List of characters in Sonic the Comic
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This article is for fictional characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise that appear exclusively in the Sonic the Comic continuity, produced by Fleetway.
For the characters of Johnny Lightfoot, Porker Lewis and Tekno, see Freedom Fighters (Sonic the Comic). For minor characters in mainstream Sonic continuity, see Other characters in Sonic the Hedgehog, and for those appearing in Archie comics continuity see Minor characters in Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie).
[edit] B.A.R.F.
B.A.R.F., the Badnik Army Repair Functionaries, were a division of Robotnik's workers who repaired the Badnik robots destroyed by the Freedom Fighters. How big the division was is unknown: only two of its Search and Repair operatives, Cam (a cat) and Bert (a bull) were ever seen. Bert was the general 'handy-man' (with a strong fondness for hammers and hitting things with them); Cam, easily his intellectual superior, dealt more in re-programming computers. Both of them were highly devoted to Robotnik and the "improvements" he'd made to Mobius.
The two appeared in two of their own Sonic's World stories - No More Mr. Nice Bug (STC 32-34) and The Seven Badniks (STC 59-62). In their first appearance, Sonic's ally Porker Lewis made a weapon that could change the programming of Badniks to make them pacifist "Niceniks" (pacifist up until the point you stepped on a flower, anyway). While reprogramming the corrupted Moto Bugs back, B.A.R.F managed to lose two of them and they had to track them down for fear they would infect other Moto Bugs. When the Niceniks launched a vicious assault on them for harming flowers, Cam and Bert retaliated by smashing them.
In their second appearance (wearing new uniforms and with Cam having less jagged teeth), they were tasked with transporting Badniks from the Miracle Planet's Palmtree Panic Zone to Mobius' Green Hill Zone, in order to catch Sonic off guard by having him face Badniks he wouldn't expect to find in that Zone. However, the Palmtree Panic moels refused to share a Zone with the older Green Hill Badniks and ran amok, exterminating all the older models. The titular Seven Badniks - Metamoto, Buzzorgsky, Crabaton, Crabinator, Buzznik, Motobotnik and Choppalien - were then built out of Green Hill Badniks by B.A.R.F to pacify the Palmtree Panic models, which they did with ease. The unruly Badniks were then taken back to the Miracle Planet (where they were promptly smashed by the vacationing Freedom Fighters). Cam & Bert never returned again, and neither did the Seven Badniks despite the writer deliberately setting them up to be used again.
Buzzorgsky, Buzznik, Crabbaton and Crabnik use Newtron parts, with the latter two using Crabmeats as well; Metamoto and Motobotnik appear little more than souped-up Motobugs; Choppalien is clearly a modified Chopper, with a secondary mouth.
NOTE: though it ran at the same time, 'The Seven Badniks' must be set before the story 'Brotherhood Of Metallix' because of the use of the Palmtree Panic Zones and the Miracle Planet without the Brotherhood's involvement.
[edit] Blockhead Bill
The elderly father of Mighty the Armadillo, Blockhead Bill is a somewhat senile former crimefighter who keeps mistaking random people for his old enemies. He is kept partly under control by his partner Society Max, who uses a special formula to change into a giant T-rex like monster, who he rides like a horse and uses as his main form of attack, he also uses weapon consisting of many gold metal balls on a hoop of rope, which he spins and hits enemies with, he does not seem to have Mighty's trade-mark super-strength.
Blockhead Bill mistook Sonic The Hedgehog for his old enemy the Crimson Cobra (who would appear later in a Chaotix story) was the plot of he Sonic story Back In The Special Zone (STC 134, Blockhead Bill's debut) which was solely about Bill, riding Society Max in his large dinosaur form, attacking a confused Sonic who had been called back to the Zone by the Chaotix (Sonic had previously spent time there before and stayed with the Chaotix) instead of poisoning the water supply. He was then a major part of the following story Roots (STC 135 - 138) where he was under the thrall of the story's main enemy, Root, who used both he and Society Max as minions controlled by controlling them with 'Mind Roots'. Bill and Max had been captured and taken over by Root while searching The Mandrake Swamp, where Root dwelt, for the root that Max uses to transform, though he and Max had less of a role as the story progressed, and Sonic fought The Chaotix. When Bill and Max did attack, Sonic defeated Max by tickling his stomach, making Bill furious at him (he hadn't told Bill he was ticklish), when Root was defeated, Bill and Max regained their right minds and were not seen again.
Notes: Unlike Archie Comics, who have given parents/family to most of the Sega/Sonic Team created characters in their series, Blockhead Bill is the only case of Sonic the Comic showing a family member of any character not created by their creative teams (Tails' family is mentioned but never named or shown).
It has been suggested by co-creator Nigel Kitching that Bill and Max were partners in more than a business sense.[citation needed]
[edit] Colonel Granite
A colonel in the British army, Percy Granite suffered from megalomaniacal tendencies and xenophobia - so it was an extremely bad situation when he ran into Amy Rose & Tekno, who had just been transported to Earth. He attempted to arrest them on grounds of being alien and discover how to get to Mobius, reasoning Earth had to attack it to be on the safe side; the girls were able to teleport back to Mobius, but Granite was able to commandeer the technology they used. Amy & Tekno encountered him again when sent via the Eternity Ring to 19th Century America; using time-travel technology, Granite was planning to conquer the 19th Century using 20th Century technology. When that was thwarted, he finally turned to creating a dimensional gateway to Mobius and invading it. On New Year's Eve 1998, he went AWOL with an army regiment and invaded the Emerald Hill Zone, trouncing the Freedom Fighters with superior firepower and planning to sell off the conquered Zones to human industrial developers (and rename Mobius "Planet Percy"). He was finally defeated by a freak storm that took out his regiment and blew them back through the dimensional gateway to Earth, where he was arrested for war crimes on the orders of the Prime Minister - seemingly, the spirit of nature itself had fought back against Granite and his plans to destroy the ecosystem.
