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[edit] Greetings
Last Revision 22 Mar 2007
If your broom fits ride it. BEWARE! You have been warned. Read the following with caution. I am like no other. (You too are unique.) Welcome. Books are one of my hobbies. I love to research things that have caught my fancy. I have genuine curiosity. I play no favorites, except relentless critical inquiry outside of the common boundaries that come from skimming over material too quickly to get a happy answer and create a conviction. I am fascinated by the obscure, the unknown, minute details, and deception, especially self-deception. I have a gift for pushing the buttons of others by supplying skipped or unknown information. I am not insensitive to others. The only explanation I can offer is that these topics, sometimes excitable to others, honestly intriqued me. (After all, these are only puzzles. Cut me some slack.) Because I am extremely curious it is very difficult for me to relate to the boundaries of others. Why not seek a reasonable mundane answer that best fits the clues from the evidence already available? My innocent inquiries were frequently distorted into attacks and threats. My statements, that I thought were quite calm, honest and hopefully sensible, became irrational rantings and axe grinding, my sincerity mistaken for sarcasm because I am no master of words. A wise Enchantress (You think there are no such persons? You have much to learn.) told me it was probably an encounter with insecurity. I was totally naive and stupid. I was deeply hurt and felt and still feel remorse for being so ignorant. But I desired to know more, to carefully examine the pieces, to work the puzzles. I make lots of mistakes, but I do try to correct them, and learn from them. I do NOT define myself as a skeptic, but rather a genuinely curious, amateur historian, puzzler and observer of social psychology. Genuine curiousity, investigative research, interpretation of the evidence, and disclosure is the process of the critical historian. That this material will result in neutrality is not known until summation. Though it may be be politically correct is there really such an animal as neutral history? There are no errors, injustice, irrationality, villians, horror, reason, heroes, goodness, truth, lies, good or evil in the real world? The goal of a critical historian is objectivity. I am a husband, father, grandpa and conjuror. It was Milbourne Christopher, one of the world's great magicians, who taught me to always read a book with a pencil nearby and encouraged me to write. My materials on "Ancient Magicians were they Conjurors?" were shared with the late Robert Lund and are somewhere in The American Museum of Magic and also with my friend, Dr. Edwin A. Dawes, one of magic's great historians and member of the London Magic Circle. My mentor was Martin Gardner, the dean of American puzzlers. What floats on the ocean? is my favorite riddle. (Can you guess the one correct answer?) I am member of the Order of Merlin and a member of the Association of Ancient Historians. (I am not a professional magician or historian, but I listen closely to the pros). I'm just a grunt and certainly no genius, only average intelligence. Often I use street language to express myself. I am very comfortable there. I am most definitely a philogynist and a misandronist! Love the ladies! I ain't no computer whiz. Like Popeye says, "I yam what I yam." My school was, and still is, the school of hard knocks.
[edit] The Supernatural
Since it is a product of the poor and forlorn, the blues is the truth. Mother blues tells it like it tea eye es is. "C'mon over, baby. There's a whole lotta shakin goin on!" is poetry. (Thankyou Alvin Lee.) That each person creates their own meaning for life is obvious. This is why they are different for each person. The human will to survive is the product of meaning, and finding individual value. Like Martin Gardner,[1] James Randi, Thomas Edison, Joseph Jastrow [2] and Albert Einstein[3] [4] I do not believe in a supernatural God or anything else supernatural. (I prefer to hold out until this out-dated, superstitious, unlikely and mistaken version of God appears and speaks on CNN and is put on trial for crimes against humanity.) How can I break it to you gently? The supernatural is a popular delusion. Perhaps a result of those in places of authority with Schizotypal personality disorder and an underestimating of social forces or apophenia? Yet, I wouldn't be surprised if there was something else we cannot even imagine at work. Something entirely OTHER, natural laws that create natural laws, a spooky non-logical universe?! (Quick satisfying answers are preferred over I don't know). Those who argue there is "proof" of God, or intelligent design, use selective material. They are very mischievous! Check out the Permian-Triassic extinction event.[5] Wow! Review the surviving written records about the victims of the Black Plague and other epidemics. Today, count the tombstones in the children's graveyards, six million a year. Eight million people die each year because they are too poor to stay alive. Their's is a desperate attempt to convince themselves and others the "authority of science" proves the existence of (a friendly)? God. There is a lack of faith and reason. The cruelty of natural selection is a fact, Jack.
When someone we love dies there is a desire for something good to come out of this tragedy, to soothe the heartache. What could be better than to be with that deceased loved one forever in paradise? We desire a reason for things, divine justice. I do not believe in an after life, but again I wouldn't be surprised if there was one. My wife thinks there is. Martin has stated, the universe is stranger than any thing we can imagine. The more I learn, the more I observe, the natural is so bizarre there may not be room for the supernatural. Supernatural phenomena have diminished to be replaced by a steady growing number of natural phenomena. Why? There has been inaccuracy due to errors in judgement by our ancestors, people of the past with a smaller and more limited knowlege of how things worked. This process is unlikely to change or end with our generation or with other "wonderers" that live throughout the universe. When a conjuror creates the illusion of magic he or she uses natural law and secret somethings. I am not so sure that existence and all this stuff around us is an illusion of magic. I have a suspicion during, or after, our life is over we never find out. How can a person become unconscious? It adds to the mystery. I think all extremists should have lights shining out of their butts and fart nasty green clouds that come out of their ears when they get excited. They should also be followed, and unable to escape hordes of angry flying monkeys who throw shit at them. Love the Simpsons!
