Christopher Tilley
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Christopher Y. Tilley er en britisk arkeolog og en ledende talsmann for post-prosessuell arkeologi.
Tilleys hovedverk innen arkeologisk teori ble skrevet sammen med hans elev Michael Shanks. Disse inkluderer ReConstructing Archaeology og Social Theory and Archaeology, begge fra 1987. Han har skrevet flere bøker og artikler om bruk av fenomenologi i arkeologi, inkludert hans nyeste bok The Materiality of Stone. Explorations in Landscape Phenomenology (Oxford 2004).
Tilley er for tiden professor i antropologi ved University College London.
[rediger] Publikasjoner
- The Materiality of Stone: Studies in Landscape Phenomenology 1
- The Dolmens and Passage Graves of Sweden. Archetype Books, London. 1999
- Metaphor and Maerial Culture. Blackwell, Oxford. 1999
- An Ethnography of the Neolithic. Early Prehistoric Societies in Southern Scandinavia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996
- A Phenomenology of Landscape. Berg, Oxford. 1994
- Interpretative Archaeology. Berg, Oxford 1993
- Material Culture and Text: The Art of Ambiguity. Routledge, London. 1991
- Reading Material Culture. Blackwell, Oxford. 1990
- Domination and Resistance. Unwin-Hyman, London. 1989 (med M. Rowlands og D. Miller)
- Social Theory and Archaeology. Polity Press. Cambridge. 1987 (med M. Shanks)
- Re-Constructing Archaeology: Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press. 1987 (med M. Shanks).
- Ideology, Power and Prehistory. Cambridge University Press. 1984 (med D. Miller)
- An Assessment of the Scanian Battle-Axe Tradition: Towards a Social Perspective. Scripta Minora, Lund. 1982
- Post-Glacial Communities in the Cambridge Region: Some Theoretical Approaches to Settlement and Subsistence. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford. 1979