[edit] Doctor Zachary
Doctor Zachary | ||||||||
Doctor Zachary is a fictional character who first appeared in Sonic the Comic #65 as an enemy of Knuckles the Echidna, and has featured more prominently in the online continuation of the series as leader of The Syndicate. Zachary is one of only two Echidnas known to still be alive. He has secret knowledge of the Echidna people, and may even know where they went.
When he first returned to the Floating Island, he claimed he was being hunted by a dangerous robot (in actuality an Echidna Guardian robot he had reprogrammed); the surprised Knuckles was tricked into taking him to the Emerald Chamber. Zachary then had the robot invade the Chamber and destroy the Master Emerald, absorbing its Chaos Energy into itself. He then boarded the super-charged robot and set off to devastate Mobius & get an unknown revenge on the other Echidnas, leaving the Floating Island to crash. However, Knuckles caught him before he could escape and decapitated Zachary's robot.
However, before Knuckles could take him prisoner, an inopportune quake threw Zachary from the island, sending him plummeting towards Mobius. While airborne, Zachary was able to use the robot's body to soften his landing, but the impact left him horribly injured. He would have died if not found by a Badnik patrol.
Dr. Robotnik took a special interest in Zachary, believing that Knuckles was the only Echidna on Mobius, and saved Zachary's life by integrating him with Badnik technology, replacing his right arm with a laser cannon and the entire right side of his head and face. In return, Zachary was able to provide Robotnik with important information, namely that the Emerald Hill folk were hiding out on the Floating Island. The pair attacked and successfully took control of the Island, using a gang of reprogrammed Guardian robots and planning to use the Emerald Hill folk as organic components in a vast supercomputer. However, an electromagnetic pulse caused by Super Sonic surged across the planet shutting down all of Robtonik's computer networks and Badniks. The Guardian robots, products of ancient echidna science, were unaffected, but the software that Zachary used to control them was destroyed and they ceased obeying him. Knuckles fought Zachary one-on-one, though halfway through Sonic the Hedgehog suddenly intervened and knocked the villain out. In the ensuing confusion over arresting Robotnik, Zachary burrowed into the heart of the Floating Island to escape. Due to STC's cancellation, his fate remained a mystery.
On the sonicthecomic E-group, Nigel Kitching revealed that an unused plan for Zachary was that he was still on the Island when it sunk (during the last storyline), and was trying to release a gang of Echidna criminals that had been placed in suspended animations. (Kitching admitted that he hadn't taken Zachary into consideration when he wrote the island's submergence.)
In Sonic the Comic Online, Zachary resurfaced and attempted to take control of Super Sonic. When that failed, he assembled a gang of supervillains called the Syndicate and brought to life a dormant Shadow the Hedgehog, with the intent of using the Chaos Emeralds to ignite all of Mobius' residual Chaos Energy and literally blow up the planet. The plan failed and Zachary's mysterious ally Vichama betrayed him; Knuckles was able to capture him and took him to the Floating Island for questioning.
[edit] Trivia
- Archie comics echidna villain Dr. Finitevus, introduced almost a decade later, has a similar look to Zachary. As a cyborg Echidna dedicated to Mobius' subjugation, Zachary could serve as a counterpart to Archie's Dark Legion.
- There is some debate amongst fans about what Zachary is actually a Doctor of. Many presume that he is a doctor of engineering or robotics given his demonstrated expertise.
[edit] D.R.A.T.
An acronym for Doctor Robotnik Appreciation Tribe, D.R.A.T. were a recurring group of enemies for Sonic and the Freedom Fighters before and after Robotnik's downfall. Despite their best efforts to be evil, the group is usually ridiculed by Sonic's gang and finally suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Tails and Charmy Bee. Their leader and best known member is Grand Chief Whip, a rooster who wears "The Golden Mustache" on a chain around his neck who takes incredible pride in his position.
The initiation ceremony for the group seems decidedly strange, as candidates must balance on one foot in a bucket of custard while kissing The Golden Mustache and reciting the initiation oath.
[edit] Ebony
Ebony is a cat and a skilled magic-user. She ran a coffee bar named the Groovy Train and was best friends with a slightly senile seer called Pyjamas. She first appeared in the Knuckles the Echidna story Roots, trying to prevent sentient trees from being cut down. After Robotnik was defeated, she took in the homeless Super Sonic in his pacifistic phase and tried to hide him from both the law and Lord Sidewinder's thugs. Despite her knowledge of what Super Sonic truly was, she was convinced that he had made a genuine change, ultimately putting her at odds with Sonic and his team. When Super Sonic began to die from loss of Chaos energy, Ebony helped him to recharge by bringing him to face the monstrous Perfect Chaos, confident that the power would not bring back his insane rage. When Super Sonic was transformed back into a raging demon, Sonic convinced her to rejoin the two hedgehogs once more.
Ebony has also appeared in Sonic the Comic Online, the unofficially official continuation to the series; first accompanying Sonic and Porker Lewis to the bottom of the sea to recover the sunken Floating Island, and then on the island itself to purge eight thousand years of fear and pain from the memories of Tikal the Echidna.
