User talk:Ne0Freedom
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[edit] Messages:
[edit] NWO: 4th Reich; WW3: War on Terrorism
- Timeline
- 2001 Sept. 11 9/11 attacks occur -- passenger planes got Hijacked and crashed into World Trade Center and The Pentagon - alegedly done by Al qaeda. There are also conspiracies that the US/UK government willingly let it occur.
- 2001 Nov. USA PATRIOT Act Passed -- Overrides the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
- 2002 Homeland Security Act passed, effective from 2003 Jan. -- Gives the US federal government full authority to moniter any citizen.
- 2002 Jan. 29 Axis of Evil & War on Terrorism -- Axis of Evil is a term used by George W. Bush describe the first three regimes in a war against terror. Since terror is an idea not living thing(s), he is basically declaring Infinite War. Gives the federal government full authority to take required actions, presuming the accused is guilty under Martial Law
- 2002 Jul. Iraq War starts -- A preemptive strike and occupation of Iraq through lies and propagada.
- 2003 Information Operations Roadmap commissioned, declasified in Jan 2006 -- Includes a major Disinformation project to plant stories in any availaible(non-domestic) news Media; which is ultimately consumed by US audience. Basically US government is lying to the whole world, even Indirectly to its citizens.
- 2004 Oct. 16 US Global Anti-Semitism Review Act established -- A committee established by law, and made up Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; that moniters anything the jews might not like and reports annually to the US Congress - similar to the anti-communism thought that appeared during the cold war only this time it is written down. Also note that the book on protocols is alegedly written by jews.
- Almost all the predicted propaganda in 1984 book is comming true in the War on Terrorism
- "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU" - Homeland Security Act Moniters all US Citizens, invading privacy.
- "WAR IS PEACE" - War on Terrorism is permanent war and is supposed to be against evil regimes that causes terror.
- "FREEDOM IS SLAVERY" - USA PATRIOT Act - Sacrifice freedom (of speech, press, religion, and assembly) to secure freedom
- "IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH" - A law against gaining knowledge hasn't been passed(yet); but the US government dosen't need one, since it can censor anything it dosen't want the public to know. If the law is passed, it will most probably be against Home schooling/Self study/Natural learning.
- Possible Goals of NWO
- Deconstruct, Deindustrialize & Deregulate
- Deconstruction of public services; eg: Transport, Health care
- Moniter and raise and population for war effort
- Promote Globalization & Capitalism (especially Narco-capitalism)
- Promote Corporate terrorism
- commercialize and maybe even Monopolize all natural resources through companies & Businesses
- Deregulation of trade - Promote Free Trade with Protectionism and eliminate Fair trade
- Create large debts through Derivatives and eventually financial collapse
- deindustrialization - moving the production/service center to poor countries to maximize profits by using cheap labour
- Deconstruction of family & religious values - by introducing feminism and eventually Homosexuality
- Support Trafficking in human beings & illegal Drugs - for free labour, free prostitutes and money
- Politicians against NWO
- Lyndon LaRouche (Democrat) - larouche publications
- (Know Thy Enemy) Literature Supportive of NWO Ideals
Warning: the following might induce hate glorify war, genocide, or US/Europe/Jewish Supremacy
- Project for the New American Century - US Supremacy
- Mein Kampf - The mind of a dictator
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - The guide lines for world domination that is being followed by a Secret Society, and alegedly written by Jews.
[edit] Comments:
[edit] I thought we already talked about this
Please see WP:RS, WP:NOR and stop using WP as a hate blog. ←Humus sapiens ну? 09:13, 14 March 2006 (UTC)