List of mathematics competitions
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Mathematics competitions or mathematical olympiads are competitive events where participants write a mathematics test. These tests may require multiple choice or numeric answers, or a detailed written solution or proof. In the United States, usually only competitions where the participants write a full proof are called Mathematical Olympiads.
[edit] International mathematics competitions
- IMC (International Mathematics Competition for University Students) [1] -- worldwide (
- IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad) -- worldwide
- MCM (Mathematical Contest in Modeling) -- team contest for undergraduates [2]
- Nordic university-level mathematics team-competition -- nordic countries
- PMWC (Primary Mathematics World Contest) -- worldwide
[edit] Regional mathematics competitions
- AITMO (Asian Inter-city Teenagers Mathematics Olympiad) -- for junior secondary students around the Eastern Asian region (
- APMO (Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad) -- Pacific rim
- Balkan Mathematical Olympiad -- for students from 15.5 years old from Balkan area
- Baltic Way -- Baltic area.
- IWYMIC (Invitational World Youth Mathematics Inter-city Competition) -- for junior secondary students around the Eastern Asian region ( )
- Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad -- for students under 15.5 years old from Balkan area
- NMC (Nordic mathematical competition) -- the five Nordic countries
- OIM (Olimpíadas Iberoamericanas de Matemática) -- Spain, Portugal and Latin America
- Olimpiada Matematica de Centroamérica y del Caribe -- Central America and the Caribbean
- Olimpiada Matematica de Paises del Cono Sur -- 8 countries from South America
- SEAMO (SEAMEO Mathematics Olympiad) -- South-East Asia
- SEAMC(South East Asian Mathematics Competition) -- South-East Asia (
- William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition -- USA and Canada ( )
[edit] National mathematics competitions
[edit] Argentina
- OMA (Olimpíada Matemática Argentina, )
[edit] Australia
- AMC ( Australian Mathematics Competition)
- AMO ( Australian Mathematical Olympiad)
- ICAS-Mathematics ( formerly Australasian Schools Mathematics Assessment)
[edit] Austria
- ÖMO (Österreichische Mathematik-Olympiade) ( )
[edit] Belgium
French-speaking students can compete in the OMB (Olympiade Mathématique Belge) consisting of three categories:
- Mini (grades 7 and 8)
- Mide (grades 9 and 10)
- Maxi (grades 11 and 12)
Dutch-speaking students can compete in the VWO (Vlaamse Wiskunde Olympiade), with two categories:
- Junior Wiskunde Olympiade (grades 9 and 10)
- Vlaamse Wiskunde Olympiade (grades 11 and 12)
[edit] Brazil
There are two national competitions in Brazil: the oldest one, OBM, dates back to 1979 and is open to all students, from fifth grade to university. The other one, OBMEP, was created in 2005 and is open to public school students from fifth grade to high school.
- OBM (Olimpíada Brasileira de Matemática,
- OBMEP (Olimpíada Brasileira de Matemática das Escolas Públicas,
There are also many regional competitions, usually open to all students of a given state.
- OPM (Olimpíada Paulista de Matemática,
- OMERJ (Olimpíada de Matemática do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,
[edit] Canada
National competitions hosted by The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing:
Full Solutions:
- Euclid (12th grade students)
- Hypatia (11th grade students)
- Galois (10th grade students)
- Fryer (9th grade students)
Multiple Choice:
- Fermat (11th grade students)
- Cayley (10th grade students)
- Pascal (9th grade students)
- Gauss (7th and 8th grade students)
National competitions hosted by The Mathematics Contest Centre:
Multiple Choice:
- Lagrange Contest (8th grade students)
- Euler Contest (7th grade students)
- Pythagoras Contest (6th grade students)
- Fibonacci Contest (5th grade students)
- Byron-Germain Contest (4th grade students)
Other competitions hosted by The Canadian Mathematical Society:
- COMC (Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge)
- CMO (Canadian Mathematics Olympiad)
MATHChallengers (formerly MathCounts BC) is called MathChallengers since 2005. It is hosted by APEGBC.
