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Mortein is a high-profile Australian brand of household insecticide. Together with its sister product Aerogard, a popular insect repellant, Mortein has become something of a "household name" in Australia, owing much in this regard to its cartoon antagonist, Louie the Fly. In a jingle used over several decades of animated TV commercials he proudly sings of his own dirtiness, claiming to be afraid of no-one except "the man with the can of Mortein."
Mortein is also available in India[citation needed].
Mortein "Insect Seeking Fly Spray" uses the active ingredients Allethrin (2.09 g/kg) and Resmethrin (0.39 g/kg), both Pyrethroid neuro-toxins which are not known to be harmful to humans in typical doses, and break down after one or two days.