I know there are real monsters and heroes. I think all babies are born innocent and people are made. I know children should be loved and cared for. The world is not fair. What goes around does NOT come around. There are innocent victims. Dire circumstances and abuse are often beyond one's own control. Their affects can be life long and devastating.
[edit] Extrasensory Perception
Supposedly it was Thomas Edison who said, "I failed my way to success." For about 45 years I have followed the past history and minimal progress of Parapsychology. In the old days it used to be called psychical research. Parapsychologists have a habit of bringing up old foundations from psychical research, the skills of Daniel Dunglas Home and his testing by Sir William Crookes are a favorite. Therefore I claim they are very closely related, the only difference has been the addition of numbers. Parapsychology is not at all controversial in psychology or psychiatry. They don't think much of it. It has yet to prove itself.
Long time psychical researcher Eric Dingwall had this to say: In the issue of the American Psychologist for May 1969 R. A. McConnell, in an admirable summary of some difficult questions, asks why psychologists are not interested in ESP. Has it ever struck him that their lack of interest is because they do not want to be associated with the parapsychologists whose reputation for the pursuit of truth is not of the highest and who are linked with a crowd of dubious and half-baked seekers after marvels. Were it to rid itself of these people instead of suffering them and appointing them to positions of prestige and authority, it might have a great future. Leading critics conclude parapsychology is not a serious study of the paranormal and it is unlikely to change.[4] They point out very peculiar articles and experiments. There have been many in The Journal of Parapsychology and other psychical literature. See, that's why they have never gotten anywhere.
Recently one of the hot topics is the claim persons can tell when they are being stared at. Military and law enforcement snipers have not been consulted, nor private detectives, or other professional snoops. Their imput would seem to be quite valuable because this is what they do regularly in their professions. Or is this considered just observing? A victim always knows when they are being stalked? What happens in complete darkness as compared to light? What happens when night vison goggles are used? Or if a barrier is added and removed, or a subject is blindfolded? Where do you draw the line? Shouldn't a scientific experiment be throughly examined, even for flaws, before results appear in a journal?
The positive results of PSI experiments by the late pioneer Joseph Banks Rhine have never been replicated and are suspicious. [6] Since this is the foundation of parapsychology it is odd this is not widely discussed or known to the public. Shouldn't books by parapsychologists reveal this problem in their introductions to PSI history and assessments of Rhine's work? Parapsychology is not like other sciences. Only it has an odd history involving the unusual benefical consul, advice and criticisms from the experts of deception, master magicians. A few examples are Project Alpha, Eusapia Palladino, Mina Crandon, Arthur Ford, Ted Serios, Nina Kulagina, Uri Geller, Ingo Swann, Courtney Brown and John Edward. At this moment I can think of no other science, especially including psychology and psychiatry, that stresses the need for belief and dismisses the possibility of delusion. The catchy buzz phrase of denied failure, the absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence, is very popular in parapsycholgy findings. (Noah's ark lies buried beneath my garage!). A lack of positive evidence in parapsychology means nothing and is shrugged off. As in the not-so-long-ago trials of alleged witches; the absence of evidence spills over with the confidence of conviction. Curiously again, even the belief in God enters the PSI picture. This should turn on a warning light, ( Yes witches, yes dangerous spells, yes God; yes PSI, yes benevolent spells, yes God), but it doesn't. It goes right by, unnoticed by the faithful. So it goes. They fail to see the continuing belief in Magick. (Magick has been around for millions of years. Don't expect it to just roll over and die. It ain't gonna happen. Magick is very, very, powerful. That is why it has lasted.)[7]
[edit] Parapsychology and Dean Radin
Do not distort the following information as an ATTACK on Dean Radin or anyone else. I have nothing against Mr. Radin. This is just the skinny, Minny. These are assorted things I found interesting. Remember what I find interesting is often off the beaten path. If you find the following upsetting you are blowing things out of proportion. When I speak about the mental health of another it is a search for an explanation. Nothing more. Not name calling. I am fascinated by the thinking of myself and others that piece by piece slowly creates our own conclusions. Many times it is the magnetism of a conclusion that attracts not the force of the evidence. Evidence regarding the truth or error of this conclusion is secondary and will remain insignificant.
Radin is a celebrity researcher and popular author in parapsychology, and his work has been criticized accordingly. In particular, Radin has often been the target of Skeptical Organizations who reject his work as being hastily constructed, questionable and evasive. [8] [9] Radin, and his supporters, have responded to skeptical criticisms with their conclusions based on research findings from remote viewing findings and other government projects.[10] [11] [12] For some strange reason only Radin's work in his latest book has any importance to his fans. His earlier work and things he says in odd comments during interviews while plugging his books, if they appear flawed, are irrevelent and selectivly blanked out. I am fascinated by these displays of bias.
