List of online-gaming slang
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This is a list of both complete and abbreviated slang terms used in the context of multiplayer gaming. Internet slang and Leet are also commonly used by players in multiplayer games, but are not included in this list.
Contents: | Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] 0-9
- 10-4 : "OK" or "Acknowledged" or "Roger that" (from Ten-code)
- 20 : "Location" (from CB slang)
- 411 : A situation report
[edit] A
- AC : Armor Class (in role-playing games)[1]. Or, Asherons Call[2]. A classic MMORPG created by Turbine Software. Although dated now, still considered by many to be one of the best in the genre.
- Ack : "Acknowledged"[3]
- ACC: "Account"
- AFC : "Away From console"
- AFK : "Away From keyboard"[2][3] or "a free kill"
- Aggro : To provoke, purposefully or by accident, any amount of enemies[1][2]
- AoM : "Age of Mythology"
- AoT : "Age of Mythology: The Titans"
- AoE : "Area of Effect"[1] or "Age of Empires"
- AP: "Attack Power" or "Armour Points" or "Ability Points"
- AT : "Arranged Team" (used in RTS-games)
- Aniwthos : "cannot feel - a player that is unable to think / a player that cannot be killed(very tough)"
[edit] B
- Barr : a boss battle in an MMORPG that was easier than expected
- BF/BF2/BF1942/BF2142 : "Battlefield" a first person shooter series from EA, when used with a number it describes a particular version.[2]
- BFG : "Big Fucking Gun" (Creator joke from DOOM series)
- Bio or Bio Break : Term often used to inform other players that the poster is gone to use the washroom.[2]
- Bish : A term derived from a comical myspace comment. Slang for "bitch."
- BM : "Bad Manner" (often seen in StarCraft)
- Boot : to eject a player from a server (otherwise known as kick)[2]
- Buff : Either the act of using magic / techniques / skills to temporarily increase the abilities of a character, or a character type who can use such.[2]
- BYOB : "Bring Your Own Box", box referring to a computer. Also "Bring You Own Beer" or "Bring Your Own Bombs".
- BYOC : "Bring Your Own Computer" (the norm for huge computer gaming events)[2]
- BBQ : "Barbeque"
[edit] C
- Camping (in PvP) : 1. Remaining in one location, sometimes to avoid detection. Usually for the purpose of ambushing or sniping. Can also be used to grief another character trying to res him/herself. More commonly known as "camping someone's corpse". 2. The action of a player, or group of players, remaining in a specific area in the game, usually in order to kill a needed creature or creatures in that area.
- Carebear : Players who avoid pvp and would rather play MMORPGS as a co-op type game against NPCS.[1]
- Char : Character
- Check Up : While waiting in the Lobby for a game to start, to "check up" is to indicate that you are ready to start playing.
- chets : Slang for cheating in online games
- CK : "Character Kill" ~ Term used in PSO for deliberately corrupting another player's character file, thereby rendering it inoperable.
- Clothie : A character of the spell-casting class who is restricted to cloth armor and is thus more vulnerable than heavier armor-wearing classes
- Clutch : To win a round when the rest of your team is dead (in Counter-Strike)
- CoD : "Call of Duty"
- CoH : Company of Heroes
- CoX : "City of Heroes/Villains" (referring to the combined state of the two online games, and sometimes also to possible additions to the "City of...." series)
- CPL : "Cyberathlete Professional League"
- Creep : "Creep" reffer to computer generated monsters, as easy kill for gold and experience.
- CS : "Counter-Strike"[2]
- CSS : "Counter-Strike: Source"
- CT : "Counter-Terrorist" (in Counter-Strike)
- CTF : "Capture the Flag"[2]
- CZ: "Counter Strike: Condition Zero"
[edit] D
- D2 : "Abbreviation for the popular RPG Diablo 2"
- D&D : "Dungeons & Dragons"[2]
- DAOC : "Dark Age of Camelot"
- D/C : Disconnect[2]
- DD : "Don't Die"[2] (used in online RTS games) , "Direct Damage"[1] or "Double Damage" , "Damage Dealer" , or "Death Dot" (a pking tactic in RuneScape)
- DDO: "Dungeons and Dragons Online"
- Ding : to Level up[2]
- DITF :Dick In The Face
- DM : "DeathMatch"[2] or "Dungeon Master"
- DntCry : " Don't Cry" Usually used to mock a player that complains about getting damage, killed or such
- DoD : "Day of Defeat"
- DoDs : "Day of Defeat: Source"
- DOT : "Damage Over Time"[1][2]
- DotA: Defense of the Ancients or DotA Allstars
- DPS : "Damage per Second."[2]
- DropTrader : a person who drops items ingame to transfer between accounts
- DS : Nintendo DS
- Dupe : "To duplicate items, usually in MMOs person who does that is called a Duper."
