Triangle group
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In mathematics, the triangle groups are groups that can be realized geometrically by sequences of reflections across the sides of certain triangles. Each triangle group represents symmetries of a tiling by congruent triangles. The triangle can be an ordinary Euclidean triangle, or a triangle in the sphere, or in the hyperbolic plane.
[edit] Definition
A triangle group is defined by the group presentation
where l,m,n are integers greater than or equal to 2.
A group with this presentation corresponds to a triangle whose angles are ,
, and
. The generators correspond to reflections in the sides of the triangle.
Arising from the geometrical nature of these groups,
is called the Euclidean case, because each group in this case represents symmetries of a certain tiling of the Euclidean plane by ordinary triangles whose angles add up to π.
The case
is called the spherical case, because each such group represents symmetries of a tiling of the sphere by spherical triangles or Schwarz triangles, whose angles add up to a number greater than π.
The case
is called the hyperbolic case, because each such group represents symmetries of a tiling of the hyperbolic plane by triangles whose angles add up to a number less than π.
Specifically, the cases where (l,m,n) = (2,2,n), (2,3,3), (2,3,4), or (2,3,5) represent tilings of the sphere; these are the only triangle groups which are finite. They correspond to the platonic solids: (2,2,n) to the family of degenerate solids formed by two identical regular polygons stuck together, (2,3,3) to the tetrahedron, (2,3,4) to the cube/octahedron dual, and (2,3,5) to the dodecahedron/icosahedron dual.
The cases (l,m,n) = (2,3,6), (2,4,4) or (3,3,3) represent tilings of the Euclidean plane; these are three special cases of wallpaper groups. All other cases, such as (l,m,n) = (2,3,7), represent tilings of the hyperbolic plane.
Denote by D(l,m,n) the subgroup of index 2 in Δ(l,m,n), corresponding to preservation of orientation of the triangle. Such subgroups are sometimes referred to as von Dyck groups.
The D(l,m,n) are defined by the following presentation:
Note that
so D(l,m,n) is independent of the order of the l,m,n.
[edit] See also
- The Schwarz triangle map is a map of triangles to the upper half-plane.
- The wallpaper group describes the tiling of the Euclidean plane.
- Triangle groups are special cases of Coxeter groups.
[edit] References
- Robert Dawson Some spherical tilings (undated, earlier than 2004) (Shows a number of interesting sphere tilings, most of which are not triangle group tilings.)
This article incorporates material from Triangle groups on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the GFDL.