[edit] Fabian Vane
A recurring comic-relief character in the post-#100 issues, Fabian Vane is the worst singer that ever lived. He was a major star until Amy and Tekno uncovered how much money he owed to various debtors for writing his songs, designing his clothes, plastic surgery et al.; revealed as a fake and having to pay what he owed, he was left relying on his fans to support him - just as the new hot star Peter Android debuted. Fabian tried time and again to make a comeback, including faking his own kidnapping, and took many rubbish jobs and became a major annoyance for the Freedom Fighters. Finally, a group of Mobians encouraged him to use the Eternity Ring to spread his music to other worlds, hoping to ensure he'd be gone from Mobius forever, but Amy and Tekno saved him.
[edit] Fleabyte
Fleabyte is a bounty hunting cat who speaks with a Texan dialect. Though he believed Dr. Robotnik to be a "fair and glorious ruler" while the villain ruled Mobius, he appears to have no actual links to the doctor, like B.A.R.F. or Metamorphia, but instead is free-lance. While good at his job, Fleabyte is not very intelligent. He has a robotic arm that he can pick locks with.
Fleabyte pursued Tails twice; first in the story Fox On The Run (STC 73-76), where he ran into Tails and a mouse named Tristram in the Flower Zone. While Tails and Tristram fought their way though a trap filled underground cavern, Fleabyte simply tracked their heat signals from above and when the two emerged, apprehended them. Unfortunately for him, he made a mistake in not tying Tails' tails and Tails flew in the air, dragging Fleabyte with him. Although he fell some distance after shooting through the rope, Fleabyte landed on his feet (as cats 'always do') and took Tristram hostage. Tristram's incredibly loud voice caused nearby rocks to fall and knock the cat out and the two escaped. Fleabyte's only other appearance was Fleatbyte Returns (STC 80), another Tails story. Having lost all his money in the Casino Night Zone, Fleabyte captured Tails only to be captured himself by Commander Brutus' Trooper forces. Tails and Fleabyte worked together to escape, and once free Fleabyte tried to trap Tails again. Tails caught him this time and tied him in his own net. Fleabyte was not seen again.
[edit] The Fundamental Four
The Fundamental Four appeared once, in a two part Chaotix story The Fundamental Four (STC 80 & 81) they were (obvious) parodies of the Marvel Comics characters the Fantastic Four a theme with the enemies in the Special Zone. They were however, slightly more original than some.
The team, who bickered constantly, were made up of Hydran, Squall, Gravel and Flare. Hydran, who lead the group, was made up of water kept solid by a stretching specially made suit and fishbowl-like head, Squall appears to be made of air or smoke, and appears to be a goblin of sorts, Gravel is a man of earth who speaks in unintelligible nonsense (that all his teammates seem to understand fine) and Flare, the female of the group, was made of fire. Flare is the only character to resemble a Sonic Team design for the animal characters in the universe.
The Fundamental Four were old enemies of The Chaotix having spent years in prison because of them, they assaulted the Chaotix's headquarters, shortly after, having finally grown too irritating for them, Vector had thrown out Charmy Bee, the remaining members were defeated and put in a liquidator, luckily Charmy spotted them through a window. Charmy was able to 'borrow' workers from his mother's hive, who used the Four's powers against them to fashion them into an urn.
NOTE: Exactly where the liquidator came from is never explained.
[edit] Grimer
Grimer is Robotnik's lab assistant, a green-skinned Igor-type character who bears the brunt of much of his master's wrath. Grimer is shown to be the main technical genius in Robotnik's organization (comparable to Robotnik himself), and in this universe was the main force behind creating the Metallix robots (see Metal Sonic). Indeed, the Metallix robots were created by Grimer, even in an alternate reality in which Robotnik had never existed.
Grimer was pathologically loyal to Robotnik, willingly taking all the abuse meted out to him and staying at his side throughout. When he was briefly left in charge of the Metropolis Zone, he was as draconian as possible in order arrest many citizens (for crimes such as being outside during the 5:00pm curfew that was announced at 5:05 and having 'longer than regulation' ears) so Robotnik would be pleased. When driven to help Robotnik, he has proven to be a very competent and dangerous enemy: when imprisoned, he secretly took over the jail and used it as a base of operations to launch multiple assaults on Sonic and to hack the Kintobor computer.
Several times he was in positions where he could have become an independent villain but he always remained loyal to Robotnik - when Robotnik was overthrown (and Grimer was still free), he rescued his master from his trial; he pretended to defect to the Drakon Empire as part of Robotnik's grand plan when he could've just as easily genuinely defected; and when Robotnik was shrunk to the size of an atom, Grimer plotted tirelessly from behind the scenes to retrieve him. His only act of weakness occurred when Robotnik attempted to kill the entire planet; realising this included him, Grimer helped the Freedom Fighters. However, he returned to his master's side immediately afterwards.
Trying to cheer up Robotnik, who was left depressed after his plan to kill Mobius had failed, Grimer released Chaos. In the following story, Grimer realised his master had gone suicidally insane when he found out Robotnik's new plan consisted of summoning the Chaos creature to the Chaos Emeralds and watching Mobius die in the process. Grimer finally snapped, calling his old boss crazy and quitting his service. In the online continuation of Sonic the Comic, it is revealed Grimer, feeling guilty and depressed, has built a Robotnik robot and spends his days pretending his master is still sane.
[edit] Trivia
He is named after Gríma Wormtongue from The Lord of the Rings, and an editorial error in #178 gave "Grimer Wormtongue" as his full name. On the sonicthecomic Yahoo mailing list, Nigel Kitching has revealed that originally Snively was going to be Robotnik's assistant as he thought that he was required to use the character (as the television cartoon was debuting); when Kitching discovered he didn't have to, he created Grimer instead. The script for "Girl Trouble Part One", Grimer's first appearance, has all his lines attributed to Snively.
