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Ēastrīce - Wikipedia


Fram Wikipedian

Þis gewrit hæfþ wordcwide on Nīwum Englisce.
Republik Österreich
Ēastrīces Fana Ēastrīce: Scild
(Gehende) (Scild Ēastrīces)
Þēodlic Cwide: nān
Location Ēastrīces innan Europan
Ambihtlic sprǣc: Þēodisc (ēac ymbe mearcum: Slovenisc, Croatisc, Hungarisc)
Hēafodstōl :
- Hēafodgerīm:
- Hǣrarōd:
Vienna (Wien)
1,550,123 (2001)
48°13'N, 16°22'E
Hēafodburh: Vienna (Wien)
Hēafodwīsa Rīces: Heinz Fischer, Foresittend
Hēafodwīsa Lēodwearde: Alfred Gusenbauer, Canceler
- Getæl:
- % wæter:
World ranking: 112th
83,858 km²
2,562 km
- Getæl:
- Þiccnes:
World ranking: 86th
8,150,836 (2000)
Selfdōm: 27 July 1955
Þēodlic Dæg: 26 Winterfylleþ
Ǣwfæstnes: Roman Catholic 84%
Protestant 6%
Feoh: Euro (€)¹ = 100 cents
- in sumor:
Þēodlic ymen: Land der Berge, Land am Strome
(Þēodisc: Land Beorga, Land on þǣre Ēa)
Betwuxnett TLD: .at
Feorsprecung Foregetæl: 43
¹ prior to 1999, Schilling (ATS)=100 Groschen

The Cynewīse Ēastrīces (on Þēodisce Republik Österreich) is a sǣstrandlēas land in Middel Europan. It is a mōtlic þringgeweald. Ēastrīce has been a member of the Geānlǣhtra Lēodrīcu since 1955 and the Europisc Gesamnung siþþan 1995. Hīe gebyrdaþ norþ Þēodiscland and Cecland, east Slowacia and Ungerland , sūþ Slowenia and Italie, and west Swissland and Liechtensteine.

[ādihtan] Stǣr

Main article: Stǣr Ēastrīces

After being conquered by the Lǣdenware, Huns, Lombards, Ostrogoths, Bavarii and Franks, Ēastrīce was under the rīce of the Babenbergs from the 10th to the 13th century. The Babenbergs were then succeeded by the Habsburgs, whose line continued to govern Ēastrīce until the 20th century.

After the abolition of the Hālig Rōmānisc Rīce in 1806, the Hēafodrīce Ēastrīces was founded, which was transformed in 1867 into the double-monarchy Ēastrīce-Ungerland. The hēafodrīce was split into several independent states after the defeat of the Middel Cræftum in Ǣrest Woruldgūþ, leading to Ēastrīce as it is today.

In 1918 wearþ Ēastrīce cynewīse, which lasted until 1934 when chancellor Engelbert Dollfuß established a dictatorship.

Ēastrīce was annexed by the Hitler, a dictor from Ēastrīce, in 1938 (sēo Þēodnes). After the defeat of the Nazis, the Allies occupied Ēastrīce at the end of Ōðru Woruldgūþ until 1955, when the land again became a fully independent lēodaþing under the condition that it remained neutral (sēo ēac: Ēastrīclic Rīces Nǣming). However, after the collapse of communism in Ostlic Europa, Ēastrīce became increasingly involved in Europisc affairs, and in 1995, Ēastrīce joined the Europisc Gesamnung, and the Euro feoh system in 1999.

[ādihtan] Fruma þæs naman

Se Þēodisca nama Österreich can bēon āreaht sāmwell in Englisc swā hwæðer ēastern realm oþþe ēastern rīce, which is derived from the Eald Þēodisc Ostarrîchi. The term probably originates in a lēodþēaw translation of the Medieval Latin name for the region: Marchia orientalis, which translates as "eastern border," as it was situated at the eastern edge of the Hālig Rōmānisc Rīce. Interestingly, the derivation of the Latin name from the original Old German gives rise to the use of "Aust-" for east, rather than south as in Classical Latin.

Land in Europan
Albania | Andorra | Azerbaijan1 | Belarus | Belgium | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria | Cecland | Croatia | Cyprus2 | Denemearc | Ēastrīce | Estland | Finnland | Francland | Geānlǣht Cynerīce | Grēcland | Īrland | Īsland | Italie | Letseburh | Lettland | Liechtenstein | Liþuania | Cynewīse Macedonia | Malta | Moldova | Monaco | Niðerland | Norþweg | Polaland | Portugal | Rumǣnia | Russland1 | San Marino | Serbia | Slofacia | Slofenia | Spēonland | Sweartbeorg | Swēoland | Swissland | Turkey1 | Þēodiscland | Ucrægna | Ungerland | Faticanburg (Pāpseld)
Folgiende: Akrotiri2 | Dhekelia2 | Faroe Īega | Gibraltar | Guernsey | Jan Mayen | Jersey | Manīeg | Svalbard
1. Þēod dǣllīce in Asian. 2. Gewunelīce gesett tō Asian be eorþmetunge, ac nāþȳlǣs oft gedēmed swā Europisc for þēawe and stǣrlicum racum.
Ōðera sprǣca
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