Missa Sicca
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The Missa Sicca (Latin: "dry Mass") was a common form of devotion used in the medieval Roman Catholic Church for funerals or marriages in the afternoon, when a real Mass could not be said. It consisted of all the Mass except the Offertory, Consecration and Communion (Durandus, "Rationale", IV, i, 23).
The missa nautica and missa venatoria, said at sea in rough weather and for hunters in a hurry, were kinds of dry Masses.
In some monasteries each priest was obliged to say a dry Mass after the real (conventual) Mass. Cardinal Giovanni Bona (Rerum liturg. libr. duo, I, xv) argues against the practice of saying dry Masses. Following the reform of Pope Pius V it gradually disappeared.
The Mass of the Presanctified (Latin: missa præsanctificatorum, Greek: leitourgia ton proegiasmenon) is a very old custom described by the Quinisext Council (Second Trullan Synod, 692). It is a Service (not really a Mass at all) of Communion from an oblation consecrated at a previous Mass and reserved. It is used in the Byzantine Church on the week-days of Lent (except Saturdays); in the Roman Rite it is used only on Good Friday.
- This article incorporates text from the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913. , s.v. Missa Sicca Sec. D, ¶ 6.