Maulvi Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui
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Bahrul Uloom Hazrat Maulana Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui Hasrat (1870-1962) aka Qadeer Pia (Qadeer the Beloved) by his disciples. He was the former dean of theology in the Osmania University. His given name was Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui but he adopted the pen name of Hasrat as he wrote poetry in Arabic, Persian, Hindi, and Urdu. He was also referred to as Bahrul Uloom (Occean of Knowledge) for his authority in many sciences. Although he belonged to a family of many titles, he shunned them all and just referred to himself as "Maulvi Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui" probably because his Sheikh referred to him as Maulvi since his childhood.
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[edit] His Life
He was born in 1870 in the city of Hyderabad and was a descendant of the Caliph Abu Bakr Siddiq. His ancestors originated in Cheenak, a small town near Ahmedabad in the Indian State of Gujarat. In absence of formal schools in his time, he went to individual masters for education and passed private examinations from institutes such as the University of Panjab. His degrees included Munshi, Munshi Alim, Munshi Fazil, Maulvi, Maulvi Alim, and Maulvi Fazil. He received his Maulvi degree when he was only 15 and started his career as mufti and teacher of fiqh (Islamic law). When the Nizam of Hyderabad formed Osmania University, he was chosen for the position of the dean of the Faculty of Theology.His tenure of service was extended year by year after the retirement age for ten years. He then did not further get any extension of his service. Even though he has differences of opinion in principles with the Nizamyet the Nizam used to consult him in important religious matters. . He continued to teach hundreds at his home. He died in 1962 and is buried in Hyderabad in the town of Siddique Gulshan. A very high dome is being constructed on his grave and is expected to be as high as 117 feet which will be second tallest in Hyderabad.
His urs (something akin to a birthday in Western cultures) is celebrated every year on the 16th, 17th and 18th of Shawwal (the 10th month of the Islamic lunar-based calendar, and the one immediately following Ramadan). A detailed biography titled "ABDULLAH - a servant of Allah" comprising 600 pages is compiled by his grandson Maulvi Mohd. Anwaruddin Siddiqui
[edit] His Masters and Students
[edit] Masters
His first Sheikh (master) was his uncle, the legendary Khawaja Muhammed Siddique who had produced many generations of sufi legends like Sheikh Abdul Qadir Sani, Yahya Pasha, Chand Pasha and many more. Shaikh Siddique had many titles but most famous was "Mehboob Allah" (Beloved of God). After the death of his Sheikh when he (Qadeer Pia) was 24, he travelled all over the Muslim world and took many masters. However whenever he said My Sheikh, it meant sheikh Siddique. He used to say, "My father is Siddique (a reference to his ancestor Abu Bakr Siddique) and my sheikh is siddique. I am a Siddiqui from every angle".
[edit] Students
Although he had thousands of students as a professor of theology in Osmania University. His renowned students include Shaikul Islam Syed Mohammed Badshah Husaini who was appointed to address in the grand makkah Masjid after the Juma prayers,Dr. Hameedullah, the famous Islamic scholar who spent much of his lifetime in France.Dr. Abdul Hafeez Qateel, Professor Syed Mohammed and many others.
He had ninety two(92)Caliphs (spiritual successors) during his life time the last one being his grandson Hussain Ataullah Siddiqui whose followers are in thousands. They are spread all over the world. Each specialized in at least one branch of knowledge of art or knowledge. In the USA his caliph is his son Abdusshakoor Siddiqui and in Canada his caliph is his son-in-law Qazi Ahmed Bashiruddin Farooqui. His present Janasheen is his youngest son, Hazrat Ghouse Mohiuddin Siddiqui, presently about 72 years of age.
[edit] His works
[edit] Translation of Quran
He had started writing a tafseer (translation of Qur'an with interpretation and commentary) which was published in the magazine "Al-Qadeer" named after him. When completed, it was printed under the titled "Tafseer-e-Siddiqui".
In addition to this compelted tafseer, he has a special tafseer of just the first chapter "Surah Fatiha" titled "Tafseer-e-sura-e-fatiha". Also he has written the Tafseer of Para Amm (para30th)addressing ladies. This is titled Tafseer-e-Latifi (jins-e-latif is synonym to female.
[edit] His poetry
All of his poetry works, whether written in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, and Persian, is combined in "Kulyat-e-Hasrat".As the titleKulliyat calls for various branches of poetry are included ,Gazal, Qaseeda, Mersiyah, Nazm, Rubaie. It consists of Hamd, Naat,Manqabat homage to his Shaikh and other Sufi Saints of his order such as Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jelani (Rehmatullah Alaih) and Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti(RA).
[edit] His other Islamic work
Most of his Islamic work is in Urdu which include his books on Theosophy (tasawwuf) such as "Al-Tauheed, in Persian and translated in Urdu by son Md. Abdul Raheem Siddiqui, "Hikmat-e Islamia", Al-Irfan", "Tafheemat-e-Siddiqui", "Sood ka Mas'ila" "Haqeeqat-e-Bay'at" etc. However he is also known in the Arab world for his works in Arabic written on the science of "Kalam", or 'discourse'. His translation of Ibn Arabi's "Fusoos-al-Hikam" into Urdu is regarded as the most authentic one and was included in the curriculum at the University of the Punjab Lahore. Also, his compilation of Quran & Hadeeths (sayings of the Prophet) explains the Hanafi school of thought in Islamic jurisprudence and is not based on (opinion) Raye as many think. In fact, the Hanafi mazhab is totally bassed on Quran and Hadees. This work is titled "Al-Deen" consisting of four sections . 1. Kitab-ul-Ilm, 2. Kitab-ul-Imaan, 3. Kitab-ul-Ihsan and 4. Kitab-ul-Islam. This was in the syllabus of Osmania University
[edit] See also
[edit] External links