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I replaced the previous article content with a short stub about molesckin fabric and clothing. Can anybody comment on the authenticity of the alleged meaning of moleskin, previously contained in the article:
A moleskin is a pink (flesh coloured) piece of covering for the genital area of a female. The name derives from the shape of the covering. Such were often used by moviemakers in hollywood. The most famous incident involving a moleskin, was when Janet Leigh lost hers during the shower scene of Psycho. Not discombobulated at all, she merely remarked, that no-one (meaning the staff present) was seeing anything they had not seen before. In other uses, moleskin is used to cover areas to cope with rubbing, such as for an ill-fitting shoe. Once, when some triumphant hikers made it to the top of Mount Whitney, the highest mountain in the south 48 United States, they met a one-legged man who asked them for help putting on his new moleskin.
Pjacobi 23:33, 2005 Jan 21 (UTC)
I can confirm that moleskins are commonly used to prevent rubbing when hiking. They are often applied after blisters are treated and can be found in first aid kits designed for walkers - 22:24, 22 February 2006 (UTC)
I've done a quick search on google for "Janel Leigh moleskin" which seems to verify the above story from multiple sources, all with different wording. It is also on the imdb Psycho trivia page. I think its safe to restore the above entry - 13:16, 26 February 2006 (UTC)
No reason to drop the info about the fabric, though...