Sufi poetry
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Sufi poetry has been written in many languages, both for private devotional reading and as lyrics for music played during worship, or dhikr. Themes and styles established in Arabic and mostly Persian poetry have had an enormous influence on Sufi poetry throughout the Islamic world.
Some of the most famous works, both poetry and prose, in Sufi literature are:
- al-Buṣīrī's Qaṣīdat-ul-Burda
- Shaikh Abū Sa`īd Abū-l-Khair's Asrār-ut-Tawḥīd ("The Secrets of Unity")
- The Mathnawī and Diwan-e Shams-e Tabriz-i of Rūmī
- `Aṭṭār's The Conference of the Birds
- Ibn `Arabī's Fuṣūṣ-ul-Ḥikam ("The Bezels of Wisdom")
- al-Ghazālī's Kimiya-yi sa'ādat ("The Alchemy of Happiness")
[edit] Bibliography
- Schimmel, Annemarie: "As Through A Veil, Mystical Poetry in Islam".
- Dunn, Philip: " The Love Poems of Rumi" Andrews McMeel Publishing.