Radin, with his "gentle touched" bent spoon,[13] [14] has conducted research on, among other things, how significant events which capture the attention of many people may affect random number generators. Such events include the September 11 terrorist attacks, an O.J. Simpson broadcast, a Super Bowl, and the American Academy Awards presentations,[15] how lunar cycles affect PSI and winning at gambling casinos,[16] and the positive influence of the mind controlling the falling of dice [17] Many theories have been proposed by others to explain these anomalies, but so far only one has been favored by Radin. As with much of Radin's work, these experiments were never attempted or duplicated by anyone else.[18] [19] Radin has stated his experiments are not proof orientated. They are process orientated. He is certain that PSI has already been proven to exist. This is his explanation of the anomalies in the Ganzfeld and remote viewing experiments, PSI. There is no reason to try and prove it anymore. Now is the time to see how is it reliable and useful. [20][21] Harvey J. Irwin, Associate Professor in the School of Psychology, University of New England, Australia, and a member of the Parapsychological Association writes this can be an error, for concluding PSI is the anomaly, rules out all other possibilities, such as the short comings of our understandings of random and independence,[5] Experimenter effect, faulty proceedures or equiptment, unconscious judgement,[22] etc. [23] These mundane alternative anomalies have not yet been throughly explored. They are not as attractive or earth shaking? as PSI. Often critical history (and good science) must wait for the excitement of the moment to die down. Excitement, exuberance and lack of experience can affect critical judgement.(I have read this is often associated with one's age.)[24] From what I have observed this is often the case, when it comes to newly discovered art and archaeological forgeries, etc.
When confronted with the question of fraud in parapsychology, Radin says there has only been one case of admitting fraud in parapsycholgy and that was in the 1970's, and two or three only suspected. [6] [25] Since parapsychology was psychical research, it seems evident by looking into the past, and some of its more modern charlatans, this is a very calculated statement. I like the part suggesting you are only guilty of fraud if you admit it. Since Joseph Banks Rhine [7] and S.G. Soal [26] are dead, I don't suppose they will be admitting anything. Do you? Having scientific credentials does not guarantee honesty or accuracy. There are shades and grades of people in all careers.
The following information: [ In September 1997, Radin was axed from his (two year) research job at UNLV less than three weeks after the publication of The Conscious Universe. (I prefer the term "axed" because this is a real life, street language, term from my trade. And this is how I talk.) Radin was also initially granted approval to teach ONE class at UNLV, but shortly after publication of The Conscious Universe the class he had planned to teach, "The History and Scientific Study of Psychic Phenomena" was canceled without explanation. Radin was surprised by his dismissal, insisting that university pressure to leave had been tied to the attention he had received from the media.][27] (According to Radin in a later interview, the reason for his dismissal was to change the perception of UNLV from a laughing stock to being taken seriously.) [8] has been deleted from the Radin entry. It exists only in references. This information was considered to have no historical value. Radin fans called this info a smear. It is not a part of his biography. Sure is. I'll bet Radin remembers getting broomed. It was not NPOV! I see this as a suppression of knowledge. I have been taught by my elders "acquaintance with fact is better that ignorance". [28] Radin's last experiment at UNLV consisted of Umbanda mediums, basically spiritualistic healers, in Brazil, attempting to heal American subjects six thousand miles away at UNLV.[9]
Parapsychology was, and is, I suspect, an attempt to give a "scientific authority" (today quantum, during the time when X-rays and radio were popular it was waves) to psychic powers and after life. Again, it may be due to a lack of faith and reason. It seems unlikely that humans possess the magic mental and transcendent powers they have always desired and imagined. In the celebrated Ganzfeld and Stargate Project Remote viewing experiments it was claimed gifted subjects scored 5% to 15% OVER chance. In some government experiments, rarely and vaguely mentioned, this dropped to only 2% OVER chance. [29] These percentages are often only called significant and not clearly written in figures that are easily understood. (Significant is a buzz word in parapsychology.) With no telepathy, if chance is one out of four, 25%. 15% OVER chance is more often presented, by parapsychologists that strongly support psi, as being correct 40% of the time; excluding any mention of chance, at all. Thus, 2% OVER chance becomes being correct 27% of the time. This is a wee bit deceptive. Perhaps I have a distorted view. It won't be the first or last time. Now Dean Radin has another way to look at numbers. Any deviation under or over chance, is significant evidence for PSI. How can you lose with that one?
