Diskusjon:Greensted Church
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi
Er det ikke sært å bruke et annet navn på en engelsk kirke enn hva man gjør på engelsk Wikipedia? --Finn Bjørklid 20. feb 2006 kl.23:09 (UTC)
[rediger] Please change the title
Hello (I hope someone there speaks English!)
Please change the title of this article! It is ridiculous to call it St. Andrew's Church, as there are thousands of St. Andrew's churches in the UK, particularly Scotland, and elsewhere in the world. A Google search on "St Andrew's church" comes up with 226,000 pages!!!
"Greensted church" would be a better title, or "St. Andrew's (church), Greensted, Essex". SiGarb (contributor to English Wikipedia) 20. feb 2006 kl.23:26 (UTC)
- I was thinking the same thing; I'll fix it now. Cnyborg 20. feb 2006 kl.23:42 (UTC)