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User talk:Jacques Pirat - Wikipedia - So Frijo Egkeiklopedja

User talk:Jacques Pirat

𐌰𐍄 𐍅𐌹𐌺𐌹𐍀𐌴𐌳𐌾𐌰, 𐍃𐍉 𐍆𐍂𐌹𐌾𐍉 𐌴𐌲𐌺𐌴𐌹𐌺𐌻𐍉𐍀𐌴𐌳𐌾𐌰


[edit] Temporary adminship

Hello Jacques, I granted you one month of temporary sysophood on this wiki. Thank you for the clean-up work you'll do. If in the meantime you can get a clear support from the community, the sysophood will be made permanent. -- 09:46, 10 July 2007 (UTC) meta:User:Paginazero not logged

[edit] Complete adminship

Note : I'm Sasajazi, but, due to an error of the developpers, I lost my password, and they won't give it back to me.

I'll be glad that you become definitely sysop, because Node ue never comes, and I won't have anymore time for this wiki in the coming years, but I'm affraid that you don't speak gothic well enough. All the pages you've done are great, but as of the gothic language, there are horrible things in them. Little exemple : your new haubidaseido

Goþs dags bi-waikipaidja þo gutiskano frijo aigkeiklaupaidja
188 maimbranos ana so gutiskarazda
  • I know it's written differently on the logo, but Wikipedias name should be Wikipedja : the one who created the logo seems not to know that ai is only pronounced ε before r, h, ƕ or a vowel.
  • For the same reason, aigkeiklaupaidja should be written egkeiklopedja.
  • To say on Wikipedia, you'd better use ana +D, i.e. ana wikipedjai, þizai frijon gutiskon egkeiklopedjai
  • We changed the word maimbranos to seidos
  • I suppose you mean 188 pages in gothic language, so you should say 188 seidos ana gutarazdai

To say all (the categories), it'd be correct to say alla (neuter plural, better than genitive singular ...)

There's a lot more, but I don't have time for it.

PS : do you speak french or german, it'd be easier for me ? -- Yadönapya 07:23, 11 July 2007 (UTC)

I think you should use this dictionnary to look up if your words are correct, its the one I use.
The Main Page should be like here, except the new pages part should not be so : it shouldn't be possible to see that a bast*** has created a page to say the gothic script is an unreadable crap, as yet. -- Yadönapya 14:08, 12 July 2007 (UTC)

Actually, I've contacted a friend of mine, developper of Wikipedia, who created a script that permits switching from gothic script to latin, and asked him to install it on this wiki as soon as possible. At that moment, we'll have to delete all the pages Gothic_script/Latin_script cuz it'll be possible to read the basic pages with latin script. The only problem yet would be the numbers. When it is done, I'll try to correct all the pages you created, and we should be able to start giving this wiki a bit content. I also suggest that we create a Wikipedia: page with all the neologisms. (zB seida, egkeiklopedja, gutarazda, allrazdobauains, usafhlaþan, meljanboka, bokabaurda, ...) One more thing : you forgot a D on the logo ; you wrote egkeiklopeja instead of enkeiklopedja-- Yadönapya 09:04, 13 July 2007 (UTC)

I requested adminship on meta. Please comme and support me. Thanks -- Yadönapya 09:19, 13 July 2007 (UTC)

I corrected a bit the baurgs brunna, and voted for us both. But, what is baurgs brunna supposed to meen ? I also added a request on Manie's page, and corrected your german. Hope this will work. And I like 𐌾𐌰𐌳𐌰𐌽𐌰𐍀𐌾𐌰 better to write Yadönapya with gothic script, see User:Yadönapya/namo. -- Yadönapya 09:18, 14 July 2007 (UTC)

Ah, you're right. I misunterstood german Brunnen : I thought it meant brunette. Good name. -- Yadönapya 19:05, 14 July 2007 (UTC)

I asked Alexander Gerashchenko to support us on his russian page. -- Yadönapya 09:00, 19 July 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Sa Gutiskai Wikipedjai

Lieber Jacques, ist das ok so? Lg -- 19:46, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

Fein!!! --Manie 19:47, 18 July 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Woorde in Goties

Wir haben eine kategorie für gotisch bei uns: http://af.wiktionary.org/wiki/Kategorie:Woorde_in_Goties. Bei den franzosen auf fr-wikti scheint leider niemand mehr einträge zu machen. :(( Lg --Manie 13:29, 19 July 2007 (UTC)

Nein, ich meinte im französischen wiktionär :))) --Manie 12:31, 20 July 2007 (UTC)
OOps, thaught you were French. Well then on the English one :)) --Manie 12:35, 20 July 2007 (UTC)
Ich bin doch Franzose, bin aber seit langer Zeit nicht mehr auf dem Wiktionnaire gewesen, und schon, wenn ich dort schrieb, gab es wenige gotische Wörter. -- Yadönapya 15:54, 20 July 2007 (UTC)

[edit] sysop

Hi, you are now a permanant sysop --Walter 13:53, 8 August 2007 (UTC)

Thank you, good sir! --Jacques Pirat 05:26, 9 August 2007 (UTC)

[edit] PipepBot

Hello Jacques, I asked for bot status for PipepBot on Talk:𐌷𐌰𐌿𐌱𐌹𐌳𐌰𐍃𐌴𐌹𐌳𐍉#Bot status for PipepBot. To get the bot flag I have first to get the support of the local users. Could you please write your opinion at Talk:𐌷𐌰𐌿𐌱𐌹𐌳𐌰𐍃𐌴𐌹𐌳𐍉? Thank you very much! it:User:Pipep 19:37, 25 August 2007 (UTC)

Thank you for your support. it:User:Pipep 02:50, 26 August 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Gothic MediaWiki messages imported into Betawiki

Hi Jacques Pirat. I see that you have contributed to the messages in the namespace MediaWiki. Thank you for that. As Gothic did not yet have any generic messages in MediaWiki (only on this wiki), we imported the messages from Special:Allmessages into betawiki:. Betawiki also supports the translation of messages for 117 extensions, with over 1,600 messages. I would like to invite you to join the Betawiki community and help improve MediaWiki localisation for the languages you are able to contribute to.

If you have any further questions, please let me know on my talk page on Betawiki. We will try and assist you as much as possible. You can also find us on the Freenode IRC network in the channel #mediawiki-i18n where we would be happy to help you get started.

Thank you very much for your attention and I do hope to see you on Betawiki soon! Cheers! Siebrand@Betawiki 00:16, 17 December 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Re: Months and days of the week

Aw ! Good question ! I'm not even sure they had names for that. I'll have a search. -- Yadönapya 09:00, 14 February 2008 (UTC)

Objections ? Yeah, quite ! I've done my own search, and the only attested month name is Naubaimbair / fruma Juleis. So I looked for the names of months in ancient germanic languages, and I reconstructed those names : (if you need it for the interface, as the date is expressed by [number-of-day<accusative>] + [name-of-month<genitive>], you should translate by the genitive form, given after the "arrow")
  • aftuma Jiuleis (after yule) -> aftumins Jiuleis
  • fanimenoþs (mud month) -> fanimenoþis
  • kaldmenoþs (cold month) -> kaldmenoþis
  • grasmenoþs (grass month) -> grasmenoþis
  • blomamenoþs (flower month) -> blomamenoþis
  • warmmenoþs (warm month) -> warmmenoþis
  • hawimenoþs (hay month) -> hawimenoþis
  • asanmenoþs (harvest month) -> asanmenoþis
  • akranmenoþs (fruit month) -> akranmenoþis [There isn't any common name for that month, I also propose rauþmenoþs > rauþmenoþis (red month), that is the name of the month in the slavic tribes of the Vistula]
  • weinmenoþs (wein month) -> weinmenoþis
  • fruma Jiuleis (before yule) -> frumins Jiuleis
  • Jiuleis (yule month) -> Jiuleis
I haven't find yet names for the days of week, but I'll search. I think we should use the least possible words borrowed from greek. -- Yadönapya 20:07, 23 February 2008 (UTC)
Names of days :
  • Meninsdags (moon day) -> meninsdaga
  • Tiwisdags (Tiwaz' day) -> tiwisdaga
  • Midiwiko (mid-week) -> midiwikon
  • Þeiƕonsdags (thunder day) -> þeiƕonsdaga
  • Fraujonsdags (Frigg's day) -> fraujonsdaga
  • Þwahlisdags (bath day) -> þwahlisdaga // Sabbatodags (sabbath day) -> sabbatodaga
  • Sunnonsdags (sun day) -> sunnonsdaga // dags afarsabbatus (day after sabbath) -> daga afarsabbatu
-- Yadönapya 08:16, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
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