Saka Wikipédia, Ènsiklopédhi Bébas ing basa Jawa / Saking Wikipédia, Bauwarna Mardika mawi basa Jawi
Ing agama Islam, Asmaaulhusna tegesé sangang puluh sanga (99) asmaning Gusti Allah SWT sing becik dhéwé. Wiwit mbiyèn para ngulama wis akeh mbahas lan nafsiraké asmaaulhusna iki. Sanadyan metu akèh pamikiran sing séjé-séjé prakara cacah asma iki, ana sing ngarani 132, 200, malahan 1.000 asma, nanging miturut kabèh, sing wigati dhéwé iku hakikat Dat Allah SWT sing kudhu dingertèni déning wong-wong Islam.
Asmaaulhusna iku tegesé asma-asma Gusti Allah sing becik lan agung miturut sifat-sifat Allah. Asma-asma Gusti Allah sing Agung lan mulya iku sawijining Katunggalan sing manunggal ing kaagungan lan kahébatan Gusti Allah, sing mangripta lan ngopèni saisining jagat raya.
Para ngulama nduwé panemu yèn kabeneran iku ana konsistensi marang kabeneran liyané. Kanthi cara iki, wong muslim ora bakal gampang nulis “Allah iku …” amarga ora ana sing bisa nandhingi Allah. Pirembugan sabanjuré iku amung olah pikir manungsa kang winates. Kabèh tembung sing rumaket ing Allah kudu dimangertèni bèdané karo panggoné tembung sing lumrah digunaaké.
Para ngulama nandhesaké yèn Allah iku Pangripta lan Panguwasa alam kang fana. Samubarang kabeneran iku tuhu amung ana (lan gumantung) marang Panjenengané. Kanthi mangkono, Allah iku Maha Tan Ginapé, ananging uga Allah iku Maha Cedhak. Allah Maka Kuwasa, nanging uga Allah iku Maha Mirah lan Maha Asih. Sipat-sipat Allah kang kajarwaaké kanthi Asmaul Husna yaiku jeneng-jeneng kang becik.
[sunting] Dalil
Ing ngisor iki katedhak dalil ing Al-Qur'an lan Hadis prakawis asmaaulhusna:
- "Panjenenganipun Allah, mboten wonten sesembahan/Ilah (ingkang gadhah hak dipun sembah) kejawi Panjenenganipun, Panjenenganipun gadhah asmaaulhusna (asma-asma ingkang saé)." - (Q.S. Thaa-Haa : 8)
- Sesoraa: "Sesoraa Allah utawa soraa Ar-Rahman. Kanthi asma apa baé sliramu pocap, Panjenenganipun nduwèni asmaulhusna (jeneng-jeneng sing paling apik) lan ajaa sliramu nyeroaké swaramu ing sholatmu lan ajaa uga nglirihaké lan golèka dalan tengah ing antara kaloroné iku" - (Q.S Al Israa': 110)
- Nabi saw. sabda: "Allah iku nduwè sangangpuluh sanga asma ingkang becik. Sapa waé sing bisa ngapalaké, mula dhèwèké bakal mlebu surga. Sejatiné Allah iku ganjil lan Panjenenganipun suka marang sing ganjil." - (H.R. Abu Hurairah ra)
[sunting] Asmaaulhusna
No. | Asma | Ngarab | Jawa | Inggris |
1 | Al Rahman | الرحمن | Maha Mirah | The All Beneficent |
2 | Ar Rahiim | الرحيم | Maha Asih | The Most Merciful |
3 | Al Malik | الملك | Maha Kuwasa, Maha Raja | The King, The Sovereign |
4 | Al Quddus | القدوس | Maha Suci | The Most Holy |
5 | As Salaam | السلام | Maha Paring Kasantosan | Peace and Blessing |
6 | Al Mu`min | المؤمن | Ingkang nJagi Rasa Aman | The Guarantor |
7 | Al Muhaimin | المهيمن | Maha Panjaga | The Guardian, the Preserver |
8 | Al `Aziiz | العزيز | Maha Gagah | The Almighty, the Self Sufficient |
9 | Al Jabbar | الجبار | Maha Prakosa | The Powerful, the Irresistible |
10 | Al Mutakabbir | المتكبر | Maha Megah, Ingkang Gadhah Kaagengan | The Tremendous |
11 | Al Khaliq | الخالق | Maha Pangripta | The Creator |
12 | Al Baari` | البارئ | Ingkang Anglepasaken (ndamel, Mujudaken, Ngimbangaken) | The Maker |
