Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Pqr
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mirrors and Forks : (Numbers) ABC - DEF - GHI - JKL - MNO - PQR - STU - VWXYZ - All - Archive
[edit] P
Paleorama | |
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Rating | Low/None |
Details | No link to original wiki or mention of GFDL. No obvious place for contact information Pictures and link apparently removed. |
Contact info | |
Actions |
[edit] Palestine article
- Site: Palestine article
- No link to Wikipedia article
- no link to GFDL
- No contact information on the main page of their website. Can anyone find it?
- Standard letter sent by: ?
- I checked the link and got a 404 error. I checked as well and all there is was text saying "". Seems to me this site is dead. --Bash 04:47, 1 May 2005 (UTC)
- Site:
- Articles "by Micha F. Lindemans" are mirrors of out of<A title="Online Dating" style="COLOR: #65b45c; TEXT-DECORATION: underline" href="" target=_blank> date </A>versions of all mythology related articles. Actually, the articles predate the original entries in Wikipedia and have been copied by users without proper notice.
- With stub notices and images etc. removed
- Especially noticeable with articles that were confused - e.g. Banebdjed and Ba (now corrected in Wikipedia) - Ba (capital B) on Pantheon is described as if a totally different entity to Banebdjed, even though Ba is said to be in Mendes. No Egyptologist would ever make this mistake - Banebdjed means "Ba of the lord ('neb') of djed", and "djed" is the old name for Mendes, but Wikipedia used to have the "Ba of Mendes" and "Banebdjed" as different gods, which is exactly how has it.
- It even has the early version of Chem, something totally obviously wrong to anyone with any competence in the field (e.g. Chem = Ham and wears a womans dress. No. Chem is a misreading of "Min", and never wore a womans dress, although female deities were sometimes depicted as Min (including phallus), though always identifiable as to who they were). This error is very unlikely to be made without copying Wikipedia.
- N.b. w.r.t. Egyptian mythology, the articles have been updated substantially in Wikipedia since April, so may no longer correspond.
- Claims exclusive copyright, not GDFL, all rights reserved
Peacelink | |
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Rating | Low |
Details | This appears to be a complete dump of Wikipedia based on the last modified date on the front page. There is a disclaimer at the top that "This is NOT the Wikipedia - The content is from the Wikipedia". However, only the last entry of the history is copied and there is no link to the original article, which means it is violating the GFDL. Also, the link to the GFDL is broken because only main namespace is copied. There are other violations. For example, the title of documents is not changed in contradiction of 4.A. of the GFDL. |
Contact info | |
Actions | Sent standard violation letter. Superm401 - Talk 02:07, 22 January 2006 (UTC). Received reply stating "Thank you for your advise. We will do so as soon as possible." Superm401 - Talk 05:52, 22 January 2006 (UTC) |
[edit] PediaPress
PediaPress | |
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Rating | High |
Details | Links GFDL and ooriginal Wikipedia article on every page |
Contact info | |
Actions |
[edit] People's Daily
- Site: PRC People's Daily
- Uses at least one Wikipedia article (basically unchanged: The Profile there = our article at the time of their copying)
- No mention of GFDL
- No mention of Wikipedia, instead says the ridiculous thing of "Source: Agencies"
- Contact: This?
- I posted a message. --mav 10:45, 4 Jan 2004 (UTC)
- Wikipedians Montrealais and Menchi basically wrote that article from scratch, so it is original, to Wikipedia. I'd know, I'm Menchi and I think I know Montrealais well enough.
- Well, if we ever had spare lawyers and wanted publicity, "Wikipedia sues Chinese government for copyright infringement" would be hilarious. =] --Delirium 12:29, Feb 6, 2004 (UTC)
- Site
Research requested. JesseW 22:36, 18 July 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Persian Football
(from the article Ali Daei, see Talk:Ali Daei)
- No link to Wikipedia article
- No link to GFDL
- Claiming a different author
- Claiming copyright at the page footer
- Site:
- Mentions and links to the GFDL
- Acknowledges wikipedia authorship
- Links to source wikipedia article
- Site:
- Confusing display of license and authorship information
- No link to wikipedia homepage or the specific article page
- Standard letter sent by mav 11:59, 4 Jan 2004 (UTC)
- I did have a link at one time. My engineer has been making some changes
- to the template, so I guess we dropped the link at some point. I'll make
- sure it's put back.
