Wikipedia:New articles (New Zealand)/Archive 2006-2
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This file is an archive of new New Zealand articles created between April and June 2006 - please do not add new articles here - add them to Wikipedia:New articles (New Zealand)
[edit] Categories
- Category:Birds of the Chatham Islands - 14:06, 17 April 2006 (UTC)
- Category:Chatham Islands - 06:52, 17 April 2006 (UTC)
- Category:Dunedin - 05:02, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
- Category:Māori monarchs - 18 June 2006
- Category:New Zealand House of Representatives accredited news organisations 19 June 2006
- Category:New Zealand law firms - 19:38, 2 June 2006 (UTC)
- Category:New Zealand Order of Merit and subcategories. - 6 April 2006
- Category:Race relations in New Zealand - 21 June 2006
- Category:Taupo District 22:59, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Templates
- {{C4 New Zealand primetime}} - 11 May 2006
- {{Infobox allblack}} - 07:46, June 4, 2006
- {{Maori Television primetime}} - 11 May 2006
- {{Pluto NZ}} - 02:37, June 14, 2006
- {{Prime Television New Zealand primetime}} - 11 May 2006
- {{SKY 1 New Zealand primetime}} - 10 May 2006
- {{TV 2 New Zealand primetime}} - 11 May 2006
- {{TV ONE New Zealand primetime}} - 11 May 2006
[edit] Individual pages in alphabetical order
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] 0-999
- 100% Hits - 22:15, April 19, 2006
- 100% Hits v5 - 22:06, April 19, 2006
- 100% Millennium Hits - 00:52, May 25, 2006
- 12" Street Rap - 8 May 2006
- 13 (HLAH album) - 05:10, June 6, 2006
- 13 Years (Best Of) - 31 May 2006
- 2006 Air New Zealand Cup - 3 April 2006
- 2006 Auckland Blackout - 12 June 2006
- 2 b S.Pacific - 31 May 2006
- 25 Years - 28 Jun 2006 -- someone might know the best categories for this
- 3 The Hard Way - 16 May 2006
- 3Ds - 23 May 2006
- 41:30 - 16:21, May 11, 2006
- 5star Fallout - 00:09, May 31, 2006
- 6twenty - 14 May 2006
[edit] A
- A Bleeding Heart - 16 May 2006
- A Man Of Passion - 00:39, May 30, 2006
- A.N.Field - 04:21, 18 June 2006 (UTC)
- A1 A2 - 16 May 2006
- Aaradhna - 23:55, May 5, 2006
- Aaria - 20 May 2006
- Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand - 6 April 2006
- Adam Award -06:43, 30 June 2006 (UTC)
- Alice Bush - 05:51, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
- Always and For Real - 8 May 2006
- Always and Never - 13 May 2006
- Anchor Me (Greenpeace song) - 06:38, June 6, 2006
- Andrew Kepple - 2 April 2006
- Angel (Ma-V-Elle album) - 20 May 2006
- Annie Whittle - 9 May 2006
- Ape to Angel - 14 May 2006
- Ardijah - 31 May 2006
- Armageddon (convention) - 2 May 2006
- Arthur Barnett - found, moved, and wikified at 08:36, 8 June 2006 (UTC)
- Association of Salaried Medical Specialists - 21 May 2006
- Association of Staff in Tertiary Education - 21 May 2006
- Association of University Staff of New Zealand - 21 May 2006
- Astar - 06:39, June 7, 2006
[edit] B
- Barnaby Fredric - 02:11, May 30, 2006
- Bastion Point - 23 May 2006
- Bathe in the River - 02:54, June 4, 2006
- Been Missing/Relocator - 00:15, May 25, 2006
- Belinda Colling - just a stub, but it's a start. 05:40, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
- Beneath the Radar - 31 May 2006
- Big Day Out 03 (album) - 05:09, May 23, 2006