13 | Al Mushawwir | المصور | Ingkang Damel Rupa (makhluk-Ipun) | The Fashioner of Forms |
14 | Al Ghaffaar | الغفار | Maha Pengampun | The Ever Forgiving |
15 | Al Qahhaar | القهار | Yang Memaksa | The All Compelling Subduer |
16 | Al Wahhaab | الوهاب | Maha Pemberi Karunia | The Bestower |
17 | Ar Razzaaq | الرزاق | Maha Pemberi Rejeki | The Ever Providing |
18 | Al Fattaah | الفتاح | Maha Pembuka Rahmat | The Opener, the Victory Giver |
19 | Al `Aliim | العليم | Maha Mengetahui (Memiliki Ilmu) | The All Knowing, the Omniscient |
20 | Al Qaabidh | القابض | Yang Menyempitkan (makhluknya) | The Restrainer, the Straightener |
21 | Al Baasith | الباسط | Yang Melapangkan (makhluknya) | The Expander, the Munificent |
22 | Al Khaafidh | الخافض | Yang Merendahkan (makhluknya) | The Abaser |
23 | Ar Raafi` | الرافع | Yang Meninggikan (makhluknya) | The Exalter |
24 | Al Mu`izz | المعز | Yang Memuliakan (makhluknya) | The Giver of Honor |
25 | Al Mudzil | المذل | Yang Menghinakan (makhluknya) | The Giver of Dishonor |
26 | Al Samii` | السميع | Maha Mendengar | The All Hearing |
27 | Al Bashiir | البصير | Maha Melihat | The All Seeing |
28 | Al Hakam | الحكم | Maha Menetapkan | The Judge, the Arbitrator |
29 | Al `Adl | العدل | Maha Adil | The Utterly Just |
30 | Al Lathiif | اللطيف | Maha Lembut | The Subtly Kind |
31 | Al Khabiir | الخبير | Maha Mengetahui Rahasia | The All Aware |
32 | Al Haliim | الحليم | Maha Penyantun | The Forbearing, the Indulgent |
33 | Al `Azhiim | العظيم | Maha Agung | The Magnificent, the Infinite |
34 | Al Ghafuur | الغفور | Maha Pengampun | The All Forgiving |
35 | As Syakuur | الشكور | Maha Pembalas Budi (Menghargai) | The Grateful |
36 | Al `Aliy | العلى | Maha Tinggi | The Sublimely Exalted |
37 | Al Kabiir | الكبير | Maha Besar | The Great |
38 | Al Hafizh | الحفيظ | Maha Menjaga | The Preserver |
39 | Al Muqiit | المقيت | Maha Pemberi Kecukupan | The Nourisher |
40 | Al Hasiib | الحسيب | Maha Membuat Perhitungan | The Reckoner |
41 | Al Jaliil | الجليل | Maha Mulia | The Majestic |
42 | Al Kariim | الكريم | Maha Pemurah | The Bountiful, the Generous |
43 | Ar Raqiib | الرقيب | Maha Mengawasi | The Watchful |
44 | Al Mujiib | المجيب | Maha Mengabulkan | The Responsive, the Answerer |
45 | Al Waasi` | الواسع | Maha Luas | The Vast, the All Encompassing |
46 | Al Hakiim | الحكيم | Maka Bijaksana | The Wise |
47 | Al Waduud | الودود | Maha Pencinta | The Loving, the Kind One |
48 | Al Majiid | المجيد | Maha Mulia | The All Glorious |
49 | Al Baa`its | الباعث | Maha Membangkitkan | The Raiser of the Dead |
50 | As Syahiid | الشهيد | Maha Menyaksikan | The Witness |
51 | Al Haqq | الحق | Maha Benar | The Truth, the Real |
52 | Al Wakiil | الوكيل | Maha Memelihara | The Trustee, the Dependable |
53 | Al Qawiyyu | القوى | Maha Kuat | The Strong |
54 | Al Matiin | المتين | Maha Kokoh | The Firm, the Steadfast |
55 | Al Waliyy | الولى | Maha Melindungi | The Protecting Friend, Patron, and Helper |
56 | Al Hamiid | الحميد | Maha Terpuji | The All Praiseworthy |
57 | Al Mushii | المحصى | Maha Mengkalkulasi | The Accounter, the Numberer of All |
58 | Al Mubdi` | المبدئ | Maha Memulai | The Producer, Originator, and Initiator of all |