--mav 23:21, 7 Jan 2004 (UTC)
- Unchanged still. Also, it'd be nice if they'd avoid titling their pages "Articlename - Wikipedia", which seems like borderline trademark infringement (though the line between attribution and infringement is fine, I'll acknowledge). --Delirium 12:37, Feb 6, 2004 (UTC)
- I just sent a standard Violation Letter Follow-Up. Andrewlevine 04:01, 19 Apr 2004 (UTC)
UNCONFIRMED Contact info via online sources: 508-481-3336 listed for three names:
- Frances A Barry, 1126 Concord Rd, Marlborough, MA 01752
- Skip Guss, East Coast Golf Academy, 333 Southwest Cutoff Northboro MA 01532
- Shawn P. McCarthy, Diagonal Media Group, Inc. 37 Woodridge Road Marlborough, MA 01752
- McCarthy appears to be author of 'The Art of .COMbat', and a Lycos developer
- Phatnav is shaping up to be the top leech site of Wikipedia content.
Jokestress 05:06, 28 Apr 2004 (UTC)
Phatnav's pages still claim copyright. Straight mirror of WP content. Makes near fraudulent claims (they copy some of our pages that say "content provided by visitors to this site", further implying content is theirs). I can still see no GFDL or WP links, pages imply they are owned by PhatNav.
This is just about the worst possible violation (straight copy / adding ads / claiming copyright / not crediting authors) and given that they have not responded to previous letters, I propose we escalate according to standard protocol (please drop me a line if you want to work with me on this one). Mat-C 20:41, 30 Apr 2004 (UTC)
Violation still going stong. <quote>PhatNav's Encyclopedia - A "Wikipedia"</quote> sounds like trademark dilution to me. --Spikey 21:28, 21 May 2004 (UTC)
- Appears to be compliant now. "A Wikipedia" no longer displayed, and although it's in VERY tiny print, at the very bottom of each page they say "The Wikipedia is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation Inc. It is offered as open source and is free to reuse according to the GNU Free documentation License. The original version of this page can be found at<ARTICLENAME>." Their copyright notice states "All content Copyright 2003 - PhatNav and Diagonal Media Group Inc. (Except as noted on pages containing separately licensed content.) All rights reserved." Catherine | talk 18:33, 15 Jun 2004 (UTC)
Phatnav | |
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Details | Bottom of each page from Wikipedia states "The Wikipedia is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation Inc. It is offered as open source and is free to reuse according to the GNU Free documentation License." At the bottom of the page, there is a link to the original article in fine print. It does not explicitly say that the displayed article is under the GFDL, which is wrong. They link to our GFDL article, not the text and not on their own site. There is also no mention of the GFDL or Wikipedia on the printable version. |
Contact info | |
Actions |
- Seems to 404 Not Found --Henrygb 21:33, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
- Site:
- No mention/link to GFDL in some articles
No mention of wikipediaInstead _they_ claim copyright of the article(s)- Examples: [1], [2], [3]
- They didn't list an email address to contact them, so I sent the standard GFDL vio letter to and --snoyes 04:46, 1 Dec 2003 (UTC)
- Reply received: It is being worked on. --snoyes 17:43, 9 Dec 2003 (UTC)
- Seems to be in 'almost' compliance now: Mentions Wikipedia, mentions GNU/FDL, links to article, links to GNU/FDL. Only minus points: says the article "uses material from" the Wikipedia article, where it seems to be copying almost-verbatim, and GNU/FDL is linked at (can we propose to GNU to allow that for the next version?) Andre Engels 01:41, 17 Jan 2004 (UTC)
- I think they are perfectly fine. No reason to be nit-picky, IMO. --mav 11:36, 18 Jan 2004 (UTC)
- I agree. Andre Engels 19:28, 18 Jan 2004 (UTC)
- I think they are perfectly fine. No reason to be nit-picky, IMO. --mav 11:36, 18 Jan 2004 (UTC)
[edit] Phobia Finder
- Site: Phobia Finder
- Uses content of -phobia, with minor editing.
- No mention of Wikipedia
- No mention of GFDL
- Affiliated with Biography Finder.
