List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This list has been split into smaller lists:
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: A
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: B
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: C
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: D
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: E
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: F
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: G
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: H
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: I
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: J
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: K
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: L
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: M
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: N
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: O
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: P
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: Q
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: R
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: S
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: T
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: U
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: V
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: W
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: Y
- List of nicknames of European Royalty and Nobility: Z
Contents |
[edit] References
[edit] Articles
- "From the Succession of Philip the Bold to the County of Flanders to the Death of Philip the Fair". (Originally published in the early 1900s.). Old and Sold Antiques Digest. [1]. Retrieved May 12, 2006.
- Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth. "The History of Germany". This text was prepared by using as copytext, A History of Germany, by H.E. Marshall, London, Henry Frowde and Hodder & Stroughton, 1913, as cited in "The Baldwin Project: Bringing Yesterday's Classics to Today's Children". [2]. Retrieved May 6, 2006.
- (French) Ouvrard, Robert. "Histoire du Consulat et du Premier Empire". [3]. Retrieved May 6, 2006.
- (German) "Der Hofmeister und Marschall Göddert Turck". [4]. Google English translation on [5]. Retrieved May 28, 2006.
- (Spanish) Balanso, Juan. "Reinas Borbones de Cuidado". Cronica el Mundo (2002). [6]. Retrieved May 28, 2002.
[edit] Biographies
- Britannia Biographies
- British Civil Wars, Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1638-60
- British Prime Ministers in History
- The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church
- Cavendish
- The Counts of Champagne
- Cyprus History: The Lusignan Period
- Danish Kings and Their Story
- Early British Kingdoms
- The Final War: The Swedish-Russian War of 1808-1809
- Find a Grave
- German Notes History
- Joan of Arc's Companions-in-Arms
- Leaders and Battles Database
- Madame de Pompadour
- The Magna Charta Barons at Runnymede
- NNDB: Tracking the Entire World
- The Noblemen of Bohun
- Norwegian Kings
- The Order of Christ
- Orkneyjar: The Heritage of the Orkney Islands
- Prime Ministers and Politics Timeline
- Royal Berkshire History
- Russia the Great
- Scotland's Past
- Significant and Famous Scots
- Sortable Biographies Table
- Talleyrand: the Prince of Diplomats
- Trenches on the Web
- Tudor Place
- Vere Earls of Oxford
- Women as Warriors in History
- Years of the Sword: Wellington the Soldier
[edit] Books
- Book Rags
- Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama: A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
- Early Kings of Norway
- A History of Aragon and Catalonia
- A History of Armenia
- A History of the Isle of Man
- The History of the Thirty Years' War
- LIBRO: The Library of Iberian Resources Online
- The Normans
- Project Gutenberg: Free e-Books
- The Spirit of Hungary: A Panorama of Hungarian History and Culture
- A Volume of Intimate Portraits, Sketches & Studies
[edit] Dynastic and Family Web Sites
- The Adventures of the Bourbon-Condes & Bourbon-Contis
- The de Braose Web Site
- Czartoryski
- The Desmond Archives: Vital Records of Bearers of the Desmond Surname
- Douglas: the Famiy and the Clan
- The Earls of Desmond: Lords of the South
- The Great Historic Families of Scotland
- Historic Earls and Earldoms of Scotland
- House of Gordon Research
- The House of Grimaldi
- The Official Web Site of the British Monarchy
- Ottoman Web Site
- Radvilas Family (Radziwill)
- The Radziwill Family
- Richard III Society
- Rossdhu: Home of the Chiefs of the Clan Colquhoun
- The Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies
- Royal Russia
- Serbian Medieval History: Rulers of the Land
- Short History of the Radziwill Family
- (French) House of Pierrepont
[edit] Encyclopedias
- Brewer's Readers Guide
- Catalan Encyclopedia
- The Catholic Encyclopaedia
- Chambers' Book of Days
- A Compendium of Irish Biography
- De Imperatoribus Romanis
- Encyclopedia of Austria
- Encyclopaedia of the Orient
- Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire
- The Georgian Index
- Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine
- Military History Encyclopedia on the Web
- Nuttall Encyclopædia of General Knowledge
- Regalis
- (German) Biographies
- (German) Encyclopedia of History of Baden and Wurttemberg. (See translated version in [7])
[edit] Galleries
- Gallery of Polish Kings
- History on Stamps: the Rulers of Poland
- Illustrated History of the Roman Empire
- Napoleon's Marshals
- Radziwill Portraits
- The Royal House of Savoy
- The Ruling House of Rus-Russia
- Valois Kings of France
- Wallachian, Moldavian and Romanian Sovereigns, 1310-1947
- (German) Austrian Rulers
- (German) Renaissance Royalty
[edit] Genealogies
- Ancient Ancestors With Modern Descendants
- Boaz Genealogy
- Genealogical Database
- GeneaNet: Genealogical Database Network
- Genealogical History of Some Carsons, Johnsons, and Related Families
- Genealogy and Heraldry
- Genealogy of Homer Beers James
- Han van der Voort' Genealogy
- History of the Counts of Harnes
- Kings, Queens, Presidents and First Ladies
- Medieval Lands
- Our Family History
- Paul B. McBride's Genealogy
- Patrick Delaforce and Ken Baldry's Family History Research
- Royal Genealogies
- Rulers of Russia from Rurik to Nicholas II
- Some Notes on Medieval English Genealogy
- (French) Dynastic lines of descent of royal and noble families
- (French) Genealogies
- (French) La Maison de Savoie (The House of Savoy)
- (German) The Greifen Dukes of Pomerania
- (German) Medieval Genealogy (Historical overview and biographical sketches of European dynasties and rulers)
- (German) The Welf Dukes of Brunswick
- (Italian) Genealogy of Italian royal and noble families
- (Portuguese) Genealogy of Portuguese royal and noble families
[edit] Lists
- Alfano's Digest of Italian Royalty and Nobility
- Chronological Tables
- The History Files: Worldwide King Lists
- Irish Kings
- Lists of Rulers: Chronology and Genealogy
- Regnal Chronologies
- Rulers from Wallachia and Moldavia Till 1859
- Rulers of Bulgaria
- (Spanish) IBERCRONOX: Rulers in the Iberian Peninsula
[edit] Other Sources
- Alexander Palace Time Machine
- All Empires Online History Community
- The Art of Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun (1755–1842)
- The Barons de Braose
- Brissac and Its Medieaval Signeurs
- British Civil Wars, Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1638-60
- The County of Champagne During the Middle Ages
- Croatia: Historical and Cultural Overview
- The Coucy Castle: History
- The Courtly Lives of Kings, Peerage, Saints, Knights, and the Commoners
- Decorations of the States of the German Empire
- The Georgian Index
- History of Bosnia and Hercegovina
- The History and Heritage Accommodation Guide
- Internet Medieval Sourcebook
- King Ludwig II of Bavaria: His Life and Art
- The Labyrinth: Sources for Medieval Studies
- Library Ireland
- Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature
- Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance
- Medieval Serbia
- Montenegro
- The Napoleon Series
- NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources
- Northern European Studies Texts
- Northvegr Foundation
- The ORB: On-line Reference Book for Medieval Studies
- Poland on the Web: History
- Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England (PASE)
- Royalty in History
- 16th Century Renaissance English Literature (1485-1603)
- Wiðowinde: The Periodical of Ða Engliscan Gesiðas
- The Search for A Real Robin Hood
- Ursula's History Web
- Viking World
- Women as Warriors in History (3500BC to the 20th Century)