[edit] E
- EQ : Everquest[2]
- EQ2 : Everquest 2
- ESL : Electronic Sports League or East Softcore Ladder (diablo 2)
- ESWC : Electorinic Sports World Cup
- ET : "Enemy Territory"
- EXP : Experience
[edit] F
- Farm : To kill a specific creature or area repeatedly, usually to gain treasures or loot, and less often for easy experience. See, grinding. Farming has become a significant problem to the economies of a great many MMORPGs. These farmers can take up entire areas for hours on end, clearing an area each time it respawns. The problematic farmers are often not really 'playing' the game, as they just sell all their items and and gold for real world money, and can artificially inflate or deflate entire gameworld economies.
- Frag : To kill an opposing player's character. Mostly commonly used in first persion shooters.[4]
- FSOD : Frozen screen of death, a glitch that could happen in Phantasy Star Online
- FTL : For The Lose, used to despise bad event[2]
- FTW : Fuck the World, For The Win ,used to praise a good ability at a game,usually MMORPG[2]
[edit] G
- G2G: "Got To Go" ("Got 2 Go") "Good To Go"[2]
- Gank : to defeat by excessive force (when attacking an enemy in a game)[1][2]
- GB : used as short form for "gangbang", which is approximately the same as "gank" in DotA
- GBA : "Game Boy Advance"
- GC : "Good Call"
- GCN : "Nintendo Gamecube"
- GF : "Good Fight" or girl friend
- GG : "Good Game"[2], "Good Group", also "Good Going", sometimes used sarcastically. Can also be Guild Group, i.e. a set group for a guild.
- GG NO RE: "Good Game No Re-Match", sometimes used in a mocking way to talk down to lesser players in games
- GGG : "Go, Go, Go!"
- GH : "Good Half" (used in online round-based games such as Counter-Strike), also Guild Hall in Guild Wars.
- GJ : "Good Job"
- GL : "Good Luck"
- GLF : "Group Looking For", used when a team is forming for a mission and looking for more, typically followed with a list of requested character types/builds
- GLHF : "Good Luck & Have Fun"
- GM : "Game Master"[1][2] or "Good Match"
- Griefer : one who employs tactics such as team-killing, vehicle stealing, and spawn-raping[1][2]
- Grinding : To kill relatively weaker creatures repetitively over a long period of time.[1] This is often done to level a character, improve a skill or gain money.
- GTA : (Grand Theft Auto)
- GW : "Good Work" (also used sarcastically), or an abbreviation of the game Guild Wars
- GWF : "Guild Wars : Factions"
[edit] H
- H1: Halo One
- H2: Halo Two
- H3: Halo Three
- Hax : cheating (used by players who have suffered at the hands of a cheater, or "hax0r")
- Hacker / Haxor : Someone that is using a modification or addition to the normal game software to cheat.[2]
- Hasu : "noob" (from the Korean equivalent)
- Henchie: a computer generated bot henchman that is available for addition to a player's party
- HIO : "Hole In One", used in online golf games, most notably Albatross 18
- HK : "Honor Kill", from World of Warcraft
- HL : Half-Life
- HL2 : Half-Life 2
- HoT : "Heal Over Time"
- HP : "Hit Points" or "Health Points" The amount of life a character has.[1][2]
- HPB : "High Ping Bastard" (someone with high latency)
- HS : "Head Shot"
- HTFU : "Hurry the fuck up" (usually used in RuneScape )
[edit] I
- IDDQD : Famous Doom God-mode cheat.
- IGL: "I Got Lag" used in online games on some consoles
- IJ : Iwan Joenoes, usually used in DoTA
- IMBA : imbalance
- ISO : "In Search Of" (used while trading items in online games)
- IYOKTPOTDS : "If you only knew the power of the dark side." Used by many dark side users who have just beaten their more powerful opponents in any type of STAR WARS game
[edit] J
[edit] K
- KOS : "Kill On Sight" (designates enemies in online games whom, based on their prior actions, one should kill)[1][2]
- KS : "Kill Steal" (the act of one player defeating an enemy that another player was attacking or previously weakened)[2]
- K0 : To Kill a player in the wilderness with a high hit (In RuneScape, typically 15s and above)
- KL : "Cool"
[edit] L
- L2P/Lrn2Play : "Learn to Play" Often used as a response to another player that is complaining about something being unfair, implying that they should know the game better before making such statements.[2]
- Lamer : a know-nothing or a person using so-called lame strategies
- Lawl : Phonetically spelled out. (LOL, Laughing out loud)
- Leech/Leach: one who gains experience points or loot by being on your party without fighting (typically in Diablo II, Knight Online, and Guild Wars)
- Legit : Legitimate. I.E. without hacks nor unfair play of any kind. Typically used in PSO since this isn't a problem with patchable PC games.