[edit] PhysicsDaily
PhysicsDaily | |
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Rating | Medium |
Details | Looks like a complete mirror. Notice that article is from Wikipedia and local link to GFDL (as part of larger document) on every page. They do not include a history section or link to original Wikipedia article. However, there are instructions in the copyright page for reaching the original Wikipedia article. |
Contact info | (protected whois), (registrar contact form) |
Actions | Emailed the registrar. Said they'll respond in a few hours; if they really do, I'll post details then. Superm401 - Talk 00:46, 6 November 2005 (UTC) |
[edit] Piano Paradise
Piano Paradise | |
URL | |
Sample | (appears to be this version (January 2004) of our article) |
Rating | Low/None |
Details | Complete lack of compliance. No mention of Wikipedia, no mention of GFDL, no links; a few dozen of our composer bios are used. |
Contact info | |
Actions | Sent standard email to above address, March 18, 2006, but the email bounced. I've done nothing further. JamesMLane t c 15:13, 18 March 2006 (UTC) |
- Example: Albania at
- No obvious mention of Wikipedia
- No obvious mention of GFDL
- Says "Copyright 2006"
- As of 21:29, 24 March 2007 (UTC) --Henrygb
- Copy of Main Page at
- Mentions Wikipedia but no obvious link
- No obvious mention of GFDL
- Various copyright claims
- As of 01:41, 16 December 2005 (UTC), --Henrygb
Playfuls | |
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Sample | from |
Rating | High (?) |
Details | They have responded to the followup email I sent. The article in question now has a link to the Wikipedia article, has been reworded to remove most or all of the verbatim copying, and has been placed under the GFDL. If there is any Wikipedia copying in other articles, I am unaware of it. |
Contact info | |
Actions | Two emails sent; they responded to the second. |
[edit] Plastics Wiki
- Site: Plastics
- The wiki about plastics & polymers
- Links to Wikipedia and local copy of GFDL at the bottom of each article used
[edit] Pop Stars Plus
- Site:
- Includes link to Wikipedia and separate link to original article prominently at top of each article. Also includes "Date copied article: Month Day, Year"
- WP articles do not appear on all pages - the site includes original articles as well.
- Links to Wikipedia and local copy of GFDL at the bottom of each article used
[edit] PortalJuice
- Site: Nextopia: PortalJuice
- Uses full site, for "vertically focused Web search technology"; calls this Encyclopedia (BETA) project
- Removes "from Wikipedia"
- Links to Wikipedia and local copy of GFDL on each page
- Site:
- Links to GFDL
- Acknowledges wikipedia
--Fritzlein 06:31, 5 Jul 2004 (UTC)
Moved from main page --Davelane 12:28, 14 Sep 2004 (UTC)
[edit] PostgreSQL General Bits
- Site: PostgreSQL General Bits
- Link to main page of Wikipedia
- Very small section of article about Edgar F. Codd (1 paragraph)
- No link to GFDL or the article
[edit] protoillyrian
Protoillyrian | |
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Rating | None |
Details | Uses at least Serbs without mention of Wikipedia or the GFDL. Extent of infringement undetermined. |
Contact info | |
Actions |
- Site:
- Mentions and links to the GFDL
- States "Showing data from: Wikipedia - the free online encyclopaedia." on the front page
- Links to source wikipedia articles
- Posted by website owner to assess for compliance
- acknowledges Wikipedia at the top and bottom of each article Manning
- No problems with compliance
[edit] Psych Central
- Site: Dr. John Grohol's Psych Central
- Mentions and links to the GFDL and to the original Wikipedia's articles.
- States "Welcome to Wikipedia" on the front page.
- Has a copyright © 1992-2005 John M. Grohol notice at the bottom of the page.
- --Eleassar777 09:14, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC)
- Now redirects to
- See Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks/Def#Enpsychlopedia --Henrygb 21:42, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Public Domain art
- Site: Public Domain art
- Uses a part of the article about Public Domain (1 paragraph)
- Mentions Wikipedia with no link
- Contains a section of the Fair Use Doctrine of the U.S. Copyright Act, stating something about "fair use", but no GFDL Link.
- More than one paragraph, AFAICT. Martin 10:22, 29 Aug 2003 (UTC)
[edit] Public Domain Content Encyclopedia
- Site Public Domain Content Encyclopedia
- Uses articles without attribution to WP, link to the WP article or link to the GFDL
- Mentions WP and GFDL only on bottom of front page
- See also this note: [4]
- Administrator associated with scraper sites/link farms
[edit] Q
- Site:
more research requested
Uses subdomains to incompetently mirror Wikipedia articles without rendering the markup. Quickseek copyright notice, no Wikipedia or GFDL mention. Appears to be intended as search engine spam.
