User:Murgh/Will (comics)
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Willy Maltaite (October 30, 1927, Anthée Belgium - February 18, 2000, ) known under his pseudonym Will, was a comics creator and comics artist in the Franco-Belgian tradition. In the genre known in francophone countries as bande dessinée, Will is considered one of the Gang of 4, and a contributor to the Marcinelle school.
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As early as his younger age, Willy Maltaite draws. It enters at first years 40 in apprenticeship with Joseph Gillain (Jijé), one of the pillars of Spirou, that will become his big friend.
In 1946, Jijé, besides Will, accommodate at his place Morris and Franquin, two young authors again little known but of which Gillain had known to reveal the potential fort. Will, amazed, decide to follow their example and to put itself to the comic strip. It is first of all published in Good evenings and The Mosquito.
Charles Dupuis, All in having refused him several projects, entrusts him the fates of the series Tif and Shorn, that it animates up to 1990 alongside Fernand Dineur, Maurice Rosy, Maurice Tillieux and Stephen Desberg. Besides its works on this series, it helps Franquin (settings of the The pirates of the silence), Peyo (settings of Sanctimonious Brisefer and drawing of Jacky and Célestin). It occupies also posts of person in charge: artistic director of the newspaper Tintin of 1958 to 1960 and director of the collection Carousel with Dupuis of 1966 to 1969.
But it does not do that to resume series existing: in 1962 it launches Eric and Mizzen (with Vicq to the scenario) and in 1970 Isabelle (Franquin and Yvan Delporte to the texts).
Has to leave 1989, it changes register, turning itself towards a drawing where the color plays a more and more big importance and stopping drawing only for the children. It produces thus for the collection Aire Free The garden of the desires and The 27th letter with Stephen Desberg. It dies 2000 without having finished THE TREE of the two springs (scenario of [[Rudi Honey] ]).
[edit] Dupui
tests assiduously pinceau and accumulates the drawings. Sensitive to this artistic vocation, its parents the inscrivent to the Holy school joseph of Maredsous, where it spoils the admission examination.
It enters then in apprenticeship with Joseph Gillain, a young artist drawing for SPIROU. This is the dawn of a big friendship and the awakening of a deep vocation.
In 1946 begins themselves the glorious and crazy era of "The Band of the Four" : besides Will, Joseph Gillain accommodates Franquin and Morris, two harebrained young ones. Epaté by the talent of its new companions, Will approaches the cartoon and the illustration.
Its first works are published in the GOOD weekly SOIREES and THE MOSQUITO. From that time, the perspective to realize a comic strip seduces it.
While Franquin, Jijé and Morris are in America, Will sketches "The Mystery of the Bambochal", but it wipes a refusal with the editions Dupuis. Little imports, it publishes it hand-crafted to 15 000 copies.
His style incites nevertheless Charles Dupuis to him to propose the return of "Tif and Shorn", the famous duet created by Fernand Dineur. It will animate it up to 1990 before passing the hand to Alain Sikorski. Maurice Rosy, Maurice Tillieux and Stephen Desberg will assure successively the scenarios of the series of the beginning of the years 50 to the departure of Will.
True pillar of the newspaper of SPIROU with its buddies, it there will produce its episodes of the bearded one and bald one with a beautiful regularity, except between 1958 and 1959 where it accepts the load of the artistic direction of the newspaper of TINTIN and some returns strong disappointed by a too administrative work and without big creation possibility.
Decorator of Franquin for an episode of "Spirou", "The Pirates of the silence" in 1955, it accepts the same role with Peyo for the creation of "Sanctimonious Brisefer" and draws the first adventures of "Jacky and Célestin" for this one, before forming François Walthéry in order some to assure the return.
Concerned to have access to its own personages, it launches "Eric and Mizzen" in 1962 on scenarios of Vicq and turns itself in 1970 towards the fantastic one with "Isabelle", of which Yvan Delporte and André Franquin will compose him the scenarios.