[edit] Hobson and Choy
A pair of criminal escapees from the Drakon Empire, Hobson and Choy made a single appearance in a two-part story of the same name. Choy, a small, cowardly purple beaver, is allegedly the brains behind the pair; his partner, a hulking, super-strong blue walrus named Hobson, is the muscle.
Slated for execution by the Drakon authorities, the pair staged an escape. While Hobson subdued their guards, Choy was able to activate a Drakon Sword, opening a portal to the planet Mobius through which they escaped. Materialising in Doctor Robotnik's hidden base on Flickies' Island, the pair were easily coerced into the villain's service ("They were easier to fool than Knuckles was!") when he informed them that he was a heroic rebel and Sonic was simply a cover identity for an evil dictator named Super Sonic. The pair left to confront Sonic at the Emerald Hill Zone, where they were quickly beaten. Fleeing back to Robotnik's base, they were not seen again during the run of the comic.
The duo made a reappearance in Sonic the Comic Online, an online continuation of the cancelled STC series. They work for the Kane Broadcasting Company, working as "investigative reporters" for a televised smear campaign intended to ruin Sonic's image. They still believe Sonic is a cover for Super Sonic.
[edit] King Sonic
In an alternate reality where it was Sonic that had the ROCC accident instead of Kintobor, King Sonic was a ruthless dictator who controlled an Orwellian-style Mobius with an iron fist. He looks identical to Sonic, but wears a red cape and and crown. Little information is given about him, but he appears to command a large army of Badniks and resides in a dark castle built in his image.
His constant foes are his worlds Freedom Fighters, led by Amy Rose and Tails. During their dimension hopping adventures in the Time Zone arc, Sonic and Amy encountered and defeated the villain by driving him into an insane rage during battle, turning him into Super Sonic. Given the reversed nature of Sonic in this dimension, 'King Super Sonic' was not evil like the mainstream version, instead appearing as a pacifist. It may be worth noting that this benign Super Sonic lacked scarlet spirals in the place of pupils, unlike his malevolent counterpart.
In the book Sonic the Hedgehog in the Fourth Dimension, an alternate-past Sonic has the same accident and is transformed into "Cinos the Anti-Sonic", with an inverted colour scheme and a personality rather like the STC Super Sonic.
[edit] Kintobor
Dr. Ovi Kintobor is a fictional character from Sonic the Comic and related British publications, who originally attempted to absorb all of Mobius' evil into the Chaos Emeralds. He plays a prominent role in the backstory of Sonic the Hedgehog, having provided Sonic with his red-and-white sneakers and facilitated his transformation from a brown, prickly hedgehog to his current, streamlined, blue look. He is even more important in the history of Dr. Robotnik, as an accident involving the Emerald's (and a rotten egg) transformed him into the evil doctor prior to the first issue of the series. Being rather more slight than Dr. Robotnik, Kintobor coincidentally resembles the later canonical character of Gerald Robotnik.
Nevertheless, Kintobor continued to play a role in the series in the form of the computer used by the Freedom Fighters. In an early issue, Sonic explained to Tails that he merely used a hologram of Kintobor's head to help him access some restricted files on Kintobor's personal computer, but this was soon retconned, and for much of the series' run the computer was Kintobor himself, his personality and brainwaves having been preserved on a single gold ring. He loyally served as the Freedom Fighter's computer for the duration of the series, though he was briefly hacked into and turned evil by Grimer.
Kintobor appeared twice more in later issues of the comic, in person. The first instance of this was during a scheme by the Brotherhood of Metallix to erase Robotnik from history, and thus allow Metallix to take over the whole of Mobius. Only Sonic the Hedgehog was preserved from the original timeline, and he discovered that it had been Robotnik's associate Grimer that had constructed Metallix, and that Robotnik's contribution had been the installation of a self-destruct device, which could have kept the Metallix in check. Sonic then found himself in the unenviable position of having to travel back in time and actually cause the accident that first turned Kintobor into Robotnik.
Kintobor later appeared on the planet Shanazar. Once Robotnik had been drained of some temporary powers granted by the Chaos Emeralds, he shrank to subatomic size and found himself on Shanazar. Here he transformed into Kintobor and was taken on as the vizier of Princess Kupacious. Unfortunately, he found that his transformation back into Kintobor was not permanent, and developed an elixir to keep Robotnik "at bay", but this ultimately failed and Robotnik regained control.
In the "unofficially official" online continuation, STC-Online!, Kintobor appeared once more in flashback, it was revealed he had accidentally ended up on Mobius while on the way to the supermarket. It was shown he'd found the six Chaos Emeralds in a hollow hill in the Emerald Hill Zone, along with a cache of Echidna-Drakon war detritus and an experimental chaos-energy being dubbed Shadow. As well as researching the Emeralds and making contact with the Equinox Crocodile Research Team in the Special Zone (as well as the Omni-Viewer), he tutored Shadow. Due to his transformation into Robotnik and subsequent insanity, Shadow later resurfaced with the intention of following his friend's last wish - to kill the world.
The novel Sonic the Hedgehog in the Fourth Dimension had Sonic using time-travel to ensure Kintobor never had his accident, only to be forced to ensure he did become Robotnik after it was revealed that otherwise nothing could stop an other-dimensional gang of mythological creatures from altering the universe.