update: They appear to be a live leech, delayed a few minutes. Replaces all mention of ‘Wikipedia’ with ‘QuickSeek Encyclopedia’. They copy the Wikipedia: namespace, but not the User:. Low compliance. Chris Chan {t|c} 12:20, 29 April 2006 (UTC) update²: They appear to be running Mediawiki, and be editable. However, there is no easily accessible edit link, and they are not a live leech. They appear to be using a copy of all articles from 15 Feb 2006. Still low-compliance. Chris Chan {t|c} 12:28, 29 April 2006 (UTC) update: They have a "Wikipedia" phrase in black on their main page, but no link, and not the Wikipedia logo. They also claim to be associated with the Columbia University Press. User:Zoe|(talk) 21:47, 17 June 2006 (UTC)
No mention of Wikipedia on main page or subdomains, not even hidden away in the HTML. Cheekily asserts that copyright is theirs. Kenguest 13:28, 27 June 2006 (UTC)
- This site was also reported to info (ät), I just sent a standard violation letter. --InterwikiLinksRule 13:51, 29 June 2006 (UTC)
- I received an answer from the owner of the site claiming that the issues will be adressed. --InterwikiLinksRule 15:00, 29 June 2006 (UTC)
- I came across this "mirror" when checking to see if an article was a copyvio. To date, the issue has not been addressed and the sites Terms & Conditions state:
You agree that you are only authorized to visit, view, and retain a copy of pages of this Site for your own personal use, and that you shall not duplicate, download, publish, modify, or otherwise distribute the material on this Site for any commercial use, or for any purpose other than as described in these Terms.
You agree that you will not copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works from, or publicly display any content (except for your own personal, non-commercial use) from our Web site without the prior expressed written permission of QuickSeek.
- Are these conditions also in breach of the GFDL? TheJC TalkContributions 06:49, 2 July 2006 (UTC)
- I think they are. How long do they have to "address the issues" before someone else should send another warning? Ardric47 19:34, 8 July 2006 (UTC)
- Still live 15:00, 12 July 2006 (UTC). Found a clear violation at as it includes the stub marker "This name-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it." while working on an AFD for Evan (mythology). Their page contains "(C) 2005 All rights reserved. Evan" at the bottom. This page is another clear violation as it shows the interlanguage links we use but doesn't include the word Wikipedia anywhere. GRBerry 15:00, 12 July 2006 (UTC)
Here's some more fun: Look up Bob Dylan on both QuickSeek and Wikipedia. Same content. Now, look up Wikipedia on both. The self-referential link here is kosher, of course. However, look at the one on Quickseek: It's completely blank. Looks like there has been some half-hearted effort to scrub their site of references to Wikipedia. 19:53, 12 July 2006 (UTC)
This one has come up on IRC today, but contact info is hard to get. I think more warning e-mails have been sent after thorough hunting around, but this is lower than low compliance, infact the "all rights reserved" bit puts it at just about nill, and the removal of all wikipedia references makes it lower yet. MichaelBillington 10:12, 28 July 2006 (UTC)
Well, Copyrights "are theirs" but editrights aren't. Think about it: this may be of questionable legality but it's completely editable, and not exactly a *real* encyclopedia. It ain't moderated (that's for sure), so why not get some benefit out of their wrongdoing? Based on the good-faith assumption that it's within legal limits, I'd condone mass vandalism of the site, although I probably won't be doing it myself. --Utopianfiat 18:43, 4 August 2006 (UTC)
Update: I've sent a GFDL violation notice citing Senpai as the "proof" or whatever. I'm going to wait two weeks (the 18th is an important day, so I hope I'll remember) before I notify Rackspace just in case this guy is just misled. If he doesn't respond in 2 weeks, I think it's safe to assume that even if his intents are not malicious, everyone's lives would be better without search engine spam. --Utopianfiat 19:09, 4 August 2006 (UTC)
- Check Utopianfiat's userpage for the email thread. --Utopianfiat 20:13, 4 August 2006 (UTC)
- Site:
I'm not sure how they use Wikipedia, but they seem to use it. More resarch is needed. JesseW 06:22, 5 Nov 2004 (UTC)
- It's a direct rip of Wikiquote. Here, compare Wikiquote's article on Pride and Prejudice and their Pride and Prejudice quotes. They do acknowledge the GFDL but don't really acknowledge the authors, as they credit Wikiquote as "SOURCE" and links to here, which is a non-existent page (not sure if this was done out of laziness or poor coding). The only think they really need is a link to the page that it was derived from. I think this should be under medium compliance. --Bash 04:57, 1 May 2005 (UTC)
- Moved to medium compliance. --Bash 05:01, 1 May 2005 (UTC)
- Site: Qwika
- No reference to Wikipedia or GNU-FDL, off the homepage. Even uses Monobook background to further confuse.