In 1989, it changes radically register and turns itself towards adulter themes for the collection "Free Area". On scenarios of Stephen Desberg, it draws and paints "The Garden of the desires", followed a year later by "The 27th Letter". His big last work-site with Desberg was "THE CALL of the hell" for P&T Productions.
It extinguishes himself in 2000, without to have been able be finished his last book, "THE TREE of the two springs" (scenario of Rudi Honey), that will be followed by all its friends in a beautiful edition posthume.
[edit] bruss bd
Very young Will becomes the student of Jijé in company of Morris, equally student. After numerous illustrations, it enters with "Spirou" to 20 years, in 1947 and resumes "Tif and Shorn" in 1949. His first album is published to counts author equally in 1949: ". The Mystery of Bambochal ". It was artistic guiding of the "Newspaper Tintin" of 1958 to 1960. In more than 40 albums of "Tif and Shorn" (2 will be drawn by Marcel Denis in 60 and 61 but never edited in album) of 1954 to 1991, Will will be the one of the rare transfers between the school of Marcinelle (Spirou) and the one of Brussels (Tintin). Of 1966 to 1969, Will occupies the post of director of "collection of the Carousel" with Dupuis. In 1970 it draws "Isabelle", eccentric and fantastic series. Egalement painter and decorator, it collaborates with Franquin, that will retaliate to him later while scripting with Yvan Delporte his series "Isabelle" of 1972 to 1986, Delporte taking charge of the remainder of the series. It will take care equally of "Jacky and Célestin", of "Sanctimonious Brisefer" with Peyo, of ÿRecord and Véroniqueÿ with Reemerged Goscinny, of "Marco and Aldeber" with Maurice Rosy and Vicq, of "Eric and Mizzen" with Vicq and of "Natacha" with Walthery. Big specialist of the settings, it will have himself built a glass villa and of concrete pretence take out all right of an of its albums. At the end of the years 80, Will astonishes in changeable radically of register. On texts of Stephen Desberg, it orients himself towards more occult narratives and the direct color with "The Garden of the Desires", "the 27th Letter" and "THE CALL of the hell". Will is the one of the bigger talents of the Belgian school. Not stopping touching on all while innovating to the risk to displease. This is him that gave us the enigmatic one "Mister Shock" (created by his official scriptwriter and artistic director Maurice Rosy) and "Kiki", the one of the first feminine personages that claims his quality of woman. Its boards in direct color are of all beauty. Its gifts are very varied, it sculptures also and his creativity expresss itself on all the supports, it suffices to see his interior for some to realize. It devotes himself equally to the paint under his name and works so the pencil, the lavis, the acrylic one that the poster paint, without forgetting the watercolor. Will exposes, between other, to the Belgian Center of the comic Strip in 1996. To celebrate its fifty years of career, the Chic bookstore bull (one had it for you well says that Denis was a fascinated one of Will!!!) organized an exposition sale of the 2 to September 30 1996. It was also the godfather of the 1st Festival Bd of My in September 1996. The Restaurant "The Bollewinkel" organized an exposition of its paints at the end of 1997. Will was consecrated honor president of the 4 ème meets BD The Roeulx that unfolded itself the Saturdays 14 and Sunday March 15 1998. This demonstration equally set up an entitled exposition "The small museum of Will" and organized a drawing competition "The true Shock face". This was his last meeting of dedicate. It finished the settings of the series of cartoons Isabelle. An exposition of its entitled paints "THE OTHER side of Will" was anxious itself the cultural Center of Ganshoren in November 1998. A big exposition sale entitled "THE UNIVERSE of Will" took place of April 17 to May 14 1999 with Raspoutine to Lausanne. The exposition that consecrated him the Festival Quay of the Bubbles to Holy malo did the event. Will is one of the members of "the band of the four" with Jijé, Morris and Franquin. With "The Garden of the Desires", "The 27th letter" and "the call of the hell", it explores alongside Desberg a new universe to the sumptuous colors. "The tree of the two Springs", on scenario of Rudi Honey, is his ultimate contribution to the comic Strip. It left to rejoin its friends Jijé, Franquin, and Peyo, on Fridays February 18 2000. It was 72 years old.