59 | Al Mu`iid | المعيد | Maha Mengembalikan Kehidupan | The Reinstater Who Brings Back All |
60 | Al Muhyii | المحيى | Maha Menghidupkan | The Giver of Life |
61 | Al Mumiitu | المميت | Maha Mematikan | The Bringer of Death, the Destroyer |
62 | Al Hayyu | الحي | Maha Hidup | The Ever Living |
63 | Al Qayyuum | القيوم | Maha Mandiri | The Self Subsisting Sustainer of All |
64 | Al Waajid | الواجد | Maha Penemu | The Perceiver, the Finder, the Unfailing |
65 | Al Maajid | الماجد | Maha Mulia | The Illustrious, the Magnificent |
66 | Al Wahiid | الواحد | Maha Esa | The One, the All Inclusive, the Indivisible |
67 | Al Ahad | الاحد | Maha Esa | The One, the All Inclusive, the Indivisible |
68 | As Shamad | الصمد | Maha Dibutuhkan, Tempat Meminta | The Self Sufficient, the Impregnable, the Eternally Besought of All, the Everlasting |
69 | Al Qaadir | القادر | Maha Menentukan, Maha Menyeimbangkan | The All Able |
70 | Al Muqtadir | المقتدر | Maha Berkuasa | The All Determiner, the Dominant |
71 | Al Muqaddim | المقدم | Maha Mendahulukan | The Expediter, He who brings forward |
72 | Al Mu`akkhir | المؤخر | Maha Mengakhirkan | The Delayer, He who puts far away |
73 | Al Awwal | الأول | Maha Awal | The First |
74 | Al Aakhir | الأخر | Maha Akhir | The Last |
75 | Az Zhaahir | الظاهر | Maha Nyata | The Manifest; the All Victorious |
76 | Al Baathin | الباطن | Maha Ghaib | The Hidden; the All Encompassing |
77 | Al Waali | الوالي | Maha Memerintah | The Patron |
78 | Al Muta`aalii | المتعالي | Maha Tinggi | The Self Exalted |
79 | Al Barri | البر | Maha Penderma | The Most Kind and Righteous |
80 | At Tawwaab | التواب | Maha Penerima Tobat | The Ever Returning, Ever Relenting |
81 | Al Muntaqim | المنتقم | Maha Penyiksa | The Avenger |
82 | Al Afuww | العفو | Maha Pemaaf | The Pardoner, the Effacer of Sins |
83 | Ar Ra`uuf | الرؤوف | Maha Pengasih | The Compassionate, the All Pitying |
84 | Malikul Mulk | مالك الملك | Penguasa Kerajaan (Semesta) | The Owner of All Sovereignty |
85 | Dzul Jalaali Wal Ikraam | ذو الجلال و الإكرام | Pemilik Kebesaran dan Kemuliaan | The Lord of Majesty and Generosity |
86 | Al Muqsith | المقسط | Maha Adil | The Equitable, the Requiter |
87 | Al Jamii` | الجامع | Maha Mengumpulkan | The Gatherer, the Unifier |
88 | Al Ghaniyy | الغنى | Maha Berkecukupan | The All Rich, the Independent |
89 | Al Mughnii | المغنى | Maha Memberi Kekayaan | The Enricher, the Emancipator |
90 | Al Maani | المانع | Maha Mencegah | The Withholder, the Shielder, the Defender |
91 | Ad Dhaar | الضار | Maha Memberi Derita | The Distressor, the Harmer |
92 | An Nafii` | النافع | Maha Memberi Manfaat | The Propitious, the Benefactor |
93 | An Nuur | النور | Maha Bercahaya (Menerangi, Memberi Cahaya) | The Light |
94 | Al Haadii | الهادئ | Maha Pemberi Petunjuk | The Guide |
95 | Al Baadii | البديع | Maha Pencipta | Incomparable, the Originator |
96 | Al Baaqii | الباقي | Maha Kekal | The Ever Enduring and Immutable |
97 | Al Waarits | الوارث | Maha Pewaris | The Heir, the Inheritor of All |
98 | Ar Rasyiid | الرشيد | Maha Pandai | The Guide, Infallible Teacher, and Knower |
99 | As Shabuur | الصبور | Maha Sabar | The Patient, the Timeless |