[edit] R
- Site
- Example:
More research requested
- Seems to be made by the same person as bird-center. JesseW 20:39, 11 August 2005 (UTC)
- Site: - selling jewelry
- Example: [5] - most of Albania article
- Page states "This article is from Wikipedia. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License." with link to local copy of GFDL
- No link to Wikipedia or original article
- Page ends with "Copyright © 2004 - 2005"
- As of 00:04, 14 December 2005 (UTC) --Henrygb
Read and go | |
URL | |
Sample |<br> |
Rating | Low/None |
Details | Without Javascript, there is no mention of Wikipedia or the GFDL. With Javascript, there is a bare link the original article. All text is copied wholesale with all the markup (and in-text mention of Wikipedia; see stripped. There is no history section for these changes. Pages are surrounded by ads. Possibly search engine spam. Site map ( contains an index to articles, but omits all the 'W's. Amusingly, loses many non-code-page-1252 characters. See Corneliu Baba example: "Iaşi" becomes "Iai" |
Contact info | jattsona [at] |
Actions | Standard letter sent by Calair 01:38, 3 February 2006 (UTC) |
- Site:
- Example:
- Absolutely no mention of GFDL or Wikipedia, except in the URL, with Javascript off (As of JesseW 21:09, 11 August 2005 (UTC))
- Whois email: info at email dot ca
- Standard letter sent by JesseW 21:09, 11 August 2005 (UTC)
- Update: they now appear to be a squatter site. Chris Chan {t|c} 12:31, 29 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Real RnB
Curtis Mayfield | |
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Sample | |
Rating | Low/None |
Details | Clearly this one article (Curtis Mayfield) was copied without credit. I haven't looked to see if the site copies anything else. - Jmabel |
Contact info | |
Actions |
RecipeLand/RecipeFacts | |
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Sample | |
Rating | High |
Details | Includes the following small print message at the bottom of every Wiki-derived page: "Wikitext content courtesy Wikipedia and the GNU Free Documentation License, click here to retrieve the original article from Wikipedia". Probably the only issue is the presence of a "Copyright ©1996-2005 metro.isp Inc & Sean Wenzel All rights reserved." notice just above the Wikipedia credit which makes it unclear that Wikipedia content is still copyright the Wikimedia foundation. |
Contact info | |
Actions | none taken |
See Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks/Vwxyz#zipox
- Site:
- Example: Article on "ipso facto"
- some formating issues, e.g. in article on "Albania" which has most of the text forced into an info box
- no Wikipedia graphics
- Acknowledges Wikipedia and links to Wikipedia:Copyrights
- also ends each page with its own "Copyright © 2005, Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved."
- Mentions and links to the GFDL
- and links to its own terms of use
- Links to source Wikipedia article
- and to Wikipedia history page
- Links to edit Wikipedia article
- Links to Wikimedia Foundation donations page
- Site:
- The page uses content from Karl Pilkington
- Source is mentioned: "from the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia..."
- Claims copyright of text: "copyright © Ricky Gervais 2004 - 2005"
- No mention of GFDL
- No link to original article
[edit] Rolex fakes
- Site: Rouell article (example)
- No link, GFDL, etc
- sorry i will be taking that site down soon anyways
- Seems to be down as of now. Should be moved to not-current-users-of-our-content section. Thanks. JesseW 20:39, 11 August 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Romanian Portal
Romanian Portal | |
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Sample | |
Rating | "Low/None" |
Details | I have no idea how much of the site is plagiarized from us, but the sample page I've given is clearly a series of plagiarisms from Wikipedia, perhaps all directly from the Romanian Wikipedia, perhaps some translated from others. |
Contact info | By snail mail:; P.O. Box 957633; Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 By E-mail: By phone/fax: 1-847-755-5584 |
Actions | None taken. |
[edit] Rootsweb
- Page largely copied from Albania.
- Ends with "Source: Wikipedia" and link to original article
- Probably a one-off page rather than a major mirror.
23:16, 10 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit] RSA article
- Site: RSA article
- No visible link to current Wikipedia article
- no link to GFDL
- Standard letter sent by: ?
- It is an HTML copy of the print version so "Retrieved from """ is on the page. But there still isn't a link to the GFDL. We really should add that to our print page template. --mav 02:19 24 Jul 2003 (UTC)