Tam lin
Van Wikipedia
Tam Lin is een Schots sprookje, dat gaat over de dochter van de eigenaar van landgoed Carterhaugh, Janet en haar aanvaring met de man die landgoed bewaakt, de half-elf Tam Lin. Tam Lin vraagt aan elk jong meisje dat het landgoed betreden wil tol, in de vorm van haar maagdelijkheid.
Hier is een, Engelse, versie van het sprookje Tam Lin:
- I forbid you maidens all
- that wear gold in your hair
- To travel to Carterhaugh
- for young Tam Lin is there
- None that go by Carterhaugh
- but they leave him a pledge
- Either their mantles of green
- or else their maidenheads.
- Janet tied her kirtle green
- a bit above her knee
- And she's gone to Carterhaugh
- as fast as go can she.
- She'd not pulled a double rose,
- a rose but only two
- When up then came young Tam Lin
- says "Lady pull no more"
- "And why come you to Carterhaugh
- without command from me?"
- "I'll come and go" young Janet said
- "And ask no leave of thee".
- Janet tied her kirtle green
- a bit above her knee
- And she's gone to her father
- as fast as go can she.
- Well up then spoke her father clear
- and he spoke meek and mild
- "Oh and alas Janet" he said
- "I think you go with child."
- "Well if that be so" Janet said
- "Myself shall bear the blame
- There's not a knight in all your hall
- shall get the baby's name.
- For if my love were an earthly knight
- as he is an elfin grey
- I'd not change my own true love
- for any knight you have."
- So Janet tied her kirtle green
- a bit above her knee
- And she's gone to Carterhaugh
- as fast as go can she.
- "Oh tell to me Tam Lin" she said
- "Why came you here to dwell?"
- "The Queen of Fairies caught me
- when from my horse I fell
- And at the end of seven years
- she pays a tithe to hell
- I so fair and full of flesh
- and fear'ed be myself
- But tonight is Halloween
- and the fairy folk ride,
- Those that would their true love win
- at mile's cross they must hide.
- First let pass the horses black
- and then let pass the brown
- Quickly run to the white steed
- and pull the rider down,
- For I'll ride on the white steed,
- the nearest to the town
- For I was an earthly knight,
- they give me that renown.
- Oh they will turn me in your arms
- to a newt or a snake
- But hold me tight and fear not,
- I am your baby's father.
- And they will turn me in your arms
- into a lion bold
- But hold me tight and fear not
- and you will love your child,
- And they will turn me in your arms
- into a naked knight
- But cloak me in your mantle
- and keep me out of sight".
- In the middle of the night
- she heard the bridle ring
- She heeded what he did say
- and young Tam Lin did win.
- Then up spoke the Fairy Queen,
- an angry Queen was she
- "Woe betide her ill-farred face,
- an ill death may she die
- Had I known Tam Lin" she said
- "This night I did see
- I'd have looked him in the eyes
- and turned him to a tree."