- LFG : "Looking For Group", usually followed by your character type/build[1][2]
- LFP : "Looking for Party". Similar term to LFG, often used in Guild Wars.
- LFT : "Looking for Team". Similar term to LFG.
- LFM : "Looking for more" often with a numerical intention. eg. LF3M[1][2]
- LFMo : "Looking for Monk", because "monks" are the healers in Guild Wars and very sought after. The last two letters can be substituted for the abbreviated letters of any of the other classes where necessary.
- Lobby : A virtual waiting room. Gamers wait here for the next game to start in a specific 'room'. If you enter the lobby while a game is already in progress, you can usually watch its progress while waiting for it to end. (Also, in RuneScape, means 'lobster'.)
- LOL : "Laugh(ing) Out Loud" (A friendly, non-sarcastic way of laughing)[1]
- Loot : To loot somebody is to steal their belongings (RPGs and MMORPGs) normally without having killed the person yourself.
- LOZ : "The abbreviation for the popular series Legend Of Zelda"
- LTB : "Looking To Buy", used often in mmorpgs to denote a player who is looking to buy a specific item.
- LTS : "Looking To Sell", a MMORPG term used to broadcast that a player is looking to sell an item usually in high demand by other players.
- LVL : abbreviation of "level". Usually used when asking for someone else's statistics (ex: "What lvl are you?") or when exclaiming you have gained an experience level. [1]
- LZR : An acronym for "Loser".
[edit] M
- MA : Main Assist, i.e. the player picking the target for the group or raid
- MAH : Main Aggro Holder, i.e. heavy tank holding agro to control high end pve mobs.
- Meat Shield : An up-front fighter, usually attacked first by enemies.
- MH : MapHack
- Milk(ed): (verb) when a player of inferior skill (nub) is repeatedly killed by a player of superior skill
- MM : "Minion Master", a Guild Wars term for necromancers who specialise in raising armies of undead minions (and tend to be overpowered as a result)
- Moar : Alternative spelling for the word "more"
- Mob : Either a large group of individually weak characters / npcs / foes (noun) or to defeat the opposition by sheer weight of numbers (verb). "Swarm" is also used similarly.
- Mob : "Mobile", something that can move (mostly used in MMORPGs) or a foe in-game ("watch out for the mobs").[1]
- Mod : "Modification" A modification of or addition to the normal game software.
- MOHAA : Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
- MT: Main Tank or Mistell[2] or Miss Type
- MUD : "Multi-User Dungeon"[2]
- MUSH : "Multi-User Shared Habitat" or Multi-User Social Hallucination
[edit] N
- N1 : Nice one, used to congratulate other players after they have done something good, mainly used in Battlefield[2]
- Nade : Grenade.
- Nap : Non-aiming person, usually in online FPS
- Nerfed: used in MUDs to express a certain class being changed and downgraded.[1]
- Newbie : Someone new to a game.[1][2]
- Noob or N00b : Similar to newbie, but with a negative connotation.[1]
- Noob Cannon : An unbalanced weapon that can be used without skill
- NFS : "Not For Sale" (used in MMORPGs when someone wants to buy another player's equipment)OR Need For Speed
- Ninja: A player who takes/steals anything without asking the other players[2]
- NOL : To replace another player's Phantasy Star Online character model with that of an NPC (so named because the initial NPC characters were turned into was called NOL).
- NORE : "No Rematch" (usually used by the victor)
- NP : "No Problem" (as response to an apology)[2]
- NPC : "Non-Player Character", a in-game character not controlled by a player (mostly in RPGs and MMORPGs)[1][2]
- NRG : Shorthand for "Energy" used in Guild Wars, used to designate the lack thereof. Typically only used if there is someone on the team who has spells to boost energy regeneration
- NS : "Nice Shot" (used in FPSes)
- NT : "Nice Try"
- Nub : similar to that of the slang 'noob'
- Nuker : A character primarily capable of doing particularly high damage per unit time, typically with spellcasting or equivalent special abilities.
