List of autism-related topics
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This is a list of autism-related topics.
Contents |
[edit] Conditions & research areas
- Asperger syndrome
- Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Autism
- Autism diagnostic observational schedule
- Autism Spectrum Quotient
- Autistic enterocolitis
- Autistic savant
- Autistic spectrum
- Coeliac disease
- Communication disorder
- Conditions comorbid to autism spectrum disorders
- Controversies about functioning labels in the autism spectrum
- Crohn's disease
- Developmental disability
- Dyscalculia
- Dysgraphia
- Dyslexia
- Dyspraxia
- Early infantile autism
- Fragile X syndrome
- Genetic disorder
- Global Intellectual Impairment
- High-functioning autism
- Hyperlexia
- Isodicentric 15
- Imaginary friend
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Language delay
- Learning disability
- Mental illness
- Mirror neuron
- Multiple-complex Developmental Disorder
- Neurotypical
- Nonverbal Learning Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Pervasive developmental disorder
- Phelan-McDermin 22q13 deletion syndrome
- Picture thinking
- Pyroluria
- Regressive autism
- Rett syndrome
- Sensory defensiveness
- Sensory Integration Dysfunction
- Sensory overload
- Spindle neuron
- Stealth-adapted viruses
[edit] Common autistic associated conditions
These are conditions that people on the autistic spectrum often suffer from or associate with, or they are the leading risk factor for the following:
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Blindness
- Bullying
- Clinical depression
- Deafness
- Dropout
- Dyslexia
- Echolalia
- Erotophobia
- Homelessness
- Hyperlexia
- Isolation
- Loneliness
- Love-shyness
- Mental retardation
- Poverty
- Social alienation
- Solitude
- Suicide
[edit] Controversies
- Amish anomaly
- Autism epidemic
- Autism therapies
- Causes of autism
- Does the autistic child have a "theory of mind"?
- Ethylmercury
- Heritability of autism
- Iatrogenesis
- Inoculation
- Intelligence tests and autism
- MMR vaccine
- Neurodiversity
- Refrigerator mother
- Thimerosal containing vaccines (TCVs)
- Vaccination
- Vaccination schedule
- Vaccine
- Vaccine controversy
- Vaccine injury
- Vaccine Safety Datalink
[edit] People
[edit] Individuals on the autistic spectrum
- Temple Grandin
- Bhumi Jensen
- Christopher Knowles
- Tito Mukhopadhyay
- Moe Norman
- Gary Numan
- Hikari Oe
- Dawn Prince-Hughes
- Vernon L. Smith
[edit] Autistic savants
- Alonzo Clemons, American clay sculptor
- Tony DeBlois, blind American musician
- Leslie Lemke, blind American musician
- Jonathan Lerman, American artist
- Thristan Mendoza, Filipino marimba prodigy
- Derek Paravicini, blind British musician
- James Henry Pullen, gifted British carpenter
- Henriett Seth-F., Hungarian autistic savant, poet, writer and artist
- Daniel Tammet, high - functioning autistic savant
- Gilles Trehin, French creator of the fictional city Urville; diagnosed at eight
- Richard Wawro, British autistic artist
- Stephen Wiltshire, British autistic artist
It is worth noting that, although Kim Peek himself is not autistic, the character of Raymond (an autistic savant) in the movie Rain Man is based on him.
[edit] Lists
- List of people on the autistic spectrum
- List of fictional characters on the autistic spectrum
- People speculated to have been autistic
[edit] Journalists
[edit] Politicians, philanthropists and activists
- Liz Birt
- Dan Burton
- Ivan and Charika Corea
- Michelle Dawson
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
- Michael Koffler
- Jasmine O'Neill
- Rick Rollens
- James Harris Simons
- Jim Sinclair
- Judy Singer
- Dave Weldon, MD
- Donna Williams
- Bob Wright
[edit] Researchers and Therapists
- John Allman
- David Amaral
- Balázs Anna
- Hans Asperger
- Simon Baron-Cohen
- Sallie Bernard
- Bruno Bettelheim
- Jeff Bradstreet
- Richard Deth
- Cheri Florance
- Eric Fombonne
- Mark Geier
- Christopher Gillberg
- Leo Kanner
- Arthur Krigsman
- Derrick Lonsdale
- Ole Ivar Lovaas
- Lyn Redwood
- Bernard Rimland
- Diana Seach
- Vijendra K. Singh
- Peter Szatmari
- Thomas Verstraeten
- Andrew Wakefield
- Lorna Wing
- Edward Yazbak
- Doreen Granpeesheh
[edit] Organizations, stakeholder groups and events
- 2000 Simpsonwood CDC conference
- Aspies For Freedom
- Autism Awareness Campaign Sri Lanka
- Autism Awareness Campaign UK
- Autism Jersey
- Autism Network International
- Autism rights movement
- Autism Society of America
- Autism Speaks
- Autistic community
- Autistic culture
- Autistic Pride Day
- Autism Treatment Trust
- Cure Autism Now
- Defeat Autism Now!
- Generation Rescue
- Homefirst Health Services
- M.I.N.D. Institute
- National Alliance for Autism Research
- National Autistic Society (UK)
- National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
- National Vaccine Information Center
- Safe Minds
- Thoughtful House
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
- Autism Resource Centre (Singapore)
- NNY Autism Center
- World Community Autism Program
- Wrong Planet
[edit] Therapies and interventions
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Autism therapies
- Biomedical intervention for autism
- Chelation
- Chelation therapy
- Early intervention for autism
- Ethical challenges to autism treatment
- Gluten-free, casein-free diet
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- Hug machine, invented by Temple Grandin
- Lovaas technique, developed by Ole Ivar Lovaas
- Secretin
- Speech therapy
- Son-Rise
- Vitamin B12