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[edit] List of articles
I've started or made major revisions to the math and physics articles listed, in historical order, below. I've also editied non-math articles, these are not listed here.
1: Lerch zeta function - Bernoulli polynomials - Transfer operator - Spectral graph theory - Ihara zeta function - Artin-Mazur zeta function - Zeta function - Bell series - Harmonic number - Stirling number - Umbral calculus - Hurwitz zeta function - Gaussian binomial - Q-series - Gauss-Kuzmin-Wirsing operator - Erdös-Borwein constant - Lambert series - Additive polynomial - Character group - Modular arithmetic - Advanced modular arithmetic theory - Discrete Laplace operator - Upper half plane - Christoffel symbols
25: Fuchsian model - Holonomic - Hardy space - Polygamma function - Iterated function - Banach fixed point theorem - Fixed point space - Contraction mapping - Killing form - Adjoint endomorphism - Quarter period - Nome (mathematics) - Elliptic integral - Jacobi's elliptic functions - Jacobi triple product - Stieltjes constants - Poincaré metric - Poincaré half-plane model - Schwarz-Ahlfors-Pick theorem - Free regular set - Modular group - Cantor function - Eisenstein series - Weierstrass's elliptic functions
49: Fundamental domain - Polylogarithm - Clausen function - Kummer's function - Confluent hypergeometric function - Lidstone series - Vandermonde determinant - Theta function - Dedekind eta function - Modular form - Dedekind sum - Half-period ratio - Group algebra - Young symmetrizer - Representation theory of the symmetric group - Young tableau - Fuchsian group - Kleinian model - Kleinian group - Hyperbolic geometry - Wess-Zumino-Witten model - Axiomatizable class - orthogonal polynomials - Mittag-Leffler function
73: List of mathematical functions - Weierstrass sigma function - Fundamental pair of periods - Associative algebra - partition function (number theory) - Laguerre polynomials - Electron configuration - Geodesic - Hopf-Rinow theorem - Lie derivative - Push forward - Covering map - Schwarz lemma - Simplex - Covariant - Fundamental polygon - Bessel function - Parabolic cylinder function - Tensor (intrinsic definition) - Pullback - Symplectic vector space - Hodge dual - Laplacian - Hamilton–Jacobi equations
97: Symplectic manifold - Symplectic vector field - Heisenberg group - Canonical coordinates - Hamiltonian mechanics - Poisson bracket - De Rham cohomology - Volume form - Tautological one-form - Lagrangian foliation - Color charge - Maxwell's equations - Yukawa potential - Yukawa interaction - Pion - Moyal product - Lebesgue covering dimension - Menger sponge - Möbius transformation - Black hole electron - Properly discontinuous - Hypergeometric series - Hypergeometric differential equation - Riemann surface
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121: Schwarz-Christoffel mapping - Schwarz triangle - Triangle group - Euler hypergeometric integral - Heun's equation - q-theta function - Elliptic gamma function - Picard-Fuchs equation - Riemann's differential equation - Schwarzian derivative - Elliptic curve - Baker's map - Euler-MacLaurin formula - Weak convergence (Hilbert space) - Mott problem - Renninger negative-result experiment - Ripple tank - Neutron interferometer - Rational zeta series - Khinchin's constant - Gauss-Kuzmin distribution - Zeta function universality - Selberg class - Dirichlet beta function
145: Catalan's constant - Apéry's constant - Riemann's zeta function - Glaisher-Kinkelin constant - Somo's quadratic recurrence constant - Basic hypergeometric series - Bell's theorem - Ramanujan theta function - Rogers-Ramanujan identities - List of hypergeometric identities - Zeta constants - Generalized Appell polynomials - Dynamical billiards - Frobenius theorem - Subbundle - Dynamical system - Bernoulli number - Equidistribution theorem - Vandermonde's identity - Harmonic number (disambiguation) - Ore's harmonic number - Bernoulli scheme - Measure-preserving dynamical system - Interval exchange transformation
169: Strong mixing - Shift of finite type - Flow (mathematics) - Vector flow - Involution - Table of Lie groups - Anosov flow - Hyperbolic structure - Potts model - Euler function - Euler function (disambiguation) - Topological quantum number - Composition operator - Compact operator - Nuclear operator - Fredholm kernel - Algebra over a field - Gâteaux derivative - Fréchet derivative - Homogeneous polynomial - Ergodic theory - Hyperbolic space - Mostow's rigidity theorem - Scattering theory
193: Pair of pants - Circle bundle - Kaluza-Klein theory - Classifying space for U(n) - Percolation - Wandering set - Ergodic sequence - Chern class - Cylinder set - Interpretation of quantum mechanics - Supergravity - Kretschmann scalar - Overlapping interval topology - Cofinite topology - Wave-particle duality - Bohr model - Bohm interpretation - Isospin - Afshar experiment - Vitali set - Wavelet series - Dual wavelet - Nucleon - Resolvent formalism
217: CP-violation - Logarithmic integral function - Asymptotic expansion - Twisted cubic - Rational normal curve - Veronese surface - Casimir effect - Zeta function regularization - Virtual particle - Zero-point energy - Circle map - Nörlund-Rice integral - Newton series - Digamma function - Table of Newtonian series - Möbius transform - Binomial transform - Hankel matrix - q-analog - q-derivative - Rotation number - Dirichlet character - Gaussian period - Li's criterion
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241: Carlson's theorem - Difference polynomials - Differential algebra - Nachbin's theorem - q-difference polynomial - q-exponential - Poisson algebra - Poisson-Lie group - Poisson manifold - Weyl quantization - Schwartz space - Lie bialgebra - Fredholm alternative - Fredholm's theorem - Fredholm theory - Fredholm determinant - Hermitian manifold - Theta representation - de Rham curve - Gauss-Manin connection - Spectral asymmetry - Blancmange curve - Riemann Xi function - Artin billiards
265: Hadamard's dynamical system - Topological entropy - Stable manifold - Axiom A - Periodic point - Limit set - Recurrent point - Topological conjugation - Expansive - Lax pair - Charge (physics) - Integrable system - Exactly solvable model - Perturbation theory - Fubini-Study metric - Doublet (physics) - Segre embedding - Riesz mean - Chebyshev function - von Mangoldt function - Dirichlet series - Pólya conjecture - Perron's formula - Pseudoscalar - Scalar field (quantum field theory)
289: Dirichlet convolution - Möbius inversion formula - Divisor summatory function - On Numbers and Games - Lattice model (physics) - Entropy (arrow of time) - Hyperbolic quaternion - Scale invariance - Rectifiable set - Varifold - Universality (dynamical systems) - Dirichlet problem - Markov chain - Primon gas - Sequential space - Quantum finite automata - Coherence theory - Hedgehog space - Moore space (topology) - Development (topology) - Prametric space - Hemimetric space - Pseudometric space - Semimetric space - Quasimetric space