[edit] Lord Sidewinder
An old enemy of the Chaotix Crew, Lord Sidewinder was a powerful aristocrat and crimelord based out of New Tek City on Planet Meridian in the Special Zone. He is apparently responsible for numerous evil crimes, such as detonating nuclear bombs, but is too intelligent to leave any proof that may convict him. He first appeared in STC #85, in the second part of the Heroes and Villains segment of a larger arc involving the evil Super Sonic.
Sonic had recently entered the Special Zone in pursuit of the genocidal demon Super Sonic, who had been separated from him at this point. Mistaken for a supervillain, Sonic was arrested and bailed out by Lord Sidewinder, who had encountered Super Sonic and made a deal with him; Sidewinder would bring Sonic to the villain so he could kill him, preventing any chance of the two being merged again, and in return Super Sonic would help Lord Sidewinder to conquer the planet. Super Sonic, however, had lied to Sidewinder, and fought in a violent mélee with Sonic, the Chaotix and Sidewiner's minions that would destroy Sidewinder's estate.
Super Sonic was defeated and trapped in the Omni-Viewer, but Sidewinder had escaped to his laboratory in New Tek City, now obsessed with stealing Super Sonic's powers for himself. To this end, he obtained shrinking gas from former Chaotix member Nack the Weasal and attacked the Chaotix base in hopes of retaking Super Sonic. The plan failed due to the intervention of Sonic himself and the incompetence of his crony Biohazard, who managed to poison Sidewinder with his 'toxic vomit.'
When the Chaotix Crew attempted to seal Super Sonic in the heart of the Black Asteroid, Sidewinder followed, but he and his team were again bested by the Chaotix and imprisoned. He made a single reappearance during the run of the comic, seeking to kidnap the now pacifistic and powerless Super Sonic from Mobius, but he was tracked to his base by New Tek City Lieutenant Furor and sent back to jail with his team.
In Sonic the Comic Online, Sidewinder was presumably killed when Shadow the Hedgehog used Chaos Control to destroy the Special Zone on the orders of Dr. Zachary.
[edit] Lightmare
Lightmare is Lord Sidewinder's most loyal servant, but is willing to question him when he makes poor decisions, as shown when she says "I told you it was folly to trust this demon," when the crimelord is betrayed by Super Sonic. She seemed to fear for his sanity when he became obsessed with usurping the powers of Super Sonic. She has the ability to confront people with their greatest fears through use of her Nightmare Boxes, often freezing them in place or rendering them unable to fight, proven when she made Sonic think he was blind in a dream and trapping Mighty the Armadillo in an invisible cage. She also seems to have the ability to teleport in a cloud of smoke. When Lightmare first appeared, her white robes and mask made her look like a man, but during a battle with the Chaotix she revealed that she was, unbeknownst to Sidewinder, her leader's daughter.
She is believed dead following the destruction of the Special Zone.
[edit] Marxio Brothers
One of earliest of Sonic The Comic's thinly vieled parodies. The Marxio Brothers (Grouchio, Chicio, Harpio) are a strange mix of 1930 comedians The Marx Brothers and video game icons the Super Mario Bros., debuting at a time when Sega and Nintendo were major rivals in the video game industry.
The Marxio Brothers were three electricians who came from 'Marxio World', a place they are terrified of (most likely poking fun at the 'horror' of being in a Mario or Nintendo game and not a Sonic Universe) who became agents of Dr. Robotnik running his 'commercial ventures'.
They debuted running the Casnio Night Zone in 'Casino Night' (STC 18) where they were scamming Mobians using hypnosis to make them compulsive gamblers. In 'Carnival Night Conspiracy' (STC 39-44) the Brothers had another theme park, this time the Carnival Night Zone being built on the (Floating Island) as another money-maker for Robotnik; initially they managed to convince Knuckles Robotnik wasn't involved and that he could use the money from the Zone to renovate the older Zones on the island, and an attempt at killing him on a roller coaster convinced him to let them stay ("I loved the ride!"). The Guardian found them out anyway (due to Chicio's incompetence), and he split the Carnival Night Zone from the Floating Island to drop to Mobius below.
Following Robotniks' removal from power, the Marxio Brothers convinced the Mobian authorities that Robotnik had duped them and were able to buy the Chemical Plant Zone, with the intent of making it environmentally friendly. They called Sonic in because of a problem that they felt might cause the zone to detonate, which turned out to be Megatox; whether or not this was a deliberate trap for Sonic is left unknown, though the Marxio's denied it.
The Marxio Brothers also star in a series of Mobian video games as seen in STC #26, which Sonic isn't a fan of - "who cares about the adventures of three electricians?"
In the unofficial continuation of Sonic the Comic, Chicio appears in #239, being interviewed for a tabloid smear campaign against Sonic; there was a small cameo before this for the game Super Marxio Sunshine.
[edit] Max Gamble
Max Gamble is a money-obsessed stereotypical gangster based out of the Casino Night Zone and running many casinos, as well as various dangerous fly-by-night enterprises. He is so obsessed with money that when Tails was defending the Zone from being exterminated by Commander Brutus, Gamble threatened violence against him unless Tails did it quicker so people would go back to his casinos. He would later try to have Tails killed for humiliating him, as well as loyally helping Robotnik turn people into Badniks.
When Robotnik was overthrown, he made a bid to have his mob assume control over the whole Zone; Tails rallied the citizens against him, and the mobsters themselves turned on him when it was revealed Gamble was sending money to Robotnik. He and his criminal activities would occasionally pop up to harrass the Freedom Fighters, including running holidays to Robotnik's old Flickies Island base (which nearly killing several people) before he was finally forced to go on the run. He used the Eternity Ring to escape Mobius and ended up in a world shaped by people's thoughts; he created a world based around gangster films to amuse himself before Amy Rose and Tekno took him down.