Today James Randi offers the million dollar challenge to anyone who claims they can demonstrate psychic or supernatural powers in a controlled environment. Dean Radin counters with the argument it would cost over a million dollars to construct such a demonstration. Hell, all Radin has to do is bend about a dozen or so spoons with his famous gentle touch. Those spoons don't have to be made out of platinum. Easy money, scientific fame, and maybe even a Nobel prize! But then if Radin's gentle touch does not work it may indicate he suffers from delusions of grandeur. If one cannot really bend a spoon with a gentle touch why else would you claim you can? Look I have special powers! This spoon bending stuff is a fact! Radin never presents the names of others at the spoon bending party to verify his claim. I find this extremely odd. If I told you I bent a spoon with a "gentle touch" at a spoon bending party and showed you a photo, without question, would you believe me? ( Oh I hear ya, but Dean Radin is a well educated hi-tech scientist. So what? Where did you grow up, on the friggin' moon? Academics are first of all people. And people can do strange things.) [10] Didn't Uri Geller's admirer, (you go with the money), Marcello Truzzi, coin the term, "Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence?" [30] Wouldn't it be wise to ask for more than ONLY Radin's statement and a couple photos of a bent spoon? [11] Perhaps his delusions of grandeur are the reason HE is making all these GREAT discoveries in parapsychology that will change the world of science he continues to write about, using his OWN personal brand of statistics that not everyone else uses. Radin's says HIS statistics are more accurate. (Did he really say he picks the statistics that best support his experiments? What does that mean?)[31] Hey, what the hell do I know? I can't tell if a meta-analysis is correct or incorrect. I'm no mathematician. How about you? (I understand meta-analysis does not examine the quality of each individual experiment. If this is true something is lacking.) But I do have a pretty fair knowlege about spoons. Bent spoons similar to Radin's, and even slicker ones, can be seen at [12]. Check out the E-cards and wallpaper. Radin uses the excuse persons lose their psychic abilities when they are tested. Beat that one!
[edit] Dean Radin and the Indian Rope Trick
When it comes to the famous Indian rope trick Radin, a four-times elected president of the Parapsychological Association, says," There are all these classic cases of the fakirs throwing the rope in the air and the little boy climbs up to the top and disappears and all kinds of magical things happen. All the Easterners see it and will swear up and down that they saw it, whereas the Westerners see nothing. They were watching the fakir just stand there with his arms folded and the little boy standing there and the rope is on the ground and nothing happened." Radin's explanation is the fakir melted minds.[32] He is completely unaware, or refuses to accept, that this famous trick has been explained by magicians, magic historians, and a parapsychologist as a hoax, not melted minds. [33] Is this the way Radin solves other mysteries, and reaches other PSI conclusions with hasty uniformed guessing? It has been remarked this generation of scholars is different. You publish as quickley as possible, create a sensation and get known (academically) that way.[34]
[edit] Conjurers and the Occult
Presently not one gifted psychic or participant in remote viewing, the Ganzfeld, or any other celebrated parapsychology experiment has come forward to substantiate their so-called scientifically valid skills to Randi, or any other master conjuror. How come? In the past challenges were given by the famous John Nevil Maskelyne, Houdini other conjurors and Scientific American magazine. No one ever won the prize money. These examples from today and the past suggest unusual and transcendent powers are solely imaginary, and are the products of human error and sloppy science, a sustaining belief in magic, superstition, mysticism, and a continual ignorance of mental tricks, abnormal psychology, psychiatry and the erroneous analysis of mundane experiences that have caused bewilderment throughout human history. Mundus Vult Deipi Decipiatur.
I know there are lots of phonies and spook crooks. Close-up magic is very powerful, few people can recognize it when they see it. I know the occult and believing in the supernatural, psychic phenomena and trying to talk to the dead can make one's reason deteriorate. Check out James Pike and Arthur Conan Doyle, (notice the death of a loved one), also objectively and cautiously read this stuff when they are primary materials from the other past generations, if you have to. It's scary. Where are their heads at? They never would have recognized Queen Mab if they had tripped over her.
I do not think psychic abilities, if they exist, I am very doubtful, can be controlled or ever proved. My wife and I have experienced Folie a deux and shared 2 visual hallucinations. It knocked us for a loop. Things like that aren't supposed to occur. Big surprise! Possibly a transference of thought, here a visual hallucination, a delusion, as a result of severe depression and emotional ties between two close persons. James Randi and other skeptics prefer to skip Folie a deux. It doesn't look like you can MAKE IT happen, except perhaps with the incapacitating agent, BZ, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate,Ayahuasca, etc. It's no big deal! I don't think, even if it is telepathy carried by emotional contagion that it has much value.
In January 1993 I received a kind reply from the noted Oliver Sacks, M.D. He informed me he had gotten to his 60th year "without ever encountering the slightest hint of any paranormal abilities or phenomena in anyone." He said he was sorry. I said I was not surprised. If this situation has changed I am positive parapsychologists would have shouted it out. In parapsychology there seems to be an outstanding favoritism of possibility over probability, and speculation rather than confirmation, leaving practicality and discipline behind. Even though Houdini's diaries reveal he never lost hope in his heart, one does not communicate with the dead. These are delusions of grief, grandeur, fear of the unknown, separation and mortality. Stories and rumors grow in a minute, a lot, even in print. I have personally questioned on the spot crime reporters, and detectives.