[edit] O
- OHK : "One-Hit Kill" (used in FPSes)
- OHKO : "One-Hit Knock-Out" (used in fighting games)
- OMFL: "Oh My Fucking Lag!"
- OML : "Oh, My Lag!"
- OMW : "On My Way"[2]
- OOB : "Out Of Bounds"
- OOC : "Out-Of-Character"[2], used in MMORPG or MUD settings when a player isn't acting out his/her part) or "Out Of Curiosity"
- OOA : "Out of ammo" Any form of a shoot 'em up game where the player has used all of his/her ammunition
- OOM : "Out Of Mana" (used in games with a mana bar)[1]
- OOW : "On Our Way" (similar to OMW)
- OTW : "On The Way"
- Own / Owned / Ownz : to defeat someone in a game, to take control of someone's system, or to simply "be awesome"[2]
[edit] P
- Pipe : To teleport back to town / safe area (from "Telepipe" item in PSO)
- PK/PKer : "Player Killer" (or "to Player Kill")[1][2]
- PM : "Private Message"
- PSO : "Phantasy Star Online"
- PSU : "Phantasy Star Universe"
- PST : "Please Send Tell", a request for interested players to send a private message[1][2]
- Pub : "Public", can refer to open servers or to players not belonging to any clan
- PUG : "Pick-Up Group", a group of players gathered on the fly without knowing each other[2]
- PvE : "Player Versus Environment"[1]
- PvM : "Player Versus Monster"
- PvP : "Player versus Player"[1][2]
- Pwn / Pwnt : Deliberately misspelled variation of the word “own” used in video games (Mainly FPS and RTS).[2]
[edit] Q
- Q2: "Quake II"
- Q3A: "Quake III Arena"
- QQ: Cry More Q's are eyes with tears
- QewQew: Cry more Q's are eyes with tears
- QW: "QuakeWorld"
[edit] R
- Rax : Barracks
- Remort : To start again at the lowest level, with point modifiers raised, depending on character classes (Mainly RPG's)
- Res : "Resurrect" either a spell / ability that can be cast to bring back dead characters in game, or an automated process in some MMORPGs that does the same.[1]
- Respawn : To appear in the game, often after being killed in game. Used interchangable with spawn.[2]
- Reroll : Creating a new character while a player currently has one, usually implying the deletion of the character currently used. Originates from the mechanism employed in some pen-and-paper role-playing games, which involves the rolling of dice to randomly generate a character's initial ability scores.
- RGR : "Roger"
- RL : "Real Life"
- RM : Remake a game, usually in games that allow "hosting"
- RPG : Role Playing Game[2]
- RR : "Restart"
- RT : "Real Time" or "Random Team"
- RTS : "Real-Time Strategy" (As opposed to turn-based strategy)[2]
- RTSD : "Rush That Shit Down" (That is, take advantage of a good thing while it lasts: originally used to describe a play style wherein one overwhelms his opponent with many quick, up-close attacks. See Rush.)
- RTL : "Report The Loss" (used lightheartedly when a teammate dies)
- Rush : To quickly go attack the opponent just a few seconds/minutes after the beginning.
- Rusher : A player who rushes to the attack at the start of a game. Usually refers to an opposition player.
[edit] S
- S> : Similar to "WTS".
- Sheefag : Someone who constantly kills the opposing players with a banshee (Halo). The term sheefag is directed as an insult.
- SAFUYA : "Shove A Floppy Disk Up Your Ass"
- Smacktard : The name is applied to individuals who talk too much "smack" to the point where others might conclude that they are mentally challenged individuals (derogatory "tard").
- Sniperwhore : One who uses a sniper rifle a lot are sometimes referred to as sniperwhores or sniperbitch.
- SP : "Single Player", could also mean "Skill Point" as in Guild Wars. Specifically in Final Fantasy XI refers to character's 2-hour ability.
- Spawn : To appear in the game, often after being killed.[2] Used interchangably with respawn.
- Spawn Camp : to wait at a spawn point for a weapon or vehicle to spawn, also to camp at the enemy spawn point to spawn kill.
- Spawn Kill : to kill an enemy within seconds of them spawning
- Spawn Point : a player's starting (or, after being killed, re-starting) position
- Spawn Rape : persistent spawn killing or destruction of unused vehicles and base defenses
- Squishy : A character of the cloth wearing class (mages, priests, warlocks, etc), who tend to have low armor and are particularly vulnerable. Also known as a "clothie"
- sry : "Sorry!", apologizing for a killing a team mate (Team Kill - TK).