In Sonic the Comic Online, he has become a lackey for the Insect Family crime organisation.
[edit] Megatox
Megatox was a scientist working for Robotnik on a chemical called Mega Mack, the pink liquid that floods the Chemical Plant Zone in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and is designed to kill Sonic, but the compartment he was working in was flooded with the poisonous substance. By some quirk of fate the scientist, instead of dying, became one with the Mega Mack, and as Megatox he haunted the sewer systems of the Chemical Plant Zone. He faced Sonic early into the hedgehog's rebellion against Robotnik (issue 10); unable to defeat him with simple violence, Sonic drained him from the tunnels he was fighting him in and dispersed him over wasteland.
Megatox returned much later, when Robotnik had been overthrown and the Marxio Brothers had bought the Zone. The Marxios asked Sonic and Tails to check out strange happenings in the Zone, which turned out to be Megatox charging himself up to blow out of Chemical Plant and dump himself all over Emerald Hill Zone, leaving it uninhabitable. Annoyingly for Megatox, Sonic had forgotten who he was and even when he remembered he manages to get his name wrong. Megatox was more powerful now, able to change from liquid to solid state and back again. Sonic, despite being heavily poisoned by Mega Mack, deduces that Megatox has to be solid to hit him and manages to attack him a split second before contact. This defeated Megatox, and he was swept up and removed by the Marxios.
Megatox's last appearances was as one of the enemies that Robotnik, in his god-like state, resurrected to battle Sonic in Showdown (issue 130).
Megatox can bend the Mega Mack around him to his will, shooting it at high pressure and splitting his consciousness into multiple Mega Mack 'bodies'.
Nigel Kitching once revealed that Megatox was only brought back at the request of his son.
[edit] Mesmer
Mesmer the Goat, was an agent working for of Dr. Robotnik with a 'talent for hypnosis'. He used a large staff with a ruby red jewel to control a whole village into thinking that they were worshippers of an Ancient Sun Goddess, as a test of his powers, in the Knuckles the Echidna Story 'Village Of The Damned' (STC 85-86).
When Knuckles stumbled upon the village, Robotnik (watching from a disguise as a Tavern Landlord, a chicken) used the ruse as an attempt to kill the guardian, by having Mesmer convince the townspeople that they needed to sacrifice him to their god, shortly before being sacrificed Knuckles deduced what was happening and took Mesmer's staff from him, using it to break the spell.
Knuckles was, at the time, on a journey back from Mobius to the Floating Island, and after an explanation from Robotnik, he left. Mesmer was never used again.
Note: though Knuckles used the staff, and Robotnik revealed he intended to use Mesmer to control the whole populace of Mobius, the staff was never smashed.
[edit] Metamorphia
Metamorphia is a female 'shape shifter', able to both transform herself into anything she wanted and change parts of her body independly of the rest of it, such as turning her hand into an anvil or blade. Metamorphia was created by Dr. Robotnik and idolised & loved him (her room in #52 has self-drawn pictures of him on the wall), desperate to please him and have her feelings reciprocated. She failed every attempt to destroy Sonic The Hedgehog and his freedom fighters, and when not in battle appeared to be very insecure and self-conscious.
Sonic first met Metamorphia when she, posing as a sweet bear, lured him into a trap in The Grim Zone, where Sonic thought she had perished after falling into one of the Zone's fiery pits, she in fact assumed a fire proof form and survived. Metamorphia returned in the guise of a rival green hedgehog named Cosmic, who challenged Sonic to a race, once lured away from help and the Green Hill Zone, Metamorphia revealed herself and attacked him, only to be defeated again (# 30 & 31). She would resurface pretending to be Sonic's long-lost twin Tonic, though her cover was quickly blown and she was easily defeated by the Freedom Fighters (#51 & 52).
Metamorphia's fall from grace occurred in The Cybernik Strikes Back (issues 63-67); while she was able to defeat Shortfuse the Cybernik and capture Tekno, she failed to stop them detonating a large part of the Chemical Plant Zone. As punishment, Robotnik removed her shape-shifting powers and had her turned into a Badnik. Sometime later Tails was attacked in the Grim Zone by the Badnik Metamorphia, angrily blaming Tails and the other Freedom Fighters for making her like this. Once the Badnik was destroyed and Metamorphia was free, sobbing that she had failed again, she turned her back on being evil and said that she now hated Robotnik. Suddenly Metamorphia then experienced one last final change into a sweet bear (not much different from the form she took in her first appearance) and left to live a new life (#83).
Metamorphia was one of the enemies that Robotnik, in his god-like state, resurrected to battle Sonic in Showdown (issue 130), though this was not the real Metamorphia.
Notes: Exactly what species Metamorphia was is unknown. Her final form was a bear and in her debut she also resembled a bear, however after, she looked much more like an evil cat similar to Cam from B.A.R.F. Regardless, she is now a bear.
[edit] Morain Blackthorn
Morain Blackthorn is the sister of swordsman Errol Blackthorn, a Samurai like fox loyal to the Echanter Kings, Morain is also a swordswoman able to perform some limited sorcery. Sensitive and temperamental with a defensive, cocky attitude and a love of battle, she is somewhat different to her brother, she is also much shorter. Morain was created by Nigel Kitching for the Tails & Knuckles Story The Revenge Of Trogg (STC 59 - 64) and subsequently in the Tails story The Goblin Overlords (STC 143 & 144).