- Big Day Out 04 (album) - 22 May 2006
- Big Day Out 05 (album) - 23 May 2006
- Big Day Out 06 (album) - 06:55, June 2, 2006
- Billy Connolly's Musical Tour of New Zealand - 21 May 2006
- Blacken my Thumb - 23:39, June 4, 2006
- Blindspott (album) - 7 May 2006
- Blood On The Barbeque Mixtape - 24 May 2006
- Brad Carter - 01:25, May 25, 2006
- Break It To Pieces - 14 May 2006
- Breaks Co-op - 7 May 2006
- Breathe (New Zealand band) - 20 May 2006
- Brendon Pongia - 01:45, May 1, 2006
- Broken Dreams - 01:57, May 28, 2006
- Broken Dreams II - 02:02, May 28, 2006
- Bruce Logan - 03:50, 1 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] C
- Calming of the Drunken Monkey - 24 May 2006
- Campaign for Better Transport - 05:54, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
- CARE (New Zealand) - 18 June 2006
- Central Amalgamated Workers' Union - 21 May 2006
- Channel Z: The Best Of Vol. 2 - 23 May 2006
- Channel Z: The Best Of Vol. 3 - 04:49, May 23, 2006
- Cheryl Moana Marie - 22:34, June 15, 2006
- Christchurch The Music - 9 May 2006
- Chong Nee - 6 May 2006
- Clothing, Laundry and Allied Workers Union of Aotearoa - 21 May 2006
- Coalition of Concerned Citizens - 12 April 2006
- Colonial Dubs - 24 May 2006
- Con Psy - 6 May 2006 (member of Frontline)
- Connie Purdue - 13 April 2006
- Conscious Roots - 23 May 2006
- Conscious Roots 2 - 9 May 2006
- Corrections Association of New Zealand - 21 May 2006
- Cory Hutchings - 1 May 2006
- Customs Officers' Association of New Zealand - 21 May 2006
[edit] D
- D.N.A. (Shapeshifter EP) - 00:22, May 25, 2006
- David Grove (Clean Language) - 13 April 2006
- David Lloyd (botanist) - 00:27, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
- David Russell (George Cross) - 14 June 2006 (unusual George Cross winner, another one that almost fell through the cracks))
- Dawn Raid All-Stars - 24 May 2006
- Dawn Raid Entertainment - 8 May 2006
- Death and the Maiden (Verlaines song) - 20 April 2006
- Dedicated '88-'91 - 23:46, May 30, 2006
- Disrespective - 07:11, June 2, 2006
- DJ Ali - 9 May 2006
- Dominic Bowden - 1 May 2006
- Don't Stop The Revolution (album) - 20 May 2006
- Down Time (song) - 8 May 2006
- Drifting (Salmonella Dub song) - 24 May 2006
- Dub Tomfoolery - 26 May 2006
- Dunedin College of Education - 05:02, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
- Dunedin Public Art Gallery - 07:35, 17 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] E
- Electric Earth - 14 May 2006
- Electric Earth & Other Elements: Remixes - 14 May 2006
- Electronomicon - 14 May 2006
- Elimination (album) - 8 May 2006
- Eyes On The Prize - 16 May 2006
[edit] F
- Fifi Colston - 06:46, June 7, 2006
- Firestone Employees Society - 21 May 2006
- First Edition (Dei Hamo album) - 23 May 2006
- Fish Tales/Swarthy Songs for Swabs - 23 May 2006
- Flex (Pitch Black EP) - 14 May 2006
- Flight Attendants and Related Services Association - 21 May 2006
- Flowergirls & cowgirls - 01:39, May 28, 2006
- Foetal impairment - 6 April 2006
- Fools Love - 04:34, June 6, 2006
- For the Love of It - 24 May 2006
- FreeView - 15 June 2006
- French Songs and Arias - 01:34, May 28, 2006
- Freshmen (Nesian Mystik album) - 24 May 2006
- Furniture, Manufacturing & Associated Workers Union - 21 May 2006
