Talk:Kauffman Stadium
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Discussion page for Kauffman Stadium
[edit] External links about proposed tax increase for stadium renovations
The last two external links added to this article are related to the political campaign to pass a tax increase to pay for improvements to the stadium. I'm unsure, but I believe that the link may violate Wikipedia policy in that it is presenting a specific POV on a controversial issue in the guise of information on the subject.
IF the tax initiative passes (and polls say it is in doubt), then the changes will be relevant. However, I believe the link to the "Save Our Stadiums" site is not information about the stadium itself, but simply a political campaign.
As the "official" link has been added again, I have added two additional links, one to a parody of the official site, and one to a serious campaign opposed to the referendum. We can't stop people from adding an obvious POV link (and I'm sure that some would without thinking it so), so we may as well have balance. Couillaud 20:11, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
I put the "Save Our Stadiums" there because it has info on the proposed improvements for the stadiums. Also as a nonpolitical talk if the bill does not pass the team wont be in KC much longer [1] Slu2008
Where would they move? Shreveport? There's nothing wrong with the stadium. It's just greedy owners again, looking to make a fast buck at the public trough. Wahkeenah 21:46, 30 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] "as political as it gets"
A major sports team threatening to move unless it host city spends a billion dollars to help it make an even bigger profit is NOT non-political; it is as political as it gets. Cities give tax breaks to major employers all the time, but they don't build their factories for them at taxpayer expense, and the NFL and MLB are NOT major employers. Most independent studies have concluded that the claims that teams have a great positive economic impact on their hosts are highly exaggerated.
The Kansas City effort is showing the same pattern as many other cities. We haven't yet reached the point of the teams threatening to move (they both have contracts that won't allow that for a few years yet), but a "bi-state" initiative (involving three Missouri and two Kansas counties) has already been defeated, and this is merely the second step. If this fails, there will be more efforts, and the teams will eventually make direct threats to move, despite the fact that neither sport has many viable alternative locations.
While I agree with Wahkeenah that this has a lot to do with greedy owners, I believe that the "Official" campaign site can be kept here as long as the opposition gets its say. The only other alternative is to consider all of them POV sites and not allow the links.
Why is it that when players get paid millions from the owners, people complain about how the game today is all about greed, but when owners want hundreds of millions from taxpayers, those same people think it's our civic duty to pony up? Personally, I'd be all for a very restrictive salary cap for players if MLB used the savings to build their own damned stadiums or buy the existing municipal structures and maintain them. Couillaud 16:13, 31 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Stadium Logo
Football stadiums have their logo in the infobox, and this has spread over to baseball stadiums. I went through and created a standard format for the logos, and put them in for all the baseball parks, but found two that I could not get a logo for. This is one of them, and the other is Coors Field. If anyone has one, can find one, or can maybe, perhaps... can make a good looking one , please upload it and put it on my talk page. - Silent Wind of Doom 19:47, 23 November 2006 (UTC)