- STW : "Share The Wealth"
- SWBF2 : "Star Wars Battlefront 2"
- SWG : "Star Wars Galaxies"
- SWL : "Sri Wahyudi Lioe". Exist in World of Warcraft.
- Skill: a counter to "Hax"
[edit] T
- T : "Terrorist" (in Counter-Strike)
- T4U2D : "Time For You To Die"
- Tank : A character with particularly high defence/damage absorbing ability, typically used to draw damage away from the rest of a group.[1]
- TDM : "Team Death Match"[2]
- Teabagging : In first-person shooters, the action of crouching down onto the face of a dead player that the killer killed.
- Telefrag : To kill a player teleporting at the exact place where s/he is standing.
- TFC : "Team Fortress Classic"
- TMR@IA : "The Monkeys Are At It Again" (used to blame the staff of online gaming communities for any in-game screw-ups)
- TNL : "To Next Level" (preceded by experience needed to level up)
- TOD: "Time Of Death" (used in calculating when a monster may spawn in an MMORPG)
- TP : "Team Player" or "Take Point" (also "Town Portal" in several Blizzard games or "Telepipe" in PSO)
- TK : "team kill" to kill a team mate
- TKFT: "team killing fucktard"
- TY4P : "Thank You For Playing"
- TT or T.T : An emoticon expressing crying (each T represents a closed eye with a stream of tears falling from it). Usually used to mock a player that is complaining about the game. or Theutates Thunder (travian)
- TTYL : "Talk To You Later"
- Twink : A lower-level player who has the ability to wear items more powerful than normal at their level range, resulting in them becoming "overpowered"[1]
- Typekill : Getting killed while typing.
- TFW : "Twat-Faced-Wanker"
- Toon : another word for character
[edit] V
- Valks: Valkyries (Age Of Mythology only)
- Vamp : Vampiric, can often be used to describe vampiric weapons in Guild Wars, with it's associated health degeneration effects.
- Vampy: Vampire class, also used to discredit player who are afflicted with diseases that increase their agility/ dextirity etc... Also used in the popular game FarCry Instincts to point out a predator
- VGG : "Very Good Game"
- Villies: Villagers (Age of Empires Series only)
- Vime: The Video Game Language. Short for VIdeo gaME.
[edit] W
- Wallhack : A form of hack which lets the player see through walls. Or walking through a wall or ceiling.
- WB : "Welcome Back"[2] or "wallboy" a player that uses ranged attacks from behind an obstacle can also mean
- Wewt : phonetic spelling of 'w00t'
- Wipe : The death of everyone on a team or party.
- w00t / woot : An interjection used to express excitement, happiness or joy.[2]
- Wooly Mammoth : "a reference to someone with large tusks and lots of hair"
- WoW : An abbreviation for the popular MMORPG game "World Of Warcraft"[1]
- WP : "Well Played"[2]
- WTB : "Want To Buy"[1]
- WTS : "Want To Sell"[1]
- WTT : "Want To Trade"
- WMAO: "Waiting My Ass Off" (used during very laggy games)
[edit] X
- Xfer : To have a friend transfer items between characters in RPGs (Mainly Diablo 2)
[edit] Y
- YTMND- You're The Man Now, Dog (a sign of appreciation. Also a very popular homegrown website)
- YHBT YHL HAND - You Have Been Trolled. You Have Lost. Have A Nice Day.
- YAG - You are gay
- YS - YanSen
[edit] Z
- Zerg : to use overwhelming numbers to overcome an enemy (originated with StarCraft but now more commonly refers to many lower-leveled players overcoming a higher-leveled player)[1] or a term to refer to Koreans (from both their ubiquitous presence on Starcraft servers and their apparent common tactic).
[edit] See also
- Slang
- Multiplayer game
- Internet slang
- List of Internet slang
- List of computer-related jargon
- List of Internet slang specific to thread-based communication
[edit] References
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag -> Info -> Basics -> Glossary (English). Retrieved on April 2, 2007.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc Computer Hope Dictionary - Game definitions (English). Computer Hope. Retrieved on April 2, 2007.
- ^ a b Raymond, Eric S.. The Jargon File. Retrieved on December 21, 2006.
- ^ Computer Hope Dictionary (English). Computer Hope. Retrieved on April 2, 2007.