Prefix |
Origin Language |
Etymology (Root Origin) |
Root Meaning / Usage (in English) |
Root Designation |
Example(s) |
a-, an- |
Ancient Greek |
α-/αν-, without; denotes absence of |
[same] |
amount |
Apathy |
abdomin(o)- |
Latin |
abdōmen, abdomen, fat around the belly |
[same] |
body part |
Abdomen |
allo- |
Ancient Greek |
ἄλλоς, another, other |
other, different |
amount; description |
Alloantigen, allopathy |
angio- |
Ancient Greek |
ᾶγγεῖον, a vessel |
[Chiefly in Μedicine] denoting a blood vessel |
body part/component |
Angioblast |
ankyl(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ἀνκύλος, bent, crooked |
[same] |
description |
Ankylosis |
ambi- |
Latin |
ambi-, ambo, both, on both sides |
[same] |
position |
Ambidextrous |
aniso- |
Ancient Greek |
ανῑσος, unequal |
[same] |
amount |
Anisotropic |
ante- |
Latin |
āntē, before, in front of |
[same] |
position |
antepartum |
anti- |
Ancient Greek |
αντι, against |
[same] |
description |
Antibody, antipsychotic |
aort(o)- |
Latin < Post Classical Greek |
L. aorta < ἀορτἠ (first used by Hippocrates as the branches of the windpipe, then by Aristotle, for the first time in its modern sense, as the great artery; < ἀορτἠρ, hanger; baldrick |
pertaining to the aorta, the great artery |
body part |
Aortitis |
arteri(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ἀρτερία, artery |
of or relating to an artery |
body part |
Arteriology |
arthr(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ἀρθρος, joint, limb |
[same] |
body part |
Arthritis |
aur- |
Latin |
auris, the ear |
pertaining to the ear |
body part |
Aural |
brachi(o)- |
Latin < Ancient Greek |
brachium < βραχίων, arm |
Of or relating to the arm |
body part |
Brachium |
brachy- |
Ancient Greek |
βραχυς, short; little, shallow |
indicating something short |
description |
brachycephalic |
brady- |
Ancient Greek |
βραδυς, slow |
Indicating something slow |
description |
Bradycardia |
bucc(o)- |
Latin |
bucca, cheek |
pertaining to the cheek |
body part |
Buccolabial |
capit- |
Latin |
caput, capit-, the head |
pertaining to the head (as a whole) |
body part |
Capitation |
cardi(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
καρδία, heart |
pertaining to the heart |
body part |
Cardiology |
carp(o)- |
Latin from Ancient Greek |
carpus < καρπός, wrist |
pertaining to the wrist. [NOTE: not to be confused with the mirror root carp(o)- meaning fruit. |
body part |
Carpopedal |
cephal(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
κέφαλή, the head |
Of or pertaining to the head (as a whole) |
body part |
Cephalalgy |
cerebell(o)- |
Latin |
cerebellum, little brain |
pertaining to the cerebellum |
body part |
Cerebellum |
cerebr(o)- |
Latin |
cerebrum, brain |
of or relating to the brain |
body part |
Cerebrology |
cervic(o)- |
Latin |
cervix, cervīc-, neck, cervix |
of or relating to the neck, the cervix |
body part |
Cervicodorsal |
chir(o)-, cheir(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
χείρ, χειρο-, hand |
hand, of the hand, with the hand |
body part |
Chiropractor |
chlor(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
χλορος, green, yellow-green |
denoting a green color |
color (description) |
Chlorophyll |
chol(e)- |
Ancient Greek |
χολή, bile |
of or pertaining to bile |
body component |
Cholaemia |
circum- |
Latin |
circum, around |
[same] |
position |
colp(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
κόλπος, bosom, womb; hollow, depth |
vagina; of the vagina |
body part |
Colposcopy |
cost(o)- |
Latin |
costa, rib |
pertaining to the ribs |
body part |
Costochondral |
crani(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
κρᾱνίον, the cranium, the skull; the bones enclosing the brain |
belonging or relating to the cranium |
body part |
Craniology |
cyan(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
κύανος, κυάνεος, blue |
denoting a blue color |
description (color) |
Cyanopsia |
cyph(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
κῡφός, bent, hunchback |
[same] |
Description |
Cyphosis |
cyst(o)-, cyst(i)- |
Ancient Greek |
κύστις, bladder; cyst |
of or relating to the urinary bladder |
body part |
Cystotomy |
dactyl(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
δάκτυλος. finger, toe |
[same] |
body part |
Dactylology |
dent- |
Latin |
dens, tooth |
[same] |
body part |
Dentist |
dermat(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
δερμα, skin, human skin |
of or pertaining to the skin |
body part |
Dermatology |
dia- |
Ancient Greek |
διά, through, during, across |
[same] |
position |
Dialysis |
dors(o)-, dors(i)- |
Latin |
dorsum, back |
of or pertaining to the back |
body part |
Dorsocephalad |
encephal(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ενκέφαλος, the brain |
pertaining to the brain |
body part |
Encephalogram |
endo- |