- Futureproof - 14 May 2006
[edit] G
- Geoffrey Fisken - 06:42, 8 June 2006 (UTC)
- Geographica (album) - 23:30, June 4, 2006
- Getting Stronger - 8 May 2006
- Golden (Rosita Vai album) - 10 May 2006
- Golden Dawn (Goldenhorse song) - 7 May 2006
- Golden Kiwis - The Hits Collection - 23 May 2006
- Good Morning (New Zealand show) - 3 May 2006
- Gunnera hamiltonii - 17 May 2006
[edit] H
- Haka of the All Blacks - 25 May 2006
- Halfway: Between Ape and Angel - 14 May 2006 (Pitch Black album)
- Halt All Racist Tours - 11 April 2006
- Hawke's Bay Rugby Union - 7 June 2006
- Hello, Love You, Goodbye - 04:31, May 23, 2006
- Herb Green - 17 May 2006
- Heretaunga Street - 10 June 2006
- Hero Parade - 09:58, 2 June 2006 (UTC)
- Homegrown (New Zealand Idol album) - 17 May 2006
- Homosexual Law Reform Act - 6 April 2006
- Hook Up - 24 May 2006
- Horopito, New Zealand - 03:42, 6 June 2006 (UTC)
- How Deep Is Your Love (Adeaze song) - 8 May 2006
[edit] I
- I Do Believe - 8 May 2006
- I Love You (Aaradhna album) - 8 May 2006
- Independent Schools Teachers Association of New Zealand - 21 May 2006
- Infinity (Deep Obsession album) - 31 May 2006
- Influence (Ardijah album) - 02:11, June 4, 2006
- Insanity Rock(s) - 31 May 2006
- Inside the Dub Plates - 24 May 2006
- Into The West - 31 May 2006
[edit] J
- Jake Adams - 01:27, May 25, 2006
- Jamoa Jam - 20 May 2006
- Jandals Away - 01:47, May 30, 2006
- Jane Kelsey - 08:14, 18 June 2006 (UTC)
- Jared Wrennall - 01:27, May 25, 2006
- Jesse Peach - 21 May 2006
- Jester (band) - 07:20, June 2, 2006
- John Rowles Hit Collection - 24 May 2006
- Johnny (Salmonella Dub song) - 24 May 2006
- Johnny Jones - 05:52, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
- Jolene Douglas - 3 May 2006
- Journey (Aere'anga) - 31 May 2006
- Juice TV: The Music Volume 01 - 23 May 2006
[edit] K
- Kaa Williams - 2 May 2006
- Kei A Wai Ra Te Kupu - 14 May 2006
- Keith Caldwell - 22:18, 7 June 2006 (UTC)
- Keith Hay - 11 April 2006
- Keeping on Pushing - 00:12, June 5, 2006
- Kickin' 8 - 03:50, April 18, 2006
- Kickin' 14 - 5 May 2006
- Killer Vision - 24 May 2006
- Kiri - The Best Of - 01:24, May 28, 2006
- Kiwi Classics Volume 5: The Eighties - 15 May 2006
- Kiwi Classics Volume 6 - 04:21, May 23, 2006
- Kiwi Pro Wrestling - June 11, 2006
- Kiwifruit (New Zealand show) - 02:34, May 30, 2006
- K'lee - 8 June 2006
[edit] L
- Lange v Australian Broadcasting Corporation - 08:20, 22 June 2006 (UTC)
- Lazy Sunday 4 - 22 May 2006
- Lazy Sunday 5 - 22 May 2006
- Legacy (Upper Hutt Posse album) - 23:42, May 30, 2006
- Leslie Munro - 25 May 2006
- Let's Get Inventin' - 02:32, May 30, 2006
- Lionel Terry - 04:21, 18 June 2006 (UTC)
- List of NZ railfan jargon - 28 May 2006
- Listen: The Very Best Of - 31 May 2006
- Live In Paradise - 01:50, May 28, 2006
- Logan Park, Dunedin - 07:35, 17 June 2006 (UTC)
- Lolly Cake - new in Jan 06 but tweaked 22:42 May 21, 2006 (UTC)
- Long White Cross - 02:02, April 2, 2006 (Pluto single)
- Love and Disrespect - 13 May 2006 (Elemeno P album)
- Love Your Ways - 24 May 2006
[edit] M
- Ma-V-Elle - 20 May 2006
- Ma Te Wa - 23:48, May 30, 2006
- Maddigan's Quest - 20 April 2006
- Mai Music Volume Seven - 00:42, May 25, 2006
- Major Flavours - Mixed, Cut Up & Destroyed by DJ Sir-Vere - 00:39, May 28, 2006
