List of NGOs operating in China
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The following is a list of international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in China.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] List
[edit] A
- Academy for Educational Development
- ActionAid
- Adventist Development and Relief Agency China
- AFS Intercultural Exchanges
- AIDS Relief Fund for China
- Alpha Communities Ltd
- American Bar Association
- American Friends Service Committee
- American Red Cross
- AmeriCares Foundation
- ANESVAD (Acción Sanitaria y Desarollo Social)
- Animals Asia Foundation
- Appropriate Technology Asia (ATA)
- Asian Compassionate Touch
- Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
- Association for Living Values Education
- Associazone Per La Solidarieta Internazionale In Asia (A.S.I.A)
- Australian Red Cross
- Australian Volunteers International
[edit] B
- Badi Foundation
- Barry and Martin’s Trust
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Blacksmith Institute
- Blue Moon Fund
- Braille without Borders
- Bridge to Asia
[edit] C
- Canadian Co-operative Association
- Care for Children
- Caritas Hong Kong
- Chi Heng Foundation
- Children In Crisis
- China AIDS Info (中国艾滋病资讯)
- China AIDS Orphans Fund
- Christian Action
- Christian Blind Mission International
- Christian Education, Development and Relief (CEDAR) Fund
- Committee on Scholarly Communication with China
- Comunidad Humana
- Conservation International
- Couleurs de Chine
- Cyrus Tang Foundation
[edit] D
- Damien Foundation
- Deafby Deaf
- DKT International
[edit] E
- Ecolinx Foundation
- Enfants du Ningxia
- Environmental Defense
- Environmental Investigation Agency
- Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst Church Development Service (EED)
[edit] F
- Family Health International
- Fauna and Flora International
- Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung
- Friends of China
- Friends of the Earth Hong Kong
- Future Generations
[edit] G
- Global Green Grants Fund
- Global Links Initiative
- Good Rock Foundation
- Green Earth Network
- Green Korea United
- Greenpeace China
[edit] H
- Habitat for Humanity International
- Half the Sky Foundation
- Handicap International (Belgium)
- Hanns Seidel Foundation
- Health Unlimited
- Heart to Heart International
- Heep Hong Society
- Heifer Project International
- Heinrich Boell Stiftung
- Helen Keller International (海伦凯勒国际基金会)
- HelpAge International
- Himalaya Foundation
- Holt China Children's Services
- Hong Kong Agency for Volunteers
- Hong Kong AIDS Foundation
- Hong Kong Christian Service
- Hong Kong Marine Conservation Society
- Hong Kong Red Cross
- Hong Kong Social Workers Association
- Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
- Hong Kong Society for the Blind
- Hong Kong Women’s Christian Council
- Hong Kong YMCA
- Hope International
- HOPE Worldwide Ltd
[edit] I
- Initiative Developpement
- Institute of International Education
- International Bridges to Justice
- International China Concern
- International Cooperation of Children for Trees for Life Canada Inc.
- International Crane Foundation
- International Development Enterprises
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- International Fund for Animal Welfare
- International Fund for China's Environment
- International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
- International Republican Institute
- International Rivers Network in China
- International Youth Foundation
- Islamic Relief
- International Childrens Heart Foundation
[edit] J
- Japan International Labour Foundation
- Japan NGO Centre for International Cooperation
- Jian Hua Foundation Ltd
- Junior Achievement China
[edit] K
- Kadoorie Charitable Foundations
- Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
- Kashin-Beck Disease Foundation
- Keswick Foundation
- Kham Aid Foundation
- Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung
- Korean Citizens Movement for Environmental Justice
- Korean Federation for Environmental Movement
- Korean Women‘s Associations Union
- KunDe Foundation
[edit] L
- Levi Strauss Foundation
- Li Ka Shing Foundation
- Lifeline Express
- Lingnan Foundation
- Lions Club
- Living Knowledge Communities
[edit] M
- Marie Stopes International China Programme
- Medecins du Monde
- Medecins Sans Frontieres (France)
- Medecins Sans Frontieres - Hong Kong (MSF-HK)
- Medecins Sans Frontieres Belgium
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Mercy Corps International
- Misereor
- Muslim Hands
[edit] N
- National Committee on US-China Relations
- National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
- National Endowment for Democracy
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Netherlands Red Cross
- New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
- New Path Foundation
- New Zealand China Friendship Society
[edit] O
- OISCA International
- Operation Blessing
- Operation Smile
- Opportunity International
- Orbis International
- OXFAM Hong Kong
[edit] P
- Pacific Environment
- Pact
- Partnerships for Community Development
- People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy
- Phelex Foundation
- Philip Hayden Foundation
- Plan
- PlaNet Finance
- Plateau Perspectives
- Population Services International
- Princeton-in-Asia
- Project Grace
- Project HOPE
- Project Trust
- ProLiteracy Worldwide
- Public Media Center
[edit] Q
[edit] R
- Rare
- Retina Hong Kong
- Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- Rokpa International (ROKPA UK Overseas Projects)
- Royal London Society for the Blind
- Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
[edit] S
- Save China's Tigers
- Save the Children (UK)
- Save the Children Hong Kong
- Seva Foundation
- Shanxi Evergreen Service
- Singapore International Foundation
- Smile Train
- SOAR Foundation
- SOS Kinderdorf
- Sowers Action
- Special Olympics East Asia
- Starr Foundation
- Surmang Foundation
- Swiss Red Cross
[edit] T
- Television Trust for the Environment
- Terma Foundation
- The Asia Foundation
- The Boys and Girls Clubs Association of Hong Kong
- The Bridge Fund
- The Carter Center (CBM International)
- The China Foundation
- The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- The Energy Foundation (China Sustainable Energy Program)
- The Ford Foundation
- The Fred Hollows Foundation
- The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- The International HIV/AIDS Alliance
- The Jane Goodall Institute (Roots & Shoots)
- The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation
- The Mountain Institute
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Salvation Army
- The World Conservation Union (IUCN)
- Tibet Foundation
- Tibet Poverty Alleviation Fund
- Trace Foundation
- TRAFFIC East Asia
- Tzu-chi Buddhist Compassion Relief Foundation
[edit] U
[edit] V
- Voluntary Service Overseas
- Volunteers in Asia [3]
[edit] W
- Wetlands International - China Programme
- WildAid
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- William J. Clinton Foundation
- Winrock International [4]
- World Bank / IMF Staff Marco Polo Society
- World Vision International
- World Vision International (Hong Kong)
- World Wide Fund for Nature
[edit] X
[edit] Y
- Yale-China Association [5]
- Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service [6]
[edit] Z
- The Zigen Fund [7]
[edit] See also
[edit] External links
- China Development Brief
- The World Bank and NGOs in China
- Political status and legal situation of NGOs in China
- CSR: AMCHAM REVIEWED NGO (American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai)