Mojo storytelling
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mojo (n)
Pronunciation: 'mO-(")jO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural mojoes or mojos
Etymology: probably of African origin; akin to Fulani moco'o medicine man
Mojo storytelling is the term coined by Joe R. Lansdale (a Texas writer of suspense, horror, mystery, and everything else under the sun) to describe the unique blend of humor, horror, and gut-busting story-craft that garnishes his work.
Defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “a magic spell, hex, or charm”, the term mojo is quite appropriate in defining Lansdale’s vision. Deriving most of his influence straight from everyday life and the countless stories he’s heard from fellow Texans, Lansdale has much mojo to spread about. Not a regional author but an American author, Lansdale steers his work straight into the unknown, working on such broad genres as mystery, suspense, horror, Westerns, comic books, and screenwriting.