[edit] Exorcism
Around 1968 I was doing some research for a fiction story. (Trust me you do not want to read it). I was interested in collecting authetic information on the exorcism rites of the Catholic Church. John Cardinal Dearden was kind enough to hook me up with the offical exorcist for the Detroit area. He resided at St. Bonaventure Monastery. In the course of our conversation, being as curious as I am, I just had to ask,"In all the years you have been an exorcist how many exorcisms have you performed?" The answer was none. I was a bit surprised. "How do you explain this?" I asked. The priest told me exorcisms are very rare in the United States. Evil spirits prefer to make their homes within in less civilized societies. I was stunned!
[edit] Prophecy
Prophecy and predicting the future has always been, and is, bunk. Fascinating games are played with selective words and meanings, phrases are pulled out of context; not before, but after events have occurred. They are written about as prophecies. These are impressive hooks in the Bible, Nostradamus, etc. This arcane art continues and is popular till this day. The naive public, always wanting to believe in the mysterious drivle of oracles and strange powers, happily gobbles them up, basically without question or inquiry into their construction. It is amazing! The Latin phrase vaticinium ex eventu is the professional Biblical scholar's term for [Literally: Foretelling after the event]. How does one gently explain this to the uninformed? Professional Biblical scholars are taught it is wrong to endanger a person's faith. A religious faith is precious to many people. I have seen university students cursing their teacher in religious studies classes and stomping out the door because they were shocked, unprepared, and refused to critically learn the ways and customs of ancient writers. Biblical literature must magically, Divinely foretell the future or it is fraudulent. It does not and it is not. This literature is a product of its time, when hexes, spells, magic, sorcerers, witches, divination and omens were everyday things. This can easily be observed by reading many ancient writers, not just the ones in the Bible, and a study of ancient history.
[edit] Faith
I know people want to be with their loved ones forever. I know my teachers are right; faith is caused by a leap, and only kept by determination. It takes power to maintain optimism and happiness. Prayer, even if it is just self-talk and wishful thinking can give you hope and strength. Martin thinks people who have faith are happier than those without. I have a suspicion this may be true. According to the popular historian Will Durant, "There is no significant example in history, before our time, of a society successfully maintaining moral life without the aid of religion."
[edit] Blockheads and Blind Obedience
Don't confuse faith with the blind obedience of the true believer. Having faith is no excuse for being gullible and stupid. Don't be a chump. Question authority. Be skeptical. Don't be in a rush to create convictions. Be cautious. Examine the fine details. Do not accept the judgement of the crowd. Be ready to evaluate new evidence as fair and as well as the old. Strive for objectivity, not for what you prefer. Keep the ability for changing your mind. Let the foolish big talkers show their bravery and throw their own meaningless lives away. If they are not at the front, in harm's way, (and they rarely are) they are cowards. They value their own lives more than the lives of others. Just think how many innocent lives could have been saved if in the beginning Osama bin Laden had the faith and courage to martyr himself by surrendering to U.S. authorities, instead of asking others to to hide him and kill for him. I'll bet you bin Laden doesn't wear a bomb.
Maybe Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is the mastermind? of the September 11 attacks and other terrorist crimes that kill innocent men, women and children. He certainly wasn't stupid enough to put himself in danger. Mohammed had others who listened and planned with him and threw away THEIR lives. He never a got scratch. He was in no hurry to get to paradise. He wasn't that big of a blockhead. Did he confess to save his own miserable life? Or did he find happiness in murder? If water boarding was the method of getting his confession it probably means he, himself, was afraid to die. Is it possible Mohammed's responsibilty for the death of others, friend and foe alike, gave him a feelng of false bravado and courage?
It is easy to see in the month of August, 2006 Hassan Nasrallah is an egomanic who is incapable of admitting he makes serious blunders that result in the deaths of innocent people. Out of kindness, he should be stopped and examined by psychiatrists before he does any more harm. According to Time magazine, 11 Dec 2006, more than 1,200 Lebanese died, 3,700 were wounded, another 974,184 were left homeless and the damage to Lebanon was $3.6 billion. This destruction brought about by Nasrallah's blunder made him a hero. Go figure. I'll bet you he is not living out on the street. I will never understand why it is so difficult for one to recognize their own mental illness and distortions of reality and decide to do something positive about curing them.
It was interesting to see big time terrorist Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi's propaganda video. He could not properly fire his weapon without assistance. It is said the coward disguised himself as a woman and bravely traveled surrounded by innocent women and children. I wonder if any of these innocents were blown to pieces while saying their prayers in a holy mosque because of his paranoid insanity. Fanaticism and prejudice are learned behaviors. There are wiser and more benefical things to learn in your life time than hate. Terrorists talk loudly about their love of Allah and the Prophet. They are liars. Their actions show they worship weapons, violence, and death. To them life has lost its beauty and value. They are wrong. Happiness may be achieved in this life. Nope. It ain't easy. There are no guaranties. Life is a struggle and there is a good chance this is a one time deal, regardless of what you have been told. Think.