- Malvern Hills Protection Society 10:22, 18 June 2006 (UTC)
- Manu Rere - 2 May 2006
- Maori Songs - 01:30, May 28, 2006
- Maori Volcanics Showband - 05:15, May 23, 2006
- Maori Volcanics Showband 1967-2002 - 05:24, May 23, 2006
- Mareko (Here To Stay) - 8 May 2006
- Mareko Is The Future - 24 May 2006
- Maritime Union of New Zealand - 21 May 2006
- Matai Smith - 2 May 2006
- Matthew Palmer - 23 June 2006, found 4 January 2007
- Matthew Ridge - 1 May 2006
- Maybe Tomorrow (Goldenhorse song) - 7 May 2006
- Mayor of Hamilton, New Zealand - 20 April 2006
- Mayor of Taupo 11:31, 5 May 2006 (UTC)
- Meat Union Aotearoa - 21 May 2006
- Mercy (Salmonella Dub remix album) - 24 May 2006
- MF4: Major Flavours 04 - Mixed, Cut Up & Destroyed by DJ Sir-Vere - 23 May 2006
- MF5: Major Flavours 05 - Mixed, Cut Up & Destroyed by DJ Sir-Vere - 23 May 2006
- Michael Fowler Centre - 12 May 2006
- Minter Ellison Rudd Watts - 2 June 2006
- Miriam Soljak - 18 April 2006
- Misfits of Science (group) - 24 May 2006
- Moana (singer) - 31 May 2006
- Montage (Yulia album) - 00:20, May 31, 2006
- Moonshine (album) - 8 May 2006
- MOS Presents - 23 May 2006
- Murray Ken Hudson - 15 Jun 2006
- My Only - 15 May 2006
- Myrsine - 27 June 2006
[edit] N
- National Distribution Union - 21 May 2006
- Navigator (Che Fu album) - 31 May 2006
- Nesian Mystik - 8 May 2006
- Netherworld Dancing Toys - 15 May 2006
- New Zealand Air Line Pilots' Association - 21 May 2006
- New Zealand and South Seas International Exhibition (1925) - 07:35, 17 June 2006 (UTC)
- New Zealand blogosphere - 18 June 2006
- New Zealand Building Trades Union - 21 May 2006
- New Zealand Constitution Act 1852 - 08:06, 17 June 2006 (UTC)
- New Zealand Council of Trade Unions - 21 May 2006
- New Zealand Dairy Workers Union - 21 May 2006
- New Zealand Educational Institute - 21 May 2006
- New Zealand head tax - 21 May 2006
- New Zealand Masts - 30 April 2006
- New Zealand Meat & Related Trades Workers Union - 21 May 2006
- New Zealand music festivals - 25 April 2006
- New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention - 21 April 2006
- New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union - 21 May 2006
- New Zealand Wide Pro Wrestling - 17 June 2006
- New Zealand Writers Guild - 21 May 2006
- Ngatimoti - 17 June 2006
- Ngoi Ngoi - 22:24, June 15, 2006
- No. 2 (soundtrack) - 7 May 2006
- No Place To Land - 10 May 2006
- Northern Amalgamated Workers' Union - 21 May 2006
- Nothing New (Tadpole EP) - 31 May 2006
- Now That's What I Call Music 11 (N.Z. series) - 5 May 2006
- Now That's What I Call Music 12 (N.Z. series) - 5 May 2006
- Now That's What I Call Music 14 (N.Z. series) - 5 May 2006
- Now That's What I Call Music 15 (N.Z. series) - 5 May 2006
- NZ Merchant Service Guild Industrial Union of Workers - 21 May 2006
[edit] O
- Oath of Allegiance (New Zealand) - 31 May 2006
- Off The Hook² - 23 May 2006
- Old School Prankstas - 16 May 2006
- On the Sun - 7 May 2006 (The Black Seeds album)
- One Drop East - 24 May 2006
- One Road (Ben Lummis album) - 14 May 2006
- Onehunga Railway line - 05:54, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
- Operation Rescue New Zealand - 12 April 2006
- Otago University Debating Society (OUDS) - 15 June 2006
- Out Of My Head - 14 May 2006
- Out of the Moon - 7 May 2006 (Goldenhorse album)