Morain initially followed Tails and Knuckles to the Land Beyond to seek vengeance on Trogg after he transformed her brother into a monster, like the rest of the Nameless Zone (Tails' homeland in this continuity) she believed wholeheartedly that Tails is the hero of Mobius (via Tails's letters to his family, in which he lied that he was such a thing) but was less impressed with him, and more with Knuckles, though she did not get her revenge directly, it was Morain who told Tails to throw The Dark One's orb from the Dinemtion Bridge that connects her homeland the Nameless Zone and Trogg's Land Beyond into the 'non-existent reality' below and erase the demon from existence, in doing this Trogg and Errol were both reverted back to their original fox forms.
Morain then used her magicks to open a portal and summon Tails, still believing that the Enchanter Kings and her brother were being held captive by the new Goblin King. Although Tails attempted to stealthily sneak in, they were discovered, and Morain, much preferring direct combat, attacked, eventually stumbling in upon the Goblin King negotiating with the Enchanters. Furious that the Enchanters were going along with the his plan to add the Nameless Zone to his Empire, she attacked and the Goblin Leader, and in turn was attacked by his underlings.
Distracted by her admiration of Tails' improved skills, she was nearly killed by a sneak attack, only to be saved by her brother. To prevent a full scale war, the Goblins allowed Morain, Tails, Errol and the Enchanter Kings to leave in exchange for compliance with the Goblin plan. Tails was returned to Mobius, Morain's magicks no longer able to keep him in the Nameless Zone. Despite a caption at the end that implied further use of Morain, she did not appear in the comic for the rest of its run.
In STC-Online, the 'unofficially official' continuation to the series, Morain and a small group of her own freedom fighters appeared with Tails in another Nameless Zone adventure. Furious at the her brother's 'betrayal' and the goblin's introduction of steam power and primitive electricity (despite the improvements they bring), she attempts to destroy a Goblin supply train with dynamite. She is eventually convinced otherwise by Tails, and her story remains unresolved.
[edit] Mr. Shifter
Mr. Shifter only appeared in one issue of Sonic The Comic, issue 87, where he was the main focus of the story Mister Shifter (the most important occurrence in this story was the revelation to Robonik that Sonic was stuck in the Special Zone at the time). A shape changer from the Black Zone, made of "Radioactive Meta-Clay", he had the power to stretch like rubber or become hard as rock.
Shifter was either a robber or assassin, and was caught by Sonic trying to shoot a young Mobian girl (in fact a spy for Robotnik investigating if the Special Zone was ripe for invasion). Cocky and arrogant, Sonic managed to defeat him by literally stretching him to his limit, then letting him go.
[edit] Nutzan Bolt
Nutzan Bolt is a fictional antagonist of Miles "Tails" Prower and The Flock in Sonic the Comic.
Nutzan Bolt was a general for Robotnik, running operations in the Chemical Plant Zone. He was originally able to pass himself off as being sensible and open to negotiation, convincing Sol Furic of the Flock that he could be worked with; Nutzan swiftly proved himself to be, in fact, a total nutter, killing with gleeful abandon and becoming enraged at the mere mention of Sonic ("he said the S-Word!"). He sported a giant muscular body, armed with neck-saws and subservient robot heads all round his neck, and his head would heat up & steam when he got enraged.
When Sonic and Tails became separated from each other at Chemical Plant, Tails accidentally ended up inside Nutzan Bolt’s lair whilst he was communicating with Robotnik. It was there that Tails overheard Nutzan’s plan to flood the surrounding Zones with Mega Mack, and the psychotic droid decided to silence him. After becoming angry at the mere mention of "the S-word!" Nutzan Bolt was distracted by a flash bomb and Tails was rescued by Sab as they fled into the sewers. Tails and the Flock attempted to prevent Nutzan and his cronies from dismantling the barrier that held the Mega Mack in place out of the other Zones, and while the Flock handled the cronies Nutzan Bolt decided to deal with the fox personally. Tails was pursued to a side entrance to the Zone, finding himself completely outmatched, and he only won by a complete fluke - because he accidentally instructing the door the close three times, the door's computer closed, opened (letting Nutzan in), closed (coming down on Nutzan as he came in), and then on its third go it decapitated the robot. However, the head sprouted wheels and Nutzan fled screaming that he would have his revenge eventually.
Nutzan Bolt managed to find himself a new body eventually, but rather than a new mechanical frame he attached himself to an invulnerable body of living ice. Nutzan Bolt became obsessed with finding Tails and began ripping apart the Zone, causing it to be frozen by chemical ice & snow which made it uninhabitable to anyone but him, and finally succeeded in killing most of the Flock. However, Sab managed to bring Tails back to the Zone and Nutzan's former ally Sol Furic defected to their side. Together the three of them emerged on the surface and fought Nutzan Bolt in his new Ice Palace. They were easily dispatched and Tails was on the verge of being killed when he accidentally managed to say Sonic's name several times in succession; Nutzan's head overheated with rage, causing his body to melt. Reduced once again to just his head, Nutzan Bolt decided to finish off his enemies by melting the Ice Palace - which, of course, meant he drowned. He was never salvaged.
[edit] Proctor Speckle and Mr. Fry
Members of Lord Sidewinder's team of enforcers, Proctor Speckle and Mr. Fry are technically the same person, an obvious reference to Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde. A brilliant, renowned alchemist, if somewhat unscrupulous, Speckle transforms into a hulking, superhumanly strong brute named Mr. Fry when he drinks his potions. Speckle is fully willing to transform into Fry if the need should arise, but Fry hates "that weakling Speckle" and constantly drinks the potion to avoid turning back into the alchemist.
