Overleg:Slag bij Turnhout (1597)
Van Wikipedia
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The Spanish General determined to effect a retreat under cover of the night. Maurice set out in pursuit with his cavalry only, and a couple of hundred musketeers mounted behind the riders, less than 800 men in all. He came up with the enemy, just in time to prevent their making their escape behind a morass, and at once gave orders to charge. Varax did his utmost to draw up his wearied troops in order of battle ; but no time was given him, and the rout was complete. In half-an-hour all was over. Out of a force of some 4500 men, 2000 were killed, among them Varax himself; 500 prisoners were taken and 28 standards. Maurice lost only eight or ten men, and was back at the Hague within a week, having freed North Brabant and Zeeland from the incursions of the enemy.
Dit lijkt me moeilijk te rijmen met de tekst in dit artikel, maar die lijkt me ook niet helemaal uit de duim gezogen.
Dus ... wat is wijsheid?
Teun Spaans 22 dec 2006 21:03 (CET)