Ancient Greek |
ενδο-, inside, internal |
[same] |
position |
Endocrinology |
enter(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ἔντερον, intestine |
of or relating to the intestine |
body part |
enterology |
epi- |
Ancient Greek |
επι-, before, upon, on, outside, outside of |
[same] |
position |
Epidermis |
erythr(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ερυθρος |
denoting a red color |
color (description) |
Erythrocyte |
exo- |
Ancient Greek |
εξο-, outside of, external |
[same] |
position |
Exoskeleton |
front(o)-, front(i)- |
Latin |
frōns, front-, the forehead |
of or pertaining to the forehead |
body part |
frontonasal |
glauc(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
γλαυκός, grey, bluish-grey |
denoting a grey, bluish-grey color |
color (description) |
Glaucoma |
gloss(o)-, glott(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
γλῶσσα, γλῶττα, tongue |
of or relating to the tongue |
body part |
glossology |
hemat(o)-, haemat(o)-, hem(o)-, haem(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
αἷμα, αἷματ-, blood |
of or relating to blood |
body part/component |
Hematology |
hetero- |
Ancient Greek |
ἔτερος, the other (of two), another, different |
[same] |
description |
heterogeneous |
homo- |
Ancient Greek |
ὁμο-, the same; common, alike |
[same] |
description |
homeostasis |
hyper- |
Ancient Greek |
ὑπερ, over, beyond, above |
[same] |
amount |
Hyperhydration, hyperthermia |
hyp(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ὑπ(ο)-, below, under |
[same] |
amount |
Hypodermic, |
hyster(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ὑστέρα, womb |
of the womb, pertaining to the womb, uterine |
body part |
Hysterectomy |
ischio- |
Ancient Greek |
ἰσχιόν, hip-joint |
[same] |
body part |
Ischiorrhogic |
iso- |
Ancient Greek |
ἴσος, equal |
[same] |
amount |
Isotonic |
labi(o)- |
Latin |
labium, lip |
[same] |
body part |
Labial |
lapar(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
λαπάρᾱ, flank |
Abdomen wall, flank |
body part |
Laparotomy |
later- |
Latin |
Side |
Laterotorsion |
leuc(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
λευκος, white, bright |
denoting white color |
color (description) |
Leukocyte |
lingu(a)- |
Latin |
lingua, tongue |
[same] |
body part |
linguistics |
mamm(o)- |
Latin |
mamma, breast; udder |
breast |
body part |
Mammogram |
mast(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
μαστός, breast, women's breast; man's peck |
[same] |
body part |
Mastectomy |
medull- |
Latin |
medulla, marrow, bone marrow |
[same] (rare in root form) |
body part |
Medulla |
melan(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
μελας, black, dark |
denoting black color |
color (description) |
Melanin |
metr(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
μήτρ̵ᾱ, womb; uterus |
of conditions pertaining to the uterus, of instruments relating to the uterus |
body part |
Metrorrhagia |
micro- |
Ancient Greek |
μικρος, small |
[same] |
description |
Microbiology, microscope |
my(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
μῦς, μυο-, muscle |
relating to muscle or muscular tissue |
body part |
Myology |
myel(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
μύελος, marrow, bone marrow |
[same] |
body part |
Myelogram |
nas(o)- |
Latin |
nāsum, nose |
of or relating to the nose |
description |
Microbiology, microscope |
nephr(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
νεφρός, kidney |
of or relating to the kidney |
body part |
Nephrology |
ocul(o)- |
Latin |
oculus, the eye |
of or relating to the eye |
body part |
Oculus |
odont(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ὀδούς, ὀδοντ-, tooth |
[same] |
body part |
orthodontist |
oligo- |
Ancient Greek |
ολιγος, few |
[same] |
amount |
Oligotrophy |
oo- |
Ancient Greek |
ᾠόν, ᾠο-, egg, ovum |
[same] |
body part/component |
Oogamy |
oophor(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ᾠφόρον, ovary, egg-bearing |
[same] |
body part |
Oophorectomy |
ophthalm(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ὀφθαλμός, the eye |
of or relating to the eye |
body part |
Ophthalmology |
optic(o)- |
Middle French < Greek; Cognate with Latin oculus |
̄optique < ὀπτικός, of or relating to sight |
[now]: Of or relating to chemical propertes of the eye |
body part |
Opticochemical |
or(o)- |
Latin |
̄ōs, or-, mouth |
[same] |
body part |
Oral |
orth(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ορθος, straight, correct, normal |
[same] |
description |
Orthodontist |
ossi- |
Latin |
os, ossi-, bone |
[same] |
body part |
Ossifrage |
oste(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ὀστέον, bone |
[same] |
body part |
Osteocopus |
ot(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
οὖς, ὠτ-, the ear |
pertaining to the ear |
body part |
Otopathy |