[edit] Biblical Stuff
I know history, the surviving records of things said and done, especially ancient history, is a mess, and the best you can do is try to be objective. I know this is impossible but worth the effort. Reading good ancient history, Ramsay MacMullen is my favorite historian, is like eating candy. The historical Jesus (what really happened) is lost and is unlikely to be found in this ancient world where miracle is taken for granted. Not to believe in them makes you seem simply irrational. Wondrous stories are stretched to the boundaries of incredulity. Records of events are naively mistaken for the events themselves. What a waste of time! The best you can do is see him emerging from earlier mysterious dim oral traditions as a magician, wonder-worker, a Divine man, or hero and an itinerant teacher using riddles or parables before he becomes the Messiah in the Gospel of Mark. Check out the earliest mysterious two different Images of Jesus from the late 3rd and early 4th century. Most people seem to know and prefer only the surviving bearded image. They have missed something. It takes a while, hundreds of years, before this son of God becomes the one "begotten" and only God of Christianity by the power struggles and democratic votes of the early Church. [35] The rest is endless conjecture. I'll call it like I see it: "mental masturbation", and the inability to accept the dead ends of the remote, ill-documented past. Rudolf Bultmann was correct. E.P. Sanders has said John Dominic Crossan's books about the "historical" Jesus contain nice pictures. (Titus Livy's History of Rome is contained in 142 books; only 35 still survive.)
(Hang on, Sloopy! This is pretty much the stand of the sharpest professional Biblical scholars, which few people read because they have a chip on their shoulder. Hmmm they did copy all that ancient secular science and religious literature by hand for centuries or else it wouldn't be here. Burned some too! Why did their old school save any of the secular? Easy reader, not all people are alike, kiddo! Watch out for those distorted generalizations! Check out Joseph Fitzmyer's accounts about the historical Jesus defined at Vatican 2) J.C. is not the only Divine hero whose body disappears and is supposed to return. (See Resurrection: Bodily disappearances). Don't hold your breath. How can a grown rational adult buy the weirdness of the "rapture"? A kid is smarter than that. The early Christians expected the end of the world in their lifetime. (Sound familiar?) They friggin blew it! Never liked St. Paul; what an extremist corn ball; blah, blah, blah. Some broad should have kicked his ass.
Think everyone should know there are 2 sets of ten commandments and that the last set (Exodus 34:17-26), not the popular one, is the set carried in the ark. Just follow the story sequence. Don't let these scaredy cats con you! There is good Biblical Scholarship, but most people are afraid of it. They're happy with what they've got. Why be uncomfortable with something new if it is unnecessary? I repeat, genuine curiosity is very rare. The curious and the incurious are worlds apart.
Biblical archaeology is not archaeology for its own sake. It has been sadly corrupted by nationalism, religious and secular cliques, personal unscholarly agendas and profiteering. Controversy gets the money and sells. Too bad! (No forger could be that smart! Wanna bet? Just study the past. Give em' what they want and they'll fall for it every time. If they don't, make them want it. Be cautious! The REAL house where THIS Biblical person lived is where the tourist bus stops and you can buy cold drinks, post cards, Bibles, souvenirs and take some pictures. If its ancient Joe Blow's, not in the Bible, village or house, few people give a damn. You cannot finance an archaeological dig using the name of Joe Blow. Charles Leonard Woolley's financing of the excavation of Ur, as the actual home city of the Biblical Abraham, was a slick hustle. Even mystery writer Agatha Christie was supposedly impressed when Woolley enthusiastically pointed out "Abraham's house!" from about 3,000 years ago. [36]
Tell es-Safi, Goliath's home town is the latest big thing. Well, what do you know? A shard was just discovered with Goliath's name on it. Why does that not surprise me? Some people, always have and always will, require physical proof, miracles, mysticism or an emotional experience as a foundation for their faith. That is just the way they are. Be careful. This can get you into trouble. Faith is a faint small whisper, only a maybe. It lives in your heart, revealed and kept by the charity and kindness of your deeds. Other people see it, not yourself.
The Bible is a very out dated museum piece and should be looked at as a past product of ancient pre-scientific people (objectivity is without value) in a very savage and superstitious time who taught their barbaric primitive religion (magic) in various forms. When reading the Bible you are seeing the ancient world through the eyes of its contemporary peoples. Be careful of becoming confused and brain washed by their primitive thoughts and behaviors. Their's is not your's, or the real world. There have been, and will be more, countless revisions and changes.) The ancient way of teaching theology in story form, using the language of myth, (Yep, that's what they do.) is used a lot; not what really happened. Its purpose is to modify human behavior. I do not agree with censoring Biblical literature. The "street language" of the text has its balls cut off to please and not offend the reader. To me this is out and out deception to make it look purer, " goody two shoes", than was originally intended. The changing of Cherubim: beasts, with human heads and wings by reinterpretation into the popular forms of angels without informing the reader of new knowledge concerning the ancient world, and the attempt to hide Adam's first wife, an ancient 9th century B.C. demon, Lilith, (Isaiah 34:14) is low and dishonest. It should come as no surprise that the authors of their own Biblical books see themselves as special. It is unlikely to be someone else; say the Hawaiians for example.