[edit] lamb
one of the classic cartoonists responsible for the success of the weekly Spirou magazine after World War II. Encouraged by his parents, he started an art apprenticeship at the Saint-Joseph of Maredsous at a very early age. Not much later, he moved in with Jijé, who taught him the finer points of the comics profession. Along with Jijé, Morris and Franquin, he was a member of the infamous "Gang of 4", a team of artists that worked at Jijé's house. Will made his first illustrations for Dupuis publishers in Bonnes Soirées and Le Moustique. In 1947 he found his way to Spirou, a magazine also published by Dupuis.
Two years later, Will graphically took over the 'Tif et Tondu' series from its creator Fernand Dineur. Will illustrated this classical series until 1990, working with several scenarists. After some stories written by Luc Bermar, Maurice Rosy took on the writing duties. With Rosy (1955-1968), the series evolved from the jolly adventure series it was to a more mature series. Several fantasy and mystery elements were added, such as the masked criminal Monsieur Choc.
From 1968 to 1976, Will worked with Maurice Tillieux as his scenarist. 'Tif et Tondu' became a true detective series and this showed off in Will's artwork, that became more serious. After Tillieux's death in 1978, Stephen Desberg took on the writing of the series. More serious elements and social issues were added, such as nazism and an even more evil Monsieur Choc.
Will proved to be a talented painter of backgrounds, assisting such artists as Franquin ('Spirou et Fantasio'), Peyo ('Benoit Brisefer') and François Walthéry ('Natacha') on their comics. He also drew three episodes of Peyo's 'Jacky et Célestin' in Le Soir Illustré and took on the 'Éric et Artimon' series with writer Vicq. In 1970, Will started the fairytale 'Isabelle' series alongside Yvan Delporte and Raymond Macherot. The latter was replaced by André Franquin after a couple of episodes. The 'Isabelle' series ran until 1994. In the latest stage of his career, Will created some adult comics with writer Stephen Desberg. In 'Le Jardin des Désirs' and 'La 27e Lettre', he showed his joy in drawing sensual women. Willy Maltaite died on 18 February 2000.
[edit] Bibliography
- Isabelle, 12 albums with André Franquin, Raymond Macherot and Yvan Delporte (scénario), Dupuis, 1972-1995.
- L'Île d'outre-monde, Natacha n°10 (décors), with François Walthéry (dessin) and Marc Wasterlain (scénario), Dupuis, 1980.
- Participation au collectif Il était une fois les belges (Once Upon a Time There Were Belgians), Le Lombard, 1980.
- « L'ogresse des carpartes », with Yann (scénario), in Les Histoires merveilleuses des oncles Paul, Vents d'Ouest, 1986.
- Le jardin des désirs, with Stephen Desberg (scénario), Dupuis, coll. « Aire Libre », 1988.
- La 27e lettre, with Stephen Desberg (scénario), Dupuis, coll. « Aire Libre », 1990.
- L'appel de l'enfer, with Stephen Desberg, P&T Productions, 1993.
- « Isabelle » in the collective Brel n°2, Vents d'Ouests, 1997.
- L'arbre des deux printemps, with Rudi Miel (scénario), Le Lombard, coll. « Signé », 2000. Will could not finish the last 4 pages of this story before his death. The work was continued by Batem, Stéphane Colman, Dany, Derib, Jean-Claude Fournier, Frank Pé, Franz, André Geerts, Marc Hardy, René Hausman, Hermann, Frank Le Gall, Régis Loisel, Éric Maltaite, Jean-Claude Mézières, Michel Plessix, Jean Roba, François Walthéry et Marc Wasterlain.
[edit] External links
- Un site assez complet
- Bibliograpy of Will on Éditions Dupuis.