costs were too high. It stopped working in the U.S. and the education went overseas through other schools and organizations such as yours. I only know the generalities and we don’t have Gene to explain the particulars.
Neither Dwight nor I know exactly what you do with your students in Japan . We trust and count on their advisors who give them their lessons and pass them. Perhaps you need to show an example of the good work that is done with your students. I believe you, that your students do as much quality work or more than those in traditional universities.
ICEA in not International Childbirth Education (ICEA) it is Institute of Cost and Executive Accountants in the UK .
I wanted to close CU after Gene passed, but I kept it going for you and we tried Hawaii .
That was not successful, but you still wanted to keep it open and we have tried to do it for you this year—this has not worked in Japan .
We believe we should close our doors to settle the critics. It is the only reasonable thing to do at this juncture. The attacks will escalate until this happens. Let us know when you agree.
Please be aware that Dwight has resigned his position as Vice President, and is no longer associated with Clayton University, Ltd.
Good wishes,
[編集] その後一切連絡が取れなくなった米国クレイトン大学への日本事務所からのメール
From: クレイトン大学日本校事務局 <clayton-admin@umin.ac.jp> To: claytonuniversity@yahoo.com Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:23:22 PM Subject: [Urgent] We cannot reach you
Ms. Gene Stone President, Clayton University
Mr. Dwight Stone Vice President, Clayton University
Dear Ms. & Mr. Stones:
Although Mr. Dwight Stone met with Jiro Yoshida and other our staff at Hawaii as the Vice President this month, why you told us Dwight has resigned his position? Also, he answered the interview to Japanese mass media as the Vice President of Clayton University. We do not believe, moreover, he leaked out the name of Japanese staffs to the media. That is the serious betray our confidence! Everybody is convinced with Mr. Dwight Stone is the Vice President of Clayton University until now.
Both of you have to deal with this problem as the President and the Vice President of Clayton University.
You are under obligation to look after all students who have already admitted to Clayton University, even if our university will be closed in a near future. Clayton University has a responsibility to all studens, because you have already accepted them as students and received their tuitions.
We are trying to get in touch with you neither on the phone nor using the fax by the way, we cannnot reach you. What has been happened?
Please phone to Japan office ASAP! Otherwise open your phone line now! We have so many questions for you and we must have important discussion regard with the future of Clayton University.
Please do not avoid this ordeal. Clayton University has to go through this severe trial for the studens and alumni! You have to be better than that. With our best regards.
Very truly yours,
All staffs with sincerely yours Japan office, Clayton University E-mail: clayton-admin@umin.ac.jp
その後、アメリカのクレイトン大学とは一切連絡が取れておりません。 私達も、残念ながら完全に騙されたようです… 事務所も含め、全て閉鎖することになりました。 これまでお世話になりました。正直、アメリカのクレイトン大学には、裏切られた気持ちで一杯です。
最後に一つだけお願いですが、卒業生には何の過失もございません。私共の事務所が取り次いだ、クレイトン大学からのパンフレットを信じただけでございます。卒業生に悪意がなかったことも、動揺が拡がり、既に窮地に立たされていることも事実でございます。どうか彼らに災いが及ばないように、どうか、学者生命を追われるような事態にだけはしないでいただきますよう、切にお願い申し上げます。御高配いただきたく、切にお願い申し上げます。 -- クレイトン大学旧日本事務局 E-mail: clayton-admin@umin.ac.jp
-- 2006年12月21日 (木) 2:04 (UTC)(署名付記)--杉山真大 2006年12月21日 (木) 02:26 (UTC)