[edit] History
I know the abuse of history is too oftenly used for selfish reasons and propaganda and very, very, popular for the validity of movements. I know one studies history, or anything else, best if it is your passion. Not to prove you and your clique are right. It is said those who do not study history remain children. (It is wise to find out what critical history is and get professional help before you begin.) Social psychology should be included in that too! (Look around. You'll be able to find a cheap used text book). Certainly they are naive and are what conjurors know as "shut eyes". Though it is a bit dated and not the easiest book to read,The Lessons of History by Will and Ariel Durant, 1968 is a fine brief summary of history and society.
[edit] Imagination and Delight
I try to read at least one or two World Fantasy Award Winning novels a year. They can travel in any direction. It is difficult to pick a favorite. Like to share them with my friends. Imagination grabs me. Love a good thriller and action story. Always laugh when reading Carl Hiaasen, James Morrow, Mark Twain, (was surprised there is more than one version of Twain's Mysterious Stranger) and ancient satire. Robert E. Howard's Conan is my favorite hero because no matter what the odds he never gives up. Some would say he is just too stupid.
I know love and sex are a wonderful combination that should not be missed in your life time. Norman Lindsay, John Kelly, Jeff Dunas, Jovelle, and Olivia De Berardinis know how to portray the beauty and sensuality of women. Andrew Blake is an erotic artist. Where does he shoot those films? Hedy Lamarr, Jeanne Crain, Diane Webber, Ali Landry, Cindy Crawford, Stacey Williams, Druuna, Paula Price, Racquel Darrian and Chrissy Moran (Hang in there Chrissy!) are hot; but not as hot as my wife. Like to see em' all dancing naked under the moonlight. Love a good belly dancer; eastern and the new flamenco guitar. Wish they danced to jazzy blues as do strippers and exotic dancers. They are not to be confused! (What is the color of my darlin's hair?) Gene Elzy of WDET has a great taste in some of the best music in the country. Discovered B.B. King in 1957? and Maria Muldaur and Tad Robinson only recently. Independent record labels are still the best. I still get chills listening to Little Richard, early Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis and Bill Doggett. Can't forget Harry James, Ben Webster, Gene Harris, James Carter, Hank Crawford, "Fathead", Ronnie Earl, Howard Roberts, Wes Montgomery with Jimmy Smith, Louis Jordan and Satchmo.
I know that having fun, helping and just being with the ones you love makes life worth while. Like to watch TV on the sofa next to my wonderful wife. We watch lots of movies because she can no longer read for any length of time without getting a headache. She never listens to her favorite music anymore. I read to her. She has terminal cancer and is very weak and tired. Still can't figure out how she puts up with me and all my weird stuff; married 41 years. Still nuts about her. Glad we learned how to dance (Lady in Red, Blues Power, You Look Wonderful Tonight, Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground, What'd I Say) and share things. Sometimes we sit and cuddle in the dark and listen to Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles, and very, very, soft country love songs, etc. I recently read Robert R. McCammon's Boy's Life to her. She didn't want me to stop. Don't miss it! What a wonderful book. It is filled with real magic!
[edit] The Glamour
I know time is precious and life whizzes by. (You begin to see it plainly after 50). I know there is only the now and you should invest in it. Be with, and care for the ones you love and enjoy your life. I know the horror of the empty and the void of depression, moments when the dark chasm of your soul collapses into deeper darkness. The powers of hate and madness are very close and very real. Always be wary of getting excited and creating cognitive distortions. Watch out for that world of hype and SPIN. I am a true student of the Glamour, the power our own personal beliefs and convictions have over each one of us. We all tend to be influenced by the last experience we had or something that made a deep impression on us. What ever has made us happy we enthusiastically want to share with others; but not all people are the same, nor do they want to be. The native Americans were not happy to have their languages and religions banned. Dutch missionaries tried to put an end to the Polynesian's art of dance and story telling. Though it is difficult to imagine there may be readers who would prefer to skip Nina Zero, [13] Jane Whitefield, [14] Amelia Sachs,[37] Bob Lee Swagger, Ender Wiggin and the Prestige.
Though test results suggest people rely on each other to define reality, people prefer to believe they think for themselves, and they do not like their freedom to think being threatened. It is difficult for people to change their minds especially if they have made a verbal or written commitment. People do not want to look foolish. This mentally and physically hurts. I like to pick things apart to see what makes them tick. We see the world through the science of the present, and a contemporary social cause or event has, and still does, affect the direction and progress of curiosity and science. This is unlikely to change in the future. Global warming is real. I know I'm scary. Real scary. Hell, I'm a magician! It is my joy to awaken surprise and wonder and make you gasp! I desire to make life enjoyable for others and myself. How about you?
If you have enjoyed this bizarre, long winded, entertainment say hello. I am not selling books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, cassettes, t-shirts, caps or asking for financial support. By reading this, I have cast my spell and you have given me brief control over your mind. Did you feel the whammy? The most dangerous thing in the world is a new idea. Perhaps I have fostered one in your head. With knowledge comes responsibility. Try to be understanding and helpful. I grew up among the crippled and blind. Some people only know living hand to mouth. Many poor people still starve and are without medical aid. More frequently opportunities are offered to those who are attractive and know someone. A tragedy can turn your world upside down. Cecy, my flying broom, is calling me. Gotta go. The daughters of the night are gonna party and get down on Bald Mountain. The Lady, the Bright Girl and the Shadow Woman will be there. If you are fortunate enough to meet them, you will never forget them. Shazam! Man, me and my darlin' are outta here. Don't cry. People are allowed to disagree. The worst it can be is reality.