ovari(o)- |
Latin |
ōvarium, ovary |
[same] |
body part/component |
Ovariectomy |
ovo-, ovi- |
Latin |
ōvum, egg, ovum |
[same] |
body part/component |
Ovogenesis |
pan- |
Ancient Greek |
πας, all, every |
[same] |
amount |
Pananxiety |
-ped-, -pes |
Latin |
pēs, pēd-, foot |
foot, of the foot, -footed |
body part |
Pedoscope |
pelv(i)- |
Latin |
pēlvis, trough; basin, bowl |
[in modern senses} denoting the pelvis |
body part |
Pelvimetry |
peri- |
Ancient Greek |
περι-, around |
[same] |
position |
Periodontal |
phleb(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
φλέψ, φλεβο-, vein |
of or pertaining to the veins, blood veins |
body part |
Phlebology |
pleur(o)- |
Latin from Ancient Greek |
pleura, rib, side of the body < πλευρόν, rib |
[same] |
body part |
Pleurogenous |
-pod-, -pus |
Ancient Greek |
πούς, ποδ-, foot |
foot, of the foot, -footed |
body part |
Podiatry, Octopus |
poly- |
Ancient Greek |
πολυς, many, much |
[same] |
amount |
Polymyositis |
post- |
Latin |
post, after, behind |
[same] |
Postoperative |
prim- |
Latin |
prīmus, first, most important |
[same] |
description |
pre- |
Latin |
præ, before, in front of |
[same] |
position |
Prematurity |
pro- |
Ancient Greek |
προ, before, in front of |
[same] |
position |
Procephalic |
prot(ο)- |
Ancient Greek |
πρωτος, first, principle, most important |
[same] |
position; description |
Protoneuron |
pyel(ο)- |
Ancient Greek |
πύελος, trough; container, receptacle |
[in modern senses} denoting the pelvis |
body part |
Pyelograph |
re-, red- |
Latin |
re-, red-, back, again |
[same] |
amount |
Rehydration |
ren(o)-, ren(i)- |
Latin |
rēnes, kidney |
of or relating to the kidney |
body part |
Renal |
rhin(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
ρῑς, ρῑνο-, nose |
of or relating to the nose |
body part |
Rhinoceros |
sangui(o)-, sanguin(o)- |
Latin |
sanguis, blood |
of or relating to blood |
body part/component |
Sanguine |
sarping(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
σάρπιγξ, σαρπιγγ-, (literally) trumpet |
of the fallopian tubes |
body part |
Sarpingectomy |
schiz- |
Ancient Greek |
Irregular fomation < σχιζειν to cut, split |
split, cut |
des |
Schizophrenia |
sinus- |
Latin |
sinus, a curve, bend, bay |
of the sinus, relating to the sinus |
body part |
Sinusitis |
somat(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
σῶμα, σωματο-, body |
of or relating to the human body |
body part |
Sinusitis |
sten(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
στενος, narrow; short |
[same] |
description |
Stenography |
steth(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
στῆθος, chest, cuirass |
upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck |
body part |
Stethoscope |
stomat(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
στόμα, mouth |
[same] |
body part |
Stomatogastric |
tachy- |
Ancient Greek |
ταχυς, fast, quickly |
[same] |
description |
Tachycardia |
thorac(i)- |
Latin from Ancient Greek |
thōrāx < θώραξ, chest, cuirass |
upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck |
body part |
Thorax |
thromb(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
θρόμβος, lump, piece; clot of blood |
blood clot |
body part |
Thrombosis |
trachel(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
τράχηλος, neck |
of or relating to the neck |
body part |
Trachelotomy |
trans- |
Latin |
trāns, across, through |
[same] |
means |
Transfusion |
ur(o)- |
Ancient Greek |
οὖρον, urine |
pertaining to the physiological chemistry of urine; pertaining to urine, the urinary system |
body part |
Urology |
ureter(o)- |
Latin < Ancient Greek |
ūrētēr < οὐρητήρ, ureter |
of or pertaing to the ureter, the urinary ducts. |
body part |
Ureter |
urethr(o)-, urethr(a)- |
Latin < Ancient Greek |
ūrētra < οὐρηθρα, urethra |
of or pertaing to the urethra |
body part |
Urethritis |
urin(o), urin(i)- |
Latin |
ūrīna, urine |
of or relating to urine, the urinary system |
body part |
Uriniferous |
uter(o)- |
Latin |
uterus, womb, uterus |
pertaining to the uterus or womb |
body part |
Uterus |
vagin(o)-, vagin(i)- |
Latin |
vāgīna, sheath, scabbard |
vagina; of the vagina |
body part |
Vaginitis |
vas- |
Latin |
vās, vessel |
of or relating to the vascular system |
body part/component |
Vasiform |
vascul- |
Latin |
vāsculum, little vessel |
of or relating to a blood vessel |
body part/component |
Vasculitis |
ven(o)- |
Latin |
vēna, vein |
of or pertaining to the veins, the vascular system. |
body part |
Venous |
vesic(o)- |
Latin |
vēsīca, bladder; blister |
relating to the bladder |
body part |
Vesica |
The following is a list of body parts and body components and their corresponding medical roots. Note that many of the Latin and Greek roots following are identical given that Latin takes much of its vocabulary directly from Ancient Greek.