- Oxygen of Love - 24 May 2006
[edit] P
- Paora Durie - 02:15, May 30, 2006
- Papatuanuku (Zuvuya album) - 04:52, May 31, 2006
- Paradise, New Zealand - 23:09, 26 May 2006 (UTC)
- Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis 06:19, 23 April 2006 (UTC)
- Peter Tait - 11 April 2006
- Phil Kerslake - 06:53, June 7, 2006
- Pipeline Under The Ocean (album) - 15 May 2006
- Pipi - 23 April 2006
- Pita Alatini - 8 June 2006
- Pitch Black (band) - 14 May 2006
- Playlist 1 - 5 May 2006
- Playlist 2 - 5 May 2006
- Polysaturated (Nesian Mystik album) - 24 May 2006
- Pop Eyed - 00:18, May 30, 2006
- Pop Life (Breathe album) - 20 May 2006
- Porpoise Bay, New Zealand - 19 May 2006
- Post Primary Teachers Association - 22 May 2006
[edit] Q
- QTV (New Zealand TV series) - 02:09, May 30, 2006
[edit] R
- Rail & Maritime Transport Union - 22 May 2006
- Raise My Kids - 01:45, May 30, 2006
- Raukumara Range - 22 May 2006
- Realtime (album) - 00:20, May 25, 2006
- Red Eye Society - 8 May 2006
- Redemption Hill - 02:00, May 30, 2006
- Redlight Syndrome - 16 May 2006
- Referendums in New Zealand - 22 May 2006
- Rhythm & Vines - 4 May 2006
- Richard Wild - 08:39, 1 April 2006 (UTC)
- Riddim Wise - 00:13, May 25, 2006
- Right Up Your Alley, Madam! - 04:40, May 23, 2006
- Ripapa Island - 1 June 2006
- Riverhead (album) - 7 May 2006 (Goldenhorse album)
- Roger Award - 05:40, 17 June 2006 (UTC)
- Roofers - 7 May 2006 (Breaks Co-op album)
- Rookie Vets - 02:05, May 30, 2006
- Rua (album) - 31 May 2006
[edit] S
- Sabine Crossen - 25 March 2006
- Sailing Away (All of Us song) - 23:51, June 15, 2006
- Sake Bomb (song) - 23:49, June 4, 2006
- Salmonella Dub (album) - 24 May 2006
- Samoana Soul - 20 May 2006
- Savage Honeymoon (soundtrack) - 15 May 2006
- Scarfies (soundtrack) - 22 May 2006
- Scoop (news website) - 13 April 2006
- Secrets (Opshop song) - 9 May 2006
- Sela Mahe - 01:31, May 1, 2006
- Sensing Murder - 04:22, May 15, 2006
- Serious Fraud Office (NZ) - 9 May 2006
- Service & Food Workers Union - 22 May 2006
- Set the Record Straight (Fast Crew album) - 23 May 2006
- Seventh Wave - 00:49, May 30, 2006
- Side By Side (Barry Crump song) - 22:32, June 15, 2006
- Silencer (Zed album) - 31 May 2006
- Sione's Wedding (soundtrack) - 8 May 2006
- Sisters Underground - 23:24, May 30, 2006
- Slice of Heaven - 23:00, June 15, 2006
- So You Wanna Be a Popstar? - 02:28, May 30, 2006
- Songs For The Kiwi Bloke - 22 May 2006
- Southern Amalgamated Workers' Union - 21 May 2006
- Southside Story - 24 May 2006
- Southside Story 2: International - 24 May 2006
- Spoken To (album) - 14 May 2006
- State Services Commission - 18 May 2006
- Status of the Unborn Child Bill - 1 April 2006
- Steve Gray - 06:34, June 7, 2006
- Stop, Drop and Roll - 8 May 2006
- Stuck Here for Days - 15 April 2006
- Styles (Shapeshifter EP) - 00:17, May 25, 2006
- Sue Nicholson - 06:49, June 7, 2006
- Sunshine (Alphrisk song) - 8 May 2006
- Sylvia Park - 9 June 2006
[edit] T
- Take A Chance - 31 May 2006
- Tama Mai Le Pasifika - 20 May 2006
- Taupo (NZ electorate) 06:45, 27 April 2006 (UTC)
- Taupo District Council 24 April 2006 (UTC)
- Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand - 23 March 2006
- Te Atirau Paki - 2 May 2006
- Te Kaea - 20 May 2006