[edit] References
- ^ The Whys of a Philosphical Scrivener by Martin Gardner, St. Martin's Griffin, 1999, and personal communication
- ^ The Psychology of Conviction: A Study of Beliefs and Attitudes by Joseph Jastrow, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1918
- ^ See Albert Einstein's Foreword to Man and His Gods by Homer Smith, Little Brown and Co., 1952
- ^ The World As I See It by Albert Einstein
- ^ When Life Nearly Died: The Greatest Mass Extinction of All Time by Michael J. Benton, James and Hudson, 2005
- ^ Skeptical Odysseys edited by Paul Kurtz, Prometheus Books, 2001 , Chapter 31: Confessions of a Skeptic by Martin Gardner
- ^ See: Lynn Thorndike's classic study,The History of Magic and Experimental Science, Tarbell Course in Magic, vol 1- Harlan Tarbell, forward and epilogue to Greater Magic- John Northern Hilliard, The Discoverie of Witchcraft- Reginald Scot and the vanishing works of Henry Ridgely Evans, The Old and New Magic, The Spirit World Unmasked, and Hours with Ghosts or 19th Century Witchcraft
- ^ Skeptic Report A detailed skeptical review of Dean Radin's The Conscious Universe by Morten Monrad Pedersen
- ^ An Evening with Dean Radin by Claus Larsen, a critical examination of Radin's research methodology
- ^ An Assessment for the Evidence For Psychic Functioning by Jessica Utts, 1995
- ^ The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena, book review by Richard Broughton , The Journal of Parapsychology, June, 1999
- ^ The Paranormal: The Evidence and its Implications for Consciousness by Jessica Utts and Brian D. Josephson, 1996
- ^ Annotated photos of the bent spoon on Dean Radin's website retrieved on August 23, 2006
- ^ Dean Radin interview on the perils of psi research and his spoon bending experience - 1/28/2007
- ^ The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena by Dean Radin, 1997
- ^ Seeking psi in the casino. Radin, C.I. & Rebman, J. M. (1998), Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 62 (850), 193-219
- ^ Parapsychology: The Controversial Science by Richard S. Broughton, Ballantine books, 1991, See the paper: Effects of Concsiousness on the Fall of Dice: A Meta-Analysis by Dean I. Radin and Diane C. Ferrari, presented at the 33rrd Annual Convention of the Parapsychologhical Association, Chevy Chase,MD., August 16-20, 1990
- ^ Parapsychology: The Conversial Science by Richard S. Broughton, Ballantine Books, 1991
- ^ Dean Radin interview on the perils of psi research and his spoon bending experience - 1/28/2007
- ^ Parapsychology: The Conversial Science by Richard S. Broughton, Ballantine Books, 1991
- ^ [1]In Enlightment Interview with Dean Radin see the last part, Addedium: The File Drawer Effect Revisited
- ^ Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell, Little, Brown and Co.,2005
- ^ An Introduction to Parapsychology by H.J. Irwin, McFarland & Co. Inc., 1989 [College Text Book]
- ^ Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell, Little, Brown and Co.
- ^ Debunking the Debunkers by Dean Radin, deanradin. blogspot. com, 3 Feb 2007
- ^ The Establishment of Data Manipulation in the Soal-Shacketon Experiments by Betty Markwick, The Skeptic's Handbook of Prapsychology edited by Paul Kurtz, Prometheus Press, 1985, pp. 287-311
- ^ Las Vegas Sun, September 16, 1997 "UNLV researcher baffled over his recent dismissal"] by Debra Bass
- ^ The Psychology of Conviction: A Study of Beliefs and Attitudes by Joseph Jastrow, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1918
- ^ The Paranormal: The Evidence and its Implications for Concsciousness by Jessica Utts and Brian Josephson, 1996 [2]
- ^ Marcello Truzzi obituary, Broken Wand, The Linking Ring, Offical Publication of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, Mar 2003, pp 126-27
- ^ Dean Radin interview on the perils of psi research and his spoon bending experience - 1/28/2007
- ^ [3] Enlightenment Interview with Dean Radin See: The Weight iof Credulity
- ^ The Rise of the Indian Rope Trick: How a Spectacular Hoax Became History by Peter Lamont, Thunder's Mouth Press, 2005
- ^ Time magazine, 12 Mar 2007
- ^ Voting About God in Early Church Councils by Ramsay MacMullen, Yale University Press, 2006
- ^ Wooley of Ur: The Life of Sir Leonard Woolley by H.V.F. Winstone, William Heinemann Ltd., 1992
- ^ The Bone Collector by Jeffery Deaver and his other books in the Lincoln Rhyme series