Methodology of the Primitive Christian Movement
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The Methodology of the Primitive Christian Movement is based on the passage Acts 2:42-47 entitled: "The Fellowship of the Believers"
This passage should probably more appropriately be entitled "The communion of the Believers", the lower case c denoting that the primary focus of the passage is not about fellowship, but is primarily focused on communing (communicating intimately/sincerely) of the believers.
The Ministry - studying, preaching, teaching, worshiping congregations - gathered at the temple, headed by the apostles, which evolved into the House Churches which were similar to what today's Christians know as a church. Headed by the minister(s), with their exclusive; boards, committees, groups, doctrines, programs, worship services, and events. Important and needed to maintain the absolute, theological principles, biblical truths, and godly policies.
[edit] Daily Life
All the believers were together and had all possessions in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. Not only did they communicate about the spiritual, but they also communicated about the everyday.
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread (in this case upper case Holy Communion) and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe of God and the awe of the Holy Spirit, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. They broke bread in their homes, and ate together (the second definition of communion, is a common meal or potluck). Most significantly this second method of regularly gathering/clustering took place in their homes and the gatherings rotated from house to house. They communicated sincerely, (the third definition of communion), seeking and manifesting consensual understanding of their belief in a spirit of applied community.
The leaders organized missionary and/or revivalist efforts which spread the Bible's message and increased the numbers of believers.
[edit] References
- Bible - NIV Acts 2:42-47