[edit] China
- CMO (China Mathematics Olympiad)
- CWMO (Western China Mathematics Olympiad)
- CSMO (South-eastern China Mathematics Olympiad) -- for secondary 4 students
- CNMO (China National Mathematics Olympiad) -- for junior secondary students
[edit] Cyprus
- Cyprus Mathematical Olympiad - Mathematics competitions for students in every grade.
- Junior high-school (Gymnasium) Competitions - For students under 15.5 years old (1st, nnd, and 3rd grade of Gymnasium)
- High School (Lyceum) Competitions- For students above 15.5 years old (1st, nnd, and 3rd grade of Lyceum)
[edit] Czech Republic
- MO (Czech National Mathematics Olympiad,
- Vojtech Jarnik Competition (International Mathematics Competition for University Students held annually in Ostrava,
- PraSe (Prague Mathematics Correspondence Seminar for Secondary School Students,
[edit] Denmark
- Georg Mohr (Contest for Danish high school students, see for more details [note: in Danish])
[edit] Germany
- DeMO (Deutsche Mathematik-Olympiade,
- BWM (Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik,, AIMO (Auswahlwettbewerb zur Internationalen Mathematik-Olympiade / Team selection tests for the IMO,
- LWMB (Landeswettbewerb Mathematik Bayern,, LWM (Landeswettbewerb Mathematik Baden-Württemberg,
[edit] Greece
- Θαλής (Thales) - first round
- Ευκλείδης (Euclides) - second round
- Αρχιμήδης (Archimedes) - third round
- Λευκοπούλειος Διαγωνισμός Πιθανοτήτων και Στατιστικής - "Leukopouleios" Contest on Probabilities And Statistics - a competition that is not related to IMO, organised by ESI (National Statistic Institut)
[edit] Hong Kong, China
- Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad
- The Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest. Only Form 1 to form 3 students may participate in this contest.
- International Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Selection Contest - Hong Kong (IMO HK Prelim, Official Website)
- Pui Ching Invitational Mathematics Competition (Official Website)
- Inter-school Mathematics Contest, a yearly contest organized by the Hong Kong Joint School Mathematics Society.
[edit] Hungary
- Kenguru Verseny (3rd to 12th grade students)
- Kalmár László Országos Matematika Verseny (3rd to 8th grade students)
- Zrínyi Ilona Országos Matematika Verseny (3rd to 8th grade students)
- Varga Tamás Matematika Verseny (7th and 8th grade students)
- Bátaszéki Matematika Verseny (3rd to 8th grade students)
- Kömal (a year-long contest, each month you have to submit solutions to some problems, 9th-12th grade, Homepage in English: )
- ADMV (Arany Dániel Matematika Verseny, 9th and 10th grade students)
- Gordiusz Matematika Tesztverseny (9th to 12th grade students)
- OKTV (Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny, 11th and 12th grade)
- Kürschák József (first year university students or below)
[edit] India
- Regional Mathematical Olympiads held in every region. Leads to participation in Indian National Mathematical Olympiad, held every year.
- AMTI Talent Exams conducted by The Assoiation of Mathematics Teachers of India, Chennai
- Mathematical Marathons
- International Assessments for Indian Schools (
- JMO junior mathematics olypiad
[edit] Ireland
- Irish Mathematical Societies Association Intervarsites. An annual event in which teams representing the mathematical societies of their respective colleges compete in an Olympiad styled event.
[edit] Italy
- Olimpiadi Italiane della Matematica (Italian Mathematical Olympiad,
[edit] Macau, China
- Macao Mathematical Olympiad (Chinese homepage: )
[edit] Macedonia
- Regional Competition
- Republic Competition (different problems for each grade)
- JMMO (Junior Macedonian Maths Olympiad) (all students younger than 15.5 years have same questions)
- MMO (Macedonian Maths Olympiad) (all students older than 15.5 years have same questions)
Official web-site (in Macedonian):
[edit] Malaysia
- ICAS-Mathematics (in English) (
[edit] Mexico
- MMO (Mexican Mathematical Olympiad,
- Mathcounts - held annually at the American school of Puebla and open to ASOMEX students.