- Te Reo Maori Remixes - 23:19, June 4, 2006
- Tequila Sunrise - The Best Of Annie Whittle - 9 May 2006
- The Best Kept Secret (album) - 8 May 2006
- The Bleeders (album) - 16 May 2006
- The Buddhafinger - 31 May 2006
- The Edgar Centre - 11 June 2006 (but only just discovered and wikified)
- The Fourmyula - 7 May 2006
- The Future (Jamoa Jam album) - 14 May 2006
- The Insider's Guide To Love - 02:46, May 30, 2006
- The Kiwi Folk Scene '65-'67 - 23 May 2006
- The Lost Children - 02:50, May 30, 2006
- The Mad Love - 16 May 2006
- The Maori Merchant of Venice (soundtrack) - 21 May 2006
- The Market (New Zealand show) - 02:41, May 30, 2006
- The Medusa - 31 May 2006
- The Otherside - 7 May 2006 (Breaks Co-Op single)
- The OUTHouse - 02:58, May 30, 2006
- The Rhythm vol. 10 - 5 May 2006
- The Rhythm vol. 11 - 5 May 2006
- The Rhythm vol. 21 - 5 May 2006
- The Rhythm vol. 22 - 5 May 2006
- The Rhythm vol. 23 - 5 May 2006
- The Rhythm vol. 24 - 5 May 2006
- The Rhythm vol. 25 - 5 May 2006
- The Rhythm vol. 4 - 5 May 2006
- The Sound Inside - 7 May 2006 (Breaks Co-Op album)
- The Strip Soundtrack - 22 May 2006
- The Very Best Of (Kiri Te Kanawa album) - 01:48, May 25, 2006
- The Zoo (show) - 03:03, May 30, 2006
- Theory Of Meaning - 8 May 2006
- They Don't Know - 01:58, April 2, 2006 (Savage & Aaradhna single)
- Things Like These - 20 May 2006
- This Little Empire - 31 May 2006
- Tim Selwyn - 6 June 2006
- Tim Youngson - 01:25, May 25, 2006
- Time (Ardijah album) - 31 May 2006
- Titi/Muttonbird Islands - 11:04, 16 May 2006 (UTC)
- Tom Newnham - 18 June 2006
- Top of the Pops (New Zealand TV series) - 03:11, May 30, 2006
- Top of the Pops 2005 (N.Z. compilation album) - 17 May 2006
- Top School in New Zealand - 24 June
- Topless Women Talk About Their Lives (soundtrack) - 15 May 2006
- Toru (album) - 31 May 2006
- Toss Woollaston - 11:08, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
- TranzAlpine - 21 May 2006
- Treasure Island (show) - 01:17, May 1, 2006
- Tribal Stomp II - 23 May 2006
- Trouble in Paradise (Elemeno P album) - 13 May 2006
- TV2 Stars - 00:30, May 25, 2006
- Tyson Kennedy - 01:24, May 25, 2006
[edit] U
- Unauthorised History of New Zealand - 02:55, May 30, 2006
- Underground Resistance (album) - 22 May 2006
- Unleashed 2005 - 04:58, May 23, 2006
[edit] V
- Valley Gridiron - 22 June 2006
- Veeshayne Armstrong - 6 May 2006
- Very Best Of Fourmyula - 7 May 2006
- Vicki Lin - 02:22, May 30, 2006
- Voice for Life - 6 April 2006
[edit] W
- Waianiwaniwa River - 10:23, 18 June 2006 (UTC)
- Wake Up Brother - 7 May 2006
- Walsh Brothers Flying Boats - 3 May 2006
- Watching You (song) - 8 May 2006
- Weed Of Wisdom - 04:47, May 31, 2006
- Wellington Improvisation Troupe - 10 May 2006
- Wellington Railway Station - 06:18, 4 May 2006 (UTC)
- White Sunday - 8 May 2006
- William Liley - 12 April 2006
- Winebox Inquiry - 8 May 2006
[edit] X
- X-Pats - 02:55, June 4, 2006
[edit] Y
- Yeti (New Zealand band) - 04:45, June 2, 2006
- Yokel (band) - 02:26, June 4, 2006
- You Are Here - 9 May 2006
- You Make The Whole World Smile - 22:53, June 15, 2006
- Ystervark - 02:39, June 4, 2006
[edit] Z
- Z Amigos (band) - 31 May 2006
- Zebedee (musician) - 31 May 2006
- Zebulun (band) - 31 May 2006
- Zillionaire (band) - 04:33, May 31, 2006
- Zuvuya - 04:43, May 31, 2006