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Node may mean:
- Node (botany), the place on a plant stem where a leaf is attached
- Node (physics), a spatial locus along a standing wave where the wave has minimal amplitude
- Node (telecommunications), an originating or terminating point of information transfer in a telecommunications network
- Node (networking), a device connected to a network, such as a computer or router
- Node (computer science), a basic unit used to build data structures, such as linked lists and tree data structures
- Node (circuits), a region in an electrical circuit where there is no change in potential
- Orbital node, one of two points where a body's orbit crosses the ecliptic, called the ascending node and descending node
- Lunar node
- Transport node
- Node (computer gaming), a particular style of adventure game
Node may also be:
- Artificial neuron, a basic unit in neural networks
- Vertex, one of the components of a graph
- A value that's used for function interpolation
Nodal may refer to:
- Nodal (protein), a protein involved in TGF beta signaling.
[edit] See also
- In other languages, the words for node and Knot are the same.[citation needed]