List of Stalinists
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This is a list of persons who self-identified as Stalinists or who have advocated the implementation of a Marxist-Leninism state run like Joseph Stalin's. This is because Stalinism is more a term about the political structure created by Stalin, rather than being a fully-formed ideology of its own. Hence those who advocate the implementation of a Stalin-style system prefer to be deemed Marxist-Leninists or more rarely "Marx/Lenin/Stalin" supporters.
This list does not include Soviet political leadership of Stalin's era.
- Hardial Bains - Founder and leader of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
- Sandra L. Smith - Present leader of Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
- Jakub Berman – Ally to Stalin, his later dismissal was for "Stalinist-era errors and mistakes."
- Bolesław Bierut – Polish communist.[1]
- Bill Bland – Led the Communist League of Great Britain, a Stalinist group.
- Harpal Brar – Former member of the Stalin Society noted for his defence of Stalin's rule.
- Tim Buck – came to prominence in Canadian Communism as a supporter of Joseph Stalin.[2]
- Vulko Chervenkov – Patterned his regime in Bulgaria on Stalin's and lost favor with the Soviets after Stalin's death.[3][4]
- Horloogiyn Choybalsan – Called Mongolia's Stalin[5]
- Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej – General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party, supported Stalin during Stalin's lifetime, but varied somewhat from Stalinism later.[6]
- Rajani Palme Dutt – British communist leader, opposed trend away from Stalinism after Stalin's death
- William Z. Foster - Former IWW member and founding member and long time leader of the CPUSA.
- Klement Gottwald – Post-war president of Czechoslovakia
- Enver Hoxha – Head of state of Albania, broke with the USSR over de-Stalinization.[7][8][9][10]
- Harry Haywood - African American Communist delegate to the Comintern, theorist of Black Belt Nation thesis.
- Kim Il-sung – The "Great Leader" and "eternal President" of North Korea, he praised Stalin and received support from him[11][12], but after his death pursued Juche.
- Mao Zedong - First Chairman of the People's Republic of China and founder of the anti-revisionist movement.
- Ludo Martens - Ideological leader of the Workers Party of Belgium and author of Another View of Stalin.
- Harry Pollitt - Long-standing General Secretary of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
- Mátyás Rákosi – Hungarian Stalinist leader[13][14]
- Maurice Thorez, led French Communist Party in Stalinist direction, supported Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, deserted French Army in 1939 and fled to the USSR
- Walter Ulbricht - First Secretary of the Socialist Unity Party in the German Democratic Republic.