Van Wikipedia
Dutch text:
Description |
Deutsch: Schema möglicher Chromosomenmutationen.
English: Scheme of possible chromosome mutations.
Source |
Talking Glossary of Genetics. The pdf version from this web site was used as source for this image file. Several alterations have been made to the layout, captions were translated to German (c -> k in Duplication and Translocation).
Date |
According to document properties, the pdf file was last changed 20. July 1998. Downloaded from web and changes made as described on 28. November 2006.
Author |
Original author unknown. Changes as described by de:user:Dietzel65
Permission |
Citation from Web-site of original image: "All of the illustrations in the Talking Glossary of Genetics are freely available and may be used without special permission."
The person who made the changes described above is of the opinion that these changes are too trivial to justify copyright.
Other versions |
English Version: en:Image:Types-of-mutation.png. The English Version has same layout as Finish version |
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