[edit] Netherlands
- NWO (Nederlandse Wiskunde Olympiade,
[edit] Norway
- Niels Henrik Abels matematikk-konkurranse (Norwegian Mathematical Olympiad, website available both in Norwegian and English at
[edit] Peru
- National Mathematic Olympiad - ONEM (Olimpiada Nacional Estudiantil de Matematica)
It's the official Olympiad, organized by the Government in 4 phases. The final phase takes place near to Lima usually in November. Website available in Spanish:
- CONAMAT - Concurso Nacional de Matematica (Organized by The Science and Humanity National Institute). It's the largest peruvian olympiad inviting the 80% of the schools around the country, it has a Selection process in almost peruvian cities and the final phase is in LIMA usually in October.
Website available in Spanish:
[edit] Philippines
- Philippine Mathematics Olympiad
- Quezon City Science High School Regional Math Quiz Bee
[edit] Poland
- Polish Mathematical Olympiad (Website)
[edit] Portugal
- Portuguese Mathematics Olympiad - Olimpíadas Portuguesas da Matemática (in Portuguese)
- Olimpíada Paulistas (with Brazil)
[edit] Serbia
[edit] Singapore
- Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) (Website)
- Singapore - Asia Pacific Mathematical Olympiad for Primary Schools (SAPMOPS) (Website)
- National Mathematical Olympiad of Singapore (Website)
- ICAS-Mathematics (
[edit] Slovakia
- MO Matematická olymipáda
- List of Slovak competitions
- KMS Korešpondenčný matematický seminár
- STROM Korešpondenčný matematický seminár
[edit] Sweden
- Skolornas matematiktävling (see or for older problems)
- Högstadiets matematiktävling (, open for students in grades 7 through 9)
[edit] Taiwan
- Regional competition ( for some problems)
- National competition ( for some problems)
- IMO selection and training camp
[edit] Thailand
- The Mathematical Association of Thailand Contest
- Diamond Crown
- Sermpanya Mathematics Test
- Top Calculus Test
[edit] Turkey
- Turkey National Mathematical Olympiad (Türkiye Ulusal Matematik Olimpiyatı (in Turkish), organized by TUBITAK)
[edit] United Kingdom
- Most competitions are organised by the UK Mathematics Trust.
- The Primary Mathematics Challenge (for primary school pupils) is organised by the Mathematical Association.
- The Junior Mathematical Challenge is a multiple-choice competition for students up to year 8 in England and Wales, year S2 in Scotland, year 9 in Northern Ireland. High scorers in the JMC are invited to compete in the Junior Mathematical Olympiad.
- The Intermediate Mathematical Challenge is a multiple-choice competition for students up to year 11 in England and Wales, year S4 in Scotland, year 12 in Northern Ireland. High scorers in the IMC are invited to compete in the Intermediate Mathematical Olympiad and Kangaroo (for the highest scorers) and in the European Kangaroo (another multiple-choice competition, for other high scorers).
- The Senior Mathematical Challenge (formerly National Maths Contest) is a multiple-choice competition for students up to year 13 in England and Wales, year S6 in Scotland, year 14 in Northern Ireland.
- High scorers in the SMC are invited to compete in the British Mathematical Olympiad (
- There is a Team Maths Challenge for students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland; Scotland has its own Enterprising Mathematics Competition organised by the Scottish Mathematical Council.
[edit] United States
[edit] National elementary school competitions
- Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS)
- Math Kangaroo Competition - grades 2 through 12
- Online Math League, part of
[edit] National middle school competitions
- American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC->8), formerly the American Junior High School Mathematics Examination (AJHSME)
- MathCounts
- Math Kangaroo Competition - grades 2 through 12
- Math League
- Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS)
- {Nonempty Set} Internet Math Competition
- Online Math League, part of
- United States of America Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS)
[edit] National high school competitions
- American Mathematics Contest 12 (AMC->12), formerly the American High School Mathematics Examination (AHSME)
- American Mathematics Contest 10 (AMC->10)
- American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME)
- American Regions Mathematics League (ARML)
- High School Mathematics Contest in Modeling
- Math Kangaroo Competition - grades 2 through 12
- Mandelbrot Competition
- Moody's Mega Math Challenge
- Math League
- Mu Alpha Theta
- National Assessment & Testing
- Online Math League, part of
- Rocket City Math League
- United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO)
- United States of America Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS)
[edit] National college competitions
[edit] Regional competitions
See List of United States regional mathematics competitions.
[edit] Uruguay
- Information about "Com-partida de matemática del Uruguay"