Speckle and Fry appeared separately from Sidewinder and his group in a story featuring Captain Plunder, press-ganged into his pirate crew and forced to walk the plank for stealing from Plunder's personal supply of chocolate. In the water, he was beset by sharks and managed to drink some of his potion to turn into Mr. Fry and fight the sharks off. Boarding the ship, he claimed that as Fry he now wanted to join the crew, and cooked one of the dead sharks. Seconds later, the other sharks that had attacked Speckle climbed onto the ship, transformed by the potion he had spilled in the water. Fry fought against them, but turned back into Proctor Speckle and fled, after which Plunder finished the sharks off with a large hammer. Ordering that his chocolate be brought on deck as a treat for himself and the crew, Plunder was outraged to find that Speckle had sailed away from the ship using the last crate of chocolate as an improvised raft.
It is believed that Speckle, and by extension Fry, were killed by the explosion that wiped out the Special Zone.
[edit] Sab
Sab was the leader of the freedom fighters group The Flock, based in The Chemical Plant Zone and against its tyrannical overlord Nutzan Bolt. She was one of the many sheep living in the Zone before it was turned into the Chemical Plant. She and her partner Sol Furic had fought side by side, until Sol defected to Nutzan Bolt thinking that the robot could be worked with to improve the Zone.
Sab first appearing in the second part of the Tails' story Zonerunner and The Flock (issue 36). It is she who dubs Tails a Zonerunner, a freedom fighter who travels between Zones fighting Robotnik; Tails has repeatedly protested against this but this has fallen on deaf ears. While a strong and capable leader, Sab seemed to fail to notice Tails actually only succeeded by accident throughout the whole story.
In Tails' next encounter with her, all of the Flock were thought to have been murdered in an explosion at the hands of Sol Furic. Sab had survived and, despite initial misunderstanding, it turned out Sol was innocent and wanted to turn against Nutzan. With Sab and Sol's help, Tails managed to destroy Nutzan Bolt for good, melting the chemical ice that had crippled the Chemical Plant Zone.
Sab & Sol were not used again, though the Chemical Plant Zone has reappeared several times; in its return appearances, it bore little resemblance to the Zonerunner stories.
Unlike the regular freedom fighters, who all appear in their teens, Sab and the Flock appear much older.
[edit] Trogg (Shirob)
Shirob was once the third and eldest of the Enchanter Kings, three kings that ruled over the Nameless Zone. The Eldest of The Enchanter Kings, with the most powerful magics, Shirob had accidentally summoned 'The Evil One' (later 'The Dark One'), a demonic being that drove him insane and transformed him into the monstrous Trogg. Incredibly strong and with the power to turn others into beings like him, he disappeared and terrorised the Zone. The other Kings believed Trogg had murdered Shirob until the truth was uncovered.
Tails first met Trogg in The Nameless Zone (STC 16 & 17); believing him a great warrior, the Enchanter Kings summoned Tails to battle Trogg on the Dimension Bridge. Tails won by a fluke and Trogg was expelled to the Land Beyond on the other side of the bridge. Once there, he took command of the goblin hordes. Later, a vengeful Trogg assumed the form of Shirob in order to send a message for help, drawing Tails and his swordsman ally Errol Blackthorn into a trap.
Trogg's final fate came in The Revenge Of Trogg (STC 59-64). Trogg had captured both Enchanter Kings and transformed Errol Blackthorn, who'd gone to rescue them, into a monster. Tails (and accidentally Knuckles) were summoned to stop him, along with Errol's sister Morain, but they were swiftly captured by Trogg's army. Trogg revealed that he intended to transform the other Enchanter Kings into monsters like himself, and to do this he summoned the Dark One. The heroes escaped, stole the black orb from where the Dark One was summoned, and threw it from the Dinemsion Bridge into 'non-existent space' below, causing The Dark one to cease to exist. This reversed the transformations of Errol, the Enchanter Kings, and Shirob himself. With his sanity and form restored Shirob bid Tails and Knuckles farewell.
When Tails was summoned the final time to the Nameless Zone, this time by Morgan, Shirob was shown simply as one of the three Enchanter Kings, and showing no signs of his previous madness as Trogg.
[edit] Vichama, The God of Death
A character unique to Sonic the Comic Online, the 'unofficially official' continuation of Sonic the Comic, Vichama appeared early on in the series run as the partner of Dr. Zachary and a member of his Syndicate, helping to use the Chaos Emeralds to literally blow up Mobius. He was seemingly a superpowered mass murderer from ancient times, sealed away by the ancient echidnas of Mobius before being freed by Zachary eight millennia later. A tall, muscular and imposing echidna, Vichama served as added muscle and showed both an eager desire for slaughter & a boredom with the more convoluted parts of Zachary's plot. When Zachary's plot was thwarted, he abandoned him (deliberately knocking him out) and, referring to himself as 'the God of Death', used the Chaos Emeralds to escape his "shell". At this point, a malign, shapeless entity abandoned the echidna body, leaving it shrivelled and lifeless.
A solo story featuring Tikal the Echidna, taking place halfway through the Syndicate story, involved her visit to an ancient temple on the Floating Island known as The Place of Voices. During this adventure, she encountered countless mournful spirits, seemingly Vichama's victims from the past, bearing grave tidings of his return. As she leaves after the incident, a prophetic sentence carved into a nearby rock declares that "Vichama is coming home". It has been revealed she is having an increasing number of premonitions of Vichama.
The STC-O website states a four-parter based around Vichama will begin in May 2007.
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