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Islam di Perancis - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas

Islam di Perancis

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Perkiraan jumlah orang Islam di Perancis sangat berbeza. Satu pungutan suara pada 2007 [1] meletakkanya pada 3% penduduk, sementara pada 2006 Jabatan Negeri A.S. meletakkannya pada lebih kurang 10% [2]. Pada 2000, Menteri Dalam Perancis mengirakan jumlah penduduk jiwa yang dilahirkan ke dalam Islam sebanyak 4.1 juta, dan mualaf kira-kira 40,000. Perkiraan bilangan Muslim, kononnya bahaya pada projek perumahan kawasan persekitaran bandar oleh Renseignements Généraux, agensi risikan, telah sering dikutuk. Kutukan adalah terutamanya pada Monde diplomatique dan Canard Enchaîné.

Sebuah kajian dilakuakan oleh Michèle Tribalat, sebuah pengkaji di INED, dan berdasarkan banci pada 1999, menujukkan bahawa dakwaan 5 ke 6 juta Muslim di Perancis telah diperbesar-besarkan. Mengikut banci tersebut, terdapat hanya 3.7 juta "kemungkinan Muslim" di Perancis (6.3% daripada jumlah penduduk Perancis Metropolitan pada 1999) [3]. Jutaan Muslim ini ramai yang datang dari negara yang penduduknya majoriti Muslim tidak semestinya mematuhi Islam keseluruhannya.

Senarai kandungan

[sunting] Penduduk Muslim di Perancis

[sunting] Immigrasi sumber manusia 1960-70-an

Immigrasi kebanyakannya lelaki, adalah tinggi mengikuti Perang Dunia II, kerana kuasa kerja Perancis tidak cukup untuk reconstruction efforts. Pendatang-pendatang datang asasnya dari Algeria dan koloni Afrika Utara lain; akan tetapi, Islam mempunyai sejarah lebih lama di Perancis, sejak Great Mosque of Paris dibinakan pada 1922, sebuah tanda pengenalan dari Republik Perancis pada keguguran tirailleur, in particular pada perang Verdun dan mengambil alih kota Douaumont.

[sunting] 2002 creation of a French Council of the Muslim Faith

For many French people, the term Muslim is still imprecise, as they sometimes use it to refer to an inherited culture, and sometimes as a varying set of religious practices. Though the French State does not want to have anything to do with religions, in recent years the government has tried to organize a representation of the French Muslims. In 2002 the then Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy initiated the creation of a "French Council of the Muslim Faith" (Conseil Français du Culte Musulman - CFCM), thought wide criticism claimed this would only encourage communitarianism. Though the CFCM is informally recognized by the national government, it is a private nonprofit association with no special legal status. As of 2004, it is headed by the rector of the Paris Mosque, Dalil Boubakeur - who harshly criticized the controversial Union of Islamic Organisations of France (UOIF) for involving itself in political matters during the 2005 riots. Nicolas Sarkozy's views on laïcité have been widely criticized by left- and right-wing members of parliament; more specifically, he was accused during the creation of the CFCM of favoring the more extreme sectors of Muslim representation in the Council, in particular the UOIF.

[sunting] "Second generation immigrants"

The first generation of Muslim immigrants, who are today retired from the workforce, keep strong ties with their countries, where their families lived. In 1974, the government passed a law allowing families of these immigrants to settle; thus, many children and wives moved to France. Most immigrants, realizing that they couldn't or didn't want to return to their homeland, asked for French nationality before quietly retiring. However, many live alone in housing projects, having now lost their ties with their countries of origin.

The situation was different with the "second generation", born in France, and as such French citizens by jus soli influenced law. As such, they can not be designated "immigrants", since they were born on national territory. A 1992 reform of the nationality laws delayed obtainment of French nationality until a request at adulthood (where previously it was automatically given). A large number of them are located in housing projects in the suburbs. Unlike in the United States and elsewhere, the French working classes often outside large cities, sometimes in ville nouvelles (such as Sarcelles for example, from which the term sarcellite was derived) for which no infrastructure other than sleeping dormitories have been planned, thus explaining a general boredom which a few allege contributed to the 2005 Paris suburb riots.

Olivier Roy indicates that for first generation immigrants, the fact that they are Muslims is only one element among others. Their identification with their country of origin is much stronger: they see themselves first through their descent (Algerians, Moroccans, Kabyles, Turks...). In general, ethnic origin is stronger for the first generation, which is why religious buildings built by this generation are Turkish, Tunisian, Moroccan, etc.

This is often true with the second generation of Arab Muslims, who often do not even speak French. Their rejection of French secular values are at odds with most modern-influenced French, but can be appealing to some . A conflict seems to be growing between those advocating French imams be trained in France, to French academic standards, including fluency in French and in accordance with French and EU legislation (such as human rights and a secular, democratic state), and those insisting that imams should be trained in Muslim countries (and as a consequence often at odds with French & EU legislation etc.).

[sunting] Lihat juga

[sunting] Pautan luar

[sunting] Rujukan

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