Disputatio Usoris:Crusader
E Vicipaedia
Gratus aut grata apud Vicipaediam Latinam acciperis! Ob collata tua gratias agimus speramusque fore ut delecteris et manere velis. Cum Vicipaedia nostra parva humilisque sit, paucae et exiguae sunt paginae auxilii, sed quid ni his incipias?
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Si plura de modis et moribus Vicipaedianis scire vis, tibi suademus, ut Vicipaediam aliam adeas, exempli causa:
In ipsis paginis mos noster non est nomen dare, sed in paginis disputationis memento scriptis tuis subsignare, litteris imprimendis ~~~~, quae sua sponte et nomen tuum et diem dabunt. Etsi in paginis ipsis lingua Latina tantum uti liceat, in paginis disputationis qualibet lingua scribas. Si quid interrogare volueris, vel apud Tabernam vel in pagina mea disputationis rogato. Ave, spero te "Vicipaedianum" aut "Vicipaedianam" fieri velle!
Liberus esto mihi aerumnas seu quaestiones adferre.--Ioshus Rocchio 04:31, 7 Maii 2006 (UTC)
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[recensere] Images
Salve, I've seen you tried to include an image, maybe these hints will help: Usor:Roland2/Including images. --Roland2 07:07, 7 Maii 2006 (UTC)
Salve, gratia pro omnia tuus auxlili!
[recensere] several things
Please ask if you do not know something. I have spent much of the morning cleaning up pages you either created or contributed to. A few specifics... do not use roman numerals in dates. Do not use invented latinizations of names, such as Gohn, or Bengamin. If you read my original post (click the american flag if you cant read latin), you will find all sorts of information that will help you, like a list of latinized names, and rules about numbers, etc. Further, if you know your latin to be less than impeccable either ask me or someone else how to say it, or put {{reddenda}} or {{maxcorrigenda}} depending on how inelegant you think something to be. This will display { {reddenda} } or { {maxcorrigenda} } the templates. Also look at format issues...the topic of an article should be bolded in the first sentence, and should not be under a hard return. Also please add interwiki links, so someone else doesn't have to. For instance, in your article Bellum Frigum(why, btw, did you call it the bellum frigum and the bellum frigus in the same article?) you could have gone to the english wikipedia and looked up en:Cold War and copy/pasted all the interwiki links from there (remember to put a link to the latin page, while youre copying!). The main thing is the first thing, if you do not know ask. We will be more than happy to help, but not so happy to have to correct after the fact.--Ioshus Rocchio 16:07, 7 Maii 2006 (UTC)
- Vicipaedia:Translatio nominum propriorum...this is good, from one of our administrators Usor:Myces--Ioshus Rocchio 16:39, 7 Maii 2006 (UTC)
[recensere] Welcome!
Welcome to the Latin Vicipaedia! If I can help with anything do let me know. God bless. --Tbook 19:57, 7 Maii 2006 (UTC)
[recensere] A name for you
Hey, I looked up the name Traupman is using for Pearl Harbor. He's using Portus Margaritarius. So's you know. By the way, you've been writing lots about WWII and the Cold War. I take it you have a special interest? Sinister Petrus 04:58, 7 Iunii 2006 (UTC)
- Glad to be of help. Let me know if you have anything I can help you with. My Latin isn't the sharpest, but I've got access to some crazy resources at work. Sinister Petrus 16:46, 